got 1 hit, damaged your bb. 3 more hits. casualties?
OK, my gut says this is crazy and will back fire, but my head says it’s smart.
Kamikaze at 6? Scramble to 6? :O :O
Actually it might be the other way around! My head says it’s crazy but my gut says it’s smart. Not sure!
@pejon_88 said
@gamerman01 No problem. It’s your turn now so I can’t affect things much.
That’s the way I think too, but don’t know you yet. But when I imagine my old arch-nemesis calling shots like that and then doing different (even if I didn’t have a turn in between) sometimes that wasn’t nice. Gets you prepared for one scenario, and then it doesn’t happen…
Anyway! I still think it’s coming :p
@gamerman01 Hmm, interesting move! Only 1 kami please.
@gamerman01 Yeah, I understand that view but what it only really does is giving your opponent the chance to consider one scenario that he might had otherwise missed.
I like being interesting, thanks!
Will roll the dice but leaving for a big weekend trip seeing my family so will not even finish the rest of the turn until at least Sunday night
Kamikaze and sub missed, but the Iwo guy pounded me. Appropriate, I guess.
@gamerman01 Hope you’ll have a great weekend :)
Thank you, it was pretty great. Home safe and sound and back to work - yay
Still need to do UK3 - break time over right now
Scramble to Zone 97?
@gamerman01 Ok, great!
@gamerman01 Yes, believe the smart is to scramble. 3 figs.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure what you’d do - but scrambling gives you a chance that I have a disaster, and if you didn’t you’d probably have clean-up duty, so good call, sir
Well, the dice made me look stupid - disaster! Everything just got a lot harder for me :confounded:
As a courtesy to save you the trouble of looking, you won with 2 fighters and the battleship remaining
Again, good setup, and good call on the scrambling!
Oh. I just looked back because I couldn’t remember if I had good luck before. I destroyed everything in zone 95 on UK1 without losing anything, so this maybe evens it out - those 2 evil subs are now at the bottom of the Adriatic
Aaaannnnd, you probably remember I almost lost 96 but didn’t, so this makes me feel better about Italian fighters terrorizing the middle east, Africa, and Russia in the near future :expressionless:
Not to mention your disasters on G1 in the first game - OK, I had this coming, and maybe deserve more punishment in the future! :grimacing:
And 5 German planes lost in 93… OK, I definitely can’t complain. Hope you don’t mind all the posts - I know I’M having fun…