• I few comments:

    I see on the wall you printed my Great War map and the expansion map for Africa.

    Have to played a game and also what version of the rules did you use?  We are at like 12.0

    Also, the map you printed on the table is not really AARHE, but can i assume you are using the map along with the rules for AARHE 4.0?

  • @coachofmany

    Because of the good quality of the map from Imperious Leader we could
    realise the size of this great map. We wait wishfully for the global map 1940
    (AAP & AAE)

    @Imperious Leader

    Yes the great war map is awesome too but we played it only a few times with
    rules 9.0. did you have any link with the new rules pls? this forum is a little wired
    for us german krauts :-D

    You’re right this is the wrong post because i didnt find your original AA50 map post,
    we play this map with the original rules from the aniversary edition and some other

    Greetings from great Bavaria

    Streifenkarl and Balu97

    (And now we quit, we go to the Oktoberfest :) )

  • http://www.mediafire.com/?ttny4vzydyl

    This is most current. I have a new version but its not finished yet.

  • @Streifenkarl:


    Because of the good quality of the map from Imperious Leader we could
    realise the size of this great map. We wait wishfully for the global map 1940
    (AAP & AAE)

    @Imperious Leader

    Yes the great war map is awesome too but we played it only a few times with
    rules 9.0. did you have any link with the new rules pls? this forum is a little wired
    for us german krauts :-D

    You’re right this is the wrong post because i didnt find your original AA50 map post,
    we play this map with the original rules from the aniversary edition and some other

    Greetings from great Bavaria

    Streifenkarl and Balu97

    (And now we quit, we go to the Oktoberfest :) )

    WOW Streifenkarl, that is just AWESOME!!

    How did you print that map so big (or where did you do that) and what did it cost?

    Also, where did you get that miniatures from?



  • @ Imperious Leader

    thank you for the link, we try to play it with those rules because atm we play only
    the global map 1940.


    we printed the map by a online poster-print-shop like posterjack.com (Germany)
    and costs 250euros, the whole project (map, table, miniatures, special A&A Dice
    and some other little stuff) costs much more than 1500 euros.

    The miniatures are from the whole world, we’ve buy’d a lot in US ebay, from Japan
    and some shops like http://www.tabletop-store.com/kat/Axis-&-Allies-Miniatures-C1283.html,
    the problem is to find the smaler miniatures from the different countrie’s, primary the most tanks are too
    big for the map wo we bought first some Booster Packs and Starter Packs to see the dimensions from
    the miniatures.
    Next problem is to find the transport ships of all the different countrie’s, these are very rare also all german
    miniatures, these are the favorite ones for you american guys  :-D

  • What does this mean?

    “play it with those rules because atm”

  • @Streifenkarl:

    @ Imperious Leader

    thank you for the link, we try to play it with those rules because atm we play only
    the global map 1940.


    we printed the map by a online poster-print-shop like posterjack.com (Germany)
    and costs 250euros, the whole project (map, table, miniatures, special A&A Dice
    and some other little stuff) costs much more than 1500 euros.

    The miniatures are from the whole world, we’ve buy’d a lot in US ebay, from Japan
    and some shops like http://www.tabletop-store.com/kat/Axis-&-Allies-Miniatures-C1283.html,
    the problem is to find the smaler miniatures from the different countrie’s, primary the most tanks are too
    big for the map wo we bought first some Booster Packs and Starter Packs to see the dimensions from
    the miniatures.
    Next problem is to find the transport ships of all the different countrie’s, these are very rare also all german
    miniatures, these are the favorite ones for you american guys  :-D

    Thanks for the quick reply Streifenkarl!

    So you use miniatures from the starter/booster packs and the rest you find on ebay, is that correct?

    And I’m from Die Niederlande by the way ;)

    Vielen dank,


  • @Imperious:

    What does this mean?

    “play it with those rules because atm”

    “atm” = at the moment


    yes the most we found on ebay.com and on some stores, google for axis&allies miniatures shop and you find some shops for this.

    Niederlande nice, we are neighbors :)

  • And I’m from Die Niederlande by the way ;)

    Good to see another dutchie!

  • I am searching for a file of the A&A1942 sec.ed. map to get my own enlarged version of it printed.

    Can someone help me?


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