New TripleA Map UHD World War II Global

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    @barnee Ok dude I shot the image files to your email for the base and relief. I didn’t run it through the utilities cause wasn’t sure how far you got reworking the polys/place. Basically just need to shift that TT connection in the polygrabber and then shift the place for the sz number graphic.

    Sorry it took forever, got covid and it laid me out for like a week solid. Still on the mend. Had to wrangle the technology cause I got a new laptop over the holidays. Usual lagmaster. Anyhow these should have you sorted hopefully.

    To do it for the other map, basically you just want to draw the selection marquee around the thing you want to copy over in gimp, delete that section from the old relief and paste in the new. For your expansion boxes relief map I mean. I think that’s the easiest cause there’s like a 2 px gap right at the border transition. Might catch I little artifacting jank where the old line was, like at 200% mapview in triple 2.6, but I tried to knock it back as best I could. We can clean it up with the clonestamp or whatever, but hopefully not too rough for a quickie. Let me know if you get in the weeds, and I can have a look at it in a day or so when I’m less dizzy haha.



    Best Elk

  • @Black_Elk Right Arm ! Thanks Brother ! Heal up !

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Black_Elk Making progress. Just gotta remember how I did it lol

    Forgot place and I’m not even high lol

    Screenshot from 2024-01-19 18-18-05.png


    OK looks like success. I will update to git shortly.

    Screenshot from 2024-01-19 19-37-17.png

    Sadly, still can’t get it to play in the lobby or DL with 2.6. Issue is known about or at least the DL part. So just PBF or local. Idk if a private host would work for lobby or not.

    See some recent work has been done, so hopefully these issues will be resolved soon.

    Anyway, Thanks again @Black_Elk Star I’d still be struggling :) I need to learn how to do it eventually though or maybe i should say hopefully lol

    I will struggle with boxes next :)

    P Out

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Update to 2.9

    Change Log UHD:

    Fix 122 Sea Zone Connection.

    You may Download with 2.5 under “Experimental” or directly from Github

  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • Please forgive if I am repeating others
    Playing my first game, starting this month

    A few suggestions/observations

    Border between Amur/Korea is so small it could be missed

    You know what? My others seem to be cleared up on a different computer (being able to see units and counts in the combat box)

    Nov and Tsi has a really tiny border, but not as severe as Korea/Amur

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @gamerman01 yea for battles with lots of units you may need to widen the battle window so it shows the numer of units. There is some cropping in certain situations do to the larger unit size.

    As with most things new, there is an adjustment period. I think 2-3 games and it started to play easier for me.

    will ping @Black_Elk for any map concerns. I know he redrew Korea several times :)

    I’ll add a notification about the battle window for next update. I thought I already had but that was a different map :)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    I’m in round 1 of my first game of UHD

    I notice UK airbases have RAF roundel for the flag, while all other? UK units have the Union Jack

    Indian facilities have a variation of the Union Jack in the details (on the right - territory tab)

    On India, the major complex has no flag, airbase has RAF roundel, and naval base has Union Jack

    Syria border with Zone 98 is very small

    Kuwait is drawn, looks cool but isn’t on G40 map. In Triple A is labeled East Persia so could be a problem

    Just calling attention…

  • @gamerman01

    yeah I’m trying to recall if I have a second set of bases units somewhere without any markers. Initially I thought it might be cool to have the naval ensigns for the naval bases and the air roundels or the ABs. But then I thought that might be a bit busy/confusing, and there are some inconsistencies there, cause G’s roundel is invented with the red added in, Japan’s follows a different convention coming off the little cardboard markers too stuff of that sort. I decided to switch the flag roundels inside the DoW menus to follow Frostion’s scheme, but for the ABs left those, since I figured they’d be sorta familiar and recall some of the other maps like the v3.

    The tricky part was that the way G40 in tripleA handles tech for bases is different than AA50, and there are damaged versions of each. For the ICs I think there are something like 30 graphics needed for each nation, which was kinda tedious so I ended up just going generic so it’d be easier for me to knock it out hehe. I tried to leave some space in case people want to remove/switch stuff around there, since the unit graphics is a little easier to tweak/substitute out, more than stuff drawn directly on the map relief. I think there might be a set in that one I did for the Dogs command decision map for alts. The handling of the UK pacific stuff is also a little weird, just cause of the way it’s coded, has some definite redundancy.

    I agree some of those borders are bit of a stretch, probably needs another pass to clean it up some once we crush the bugs and make sure the connections are all sorted. It would have been a lot easier I think if I’d just started with the G40 instead of trying to redraft a different map I was making for this purpose hehe.

    I wasn’t quite sure if the whole Kuwait/Trucial coast idea would actually work, as I was trying to find a way to make it look a little more accurate without upending too much stuff by just associating it with a neighboring territory. But then the way the tiles are labelled in tripleA G40 made that a little tough. I had already laid down the divisions there for the other map, so just kinda ported em over. I borrowed the idea from this video, where tiger mentioned it as a way to sneak in some missing TTs for the overall visual without necessarily needing to add new tiles. The thought being that by the end of the first turn it would likely come under the British aegis for the look.

    I thought the overall idea there was pretty novel, but not sure if I executed it in the most elegant way. For the other borders, probably would easiest just kinda blow it out a few more pixels for any of those spots that cut it a bit close. Mostly it was corrections to stretch a border that got tweaked when I was porting over the GCD stuff.

