Retreating Transports (was: Amphib Assault Question)

  • Can remaining transports in a sea battle retreat AFTER all their escorts have perished in the seas battle? Or are they sunk?

    Scenario: America comes to Gibraltar with 2 Cruiser, 3 Destroyers and 5 loaded transports. The Axis have 2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer and 2 subs. The Axis get lucky and sink ALL the Allied war ships. The Axis has 1 Cruiser left.


    1 - Can the transports retreat at this point or are they sunk?

    2 - If they can retreat, don’t they have to have a Warship with them?

    3 - Where in the rule book is either of these stated? I can’t seem to find it.


  • @DocFav said in Amphib Assault Question:

    Can remaining transports in a sea battle retreat AFTER all their escorts have perished in the seas battle? Or are they sunk?

    Attacking transports can retreat after every round of combat provided there is some enemy unit left to retreat from and a retreat route has been established during Combat Move phase.

    Scenario: America comes to Gibraltar with 2 Cruiser, 3 Destroyers and 5 loaded transports. The Axis have 2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer and 2 subs. The Axis get lucky and sink ALL the Allied war ships. The Axis has 1 Cruiser left.


    1 - Can the transports retreat at this point or are they sunk?

    The Allied transports after that round of combat still face an Axis cruiser. So they can retreat to a valid retreat space.

    2 - If they can retreat, don’t they have to have a Warship with them?

    The autodestruction rules refer in general only to defending transports. As attacking transports usually have the option to retreat. There is no rule that requires a warship to accompany the transports when retreating.

    3 - Where in the rule book is either of these stated? I can’t seem to find it.

    Rulebook Europe 1940 SE (Renegade print):

    • page 20: Defenseless Transports box
    • page 20: Step 6 Retreat rules

    And by the way: This is valid for every sea battle - and not only for Amphibious Assault preceeding sea battles.

  • @Panther


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