@fasthard Yes. Needs to block Gibraltar.
L22 Pejon_88 (X) vs. Gamerman01 (A+15), BM4, game #2
OK, my gut says this is crazy and will back fire, but my head says it’s smart.
Kamikaze at 6? Scramble to 6? :O :O
Actually it might be the other way around! My head says it’s crazy but my gut says it’s smart. Not sure!
@pejon_88 said
@gamerman01 No problem. It’s your turn now so I can’t affect things much.
That’s the way I think too, but don’t know you yet. But when I imagine my old arch-nemesis calling shots like that and then doing different (even if I didn’t have a turn in between) sometimes that wasn’t nice. Gets you prepared for one scenario, and then it doesn’t happen…
Anyway! I still think it’s coming :p
@gamerman01 Hmm, interesting move! Only 1 kami please.
@gamerman01 Yeah, I understand that view but what it only really does is giving your opponent the chance to consider one scenario that he might had otherwise missed.
I like being interesting, thanks!
Will roll the dice but leaving for a big weekend trip seeing my family so will not even finish the rest of the turn until at least Sunday night -
Kamikaze and sub missed, but the Iwo guy pounded me. Appropriate, I guess.
@gamerman01 Hope you’ll have a great weekend :)
Thank you, it was pretty great. Home safe and sound and back to work - yay
Still need to do UK3 - break time over right now
Scramble to Zone 97?
@gamerman01 Ok, great!
@gamerman01 Yes, believe the smart is to scramble. 3 figs.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure what you’d do - but scrambling gives you a chance that I have a disaster, and if you didn’t you’d probably have clean-up duty, so good call, sir
Well, the dice made me look stupid - disaster! Everything just got a lot harder for me :confounded:
As a courtesy to save you the trouble of looking, you won with 2 fighters and the battleship remaining
Again, good setup, and good call on the scrambling!
Oh. I just looked back because I couldn’t remember if I had good luck before. I destroyed everything in zone 95 on UK1 without losing anything, so this maybe evens it out - those 2 evil subs are now at the bottom of the Adriatic
Aaaannnnd, you probably remember I almost lost 96 but didn’t, so this makes me feel better about Italian fighters terrorizing the middle east, Africa, and Russia in the near future :expressionless:
Not to mention your disasters on G1 in the first game - OK, I had this coming, and maybe deserve more punishment in the future! :grimacing:
And 5 German planes lost in 93… OK, I definitely can’t complain. Hope you don’t mind all the posts - I know I’M having fun…