    Anyhow cool feedback! Maybe I can shake off this BG3 obsession for a few weekends to doctor it up some, if there are players now. It’s been flying under the radar for a while now. Like I totally just pawned it off on barnee there, cause I knew I’d got all lazy stomping around in Faerun till the end of time haha.

    Keep em coming! We’ll get it sorted one or another

    Best Elk

  • @Black_Elk Do I need to play Baldur’s Gate 3?? My daughter talks about it.
    I loved 1 years ago, do not like it on the playstation (controls)
    Dove into 2 but only halfway because my inventory was full of stuff like +4 flame shields and there were just too many things going on for me!

  • OK, this one should be easy.

    I was trying to figure out where my German army went (I’m playing I1)
    Germany territory starts with 1 infantry in UHD but is supposed to have 11. All else seems correct.

    Guess we don’t need a bid after all! ;)

    I’ll just edit it for my game.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    @gamerman01 I wish I could rock a controller, cause I find it a little more relaxing for the exploration, but then I’m a Y Axis invert, and for some reason couldn’t get that to work properly. On PC I was able to pull it off by going into the Big Picture settings. I’m a diehard BG1 nut, so of course I have a million thoughts on Larian’s approach and many critiques. In the end I made peace with it though, just because I think it’s doing a lot of heavy lifting to get the youngblood back into this stuff. Like I’m an ancient dinosaur, but I knocked around on twitch for a few, and discovered to my amazement that there are like a million kids playing a Baldur’s Gate game right now, and then it sweeps all the awards and such, so for that they get my love.

    I hopped into the EA the second I learned about it, so they got like all my feedback there lol (you know I’m born rambler haha), but it was low key torture for some months just waiting on the new stuff to drop in Early Access. I think if I was going in blind right now, I might wait until they drop whatever Definitive Edition of the thing to iron out all the kinks, but yeah I had a grand old time. New fangled 5e not withstanding, it definitely scratched some kind of itch for me.

    Larian boards can be rough though, I think they must be getting DOS’d just constantly cause I get a lot of gateway timeouts over there. As an alternative is pretty cool for a hangout. I believe Julius and the gang set it up back when the beamdog boards went down that one time, so some BG1/2 players over there and a fair bit of A&A crossover fandom which was cool.

    I keep wishing A&A might somehow stage a similarly glorious comeback, but honestly I think we need to do way more work to appeal to women and girls before that happens. To me there’s nothing in the game itself or the WW2 theme that should make A&A a total boys club, even though we know toy soldiers have always been sorta marketed that way. The combat mechanics and such, these are all abstract and really fun to tease out, a definite A&A strong suit, so I think there’s no reason why it wouldn’t work. But when I compare the strides made in D&D, or stuff like Dragon Age to bring that demographic into the fold, then I look at A&A and of course we’re all greybeards lol. I swear, there’s gotta be a way, like even small steps, down to things like the game manual and the art. Who knows maybe it starts with the daughters and the dads! And Becca Scott and just kinda attending to that idea a little bit more, so we don’t get left in the lurch sans half the population. More stuff like this for a start, they had the right idea in 2019, but just keeping with that and trying to chip away at some of the barriers to entry on that front.


    Oh right on! Have a blast! Catch you guys next round

  • Certifiably hard core, you are

  • Sorry for not making a list, I’d rather post 'em as I see 'em

    Border of France to North Italy is really small…

  • @gamerman01 yea the Wehrmacht looking a little light lol I’ll go through the entire setup in case there are any others. Not sure how that happened :)

  • @barnee Rest is mostly likely good because I proved the TUV’s compared to map we’ve had

  • @gamerman01 right on Good call on the TUV check. I’ll bust out a update

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Update to Version 2.91

    Version 2.91

    Change Log UHD:

    Correct Starting German Infantry Total in Germany.

    Download Instructions in First Post.

  • Sorry if you don’t want piecemeal…

    I’m on G3 and I see it’s really easy to miss Vyborg/115 boundary.

  • @gamerman01

    Sounds good! Piecemeal is cool - I made a quick list from the suggestions. Good lookin’ out. I think it makes sense too, especially if zooming out all the way. Display for mine caps out at 18%. I was mostly somewhere between 50% and 80% trying to kinda eyeball, but some of those skinners got kinda skinny there with the stretch. I also get some hot fuzz if I zoom in past like 120% or thereabouts, I can’t imagine ever needing to go that big unless someone had like giant flatty screen or a projector or something. I kinda wish I’d done the base at 16000px cause that would have been nice if unit upscaling past 125% ever got sorted, but I think would take forever at this point to draw that again at 1px, so probably just gotta keep rocking with this one. Hopefully I can run through the base and widen things up a little for those tight spots. It’s already pretty distorted anyway, so just kinda noodlin’ the last mile for an ok read at a glance seems sensible. Then maybe another pass on the units or something if I can rally. Or someone swoops the torch on that hehe. Catch ya next round dude!

  • Great, thanks for the reply, I’m relieved because I don’t want to sound critical or complaining. Especially when someone made a work of art, putting lots of hours into it.

    Is all meant in the spirit of constructive criticism. I’m trying to only bring up things I think are significant -

    Happy gaming,

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