This sounds incredibly interesting to me. I am all about flexibility in games as it keeps you interested in them. That is what I am attempting with my Global variant map and house rules with it. Except I am only doing WWII as it is what I have available, and due to limited funds and limited experience I am not willing to undertake something like this on my own… yet. But this sounds incredibly interesting. If there is anything I can do to help out let me know. Assuming this goes beyond an idea
Sci-fi themed A&A like games?
Each of the units will have its own distinct abilities. For example Interceptors are there to intercept other fighters, and get First Strike on the first round of combat against them. Strike Fighters would provide ground units with a +1 Attack bonus when paired with them. Recon drones would grant +1 Attack bonus during the next turn, etc. -
If I get time this weekend, I’ll start fleshing this out a bit more, and working on a table listing unit costs and special abilities. I also want to look around and see what it’ll cost me to have a map printed up. What I’d like to do is make a “generic” space map, and print overlays, on cardstock, that can be placed on the map and used for planetary systems. I figure that will give a little more playability. But, I also want to have “space lanes” on the map, which are basically known routes of travel though space, that starships would use.
Another idea I had was that planets would have “tech levels”. Planets with higher tech levels would have better gear and would get attack and defense bonuses.
And just out f curiosity, how’s all this stuff sound?
Sounds good in theory seeing it will show a lot, like even a quick video on a turn run through once u have a concept. I think simple is best. I like the idea of axis and allies in space if it isn’t anymore complex. Others may feel differently.
@slip-capone I’m not trying to make it super complicated, as there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. I’m thinking combat would work much like A&A, or any of the similar games. D12 for combat, place units on a battle board, roll lower than your Attack or Defense, remove casualties. Movement points are “spent” for each move through a “space zone”. Orbital Assaults onto planets would be handled similar to Amphibious Assaults. I’ figure anyone familiar with A&A, GW 40, GW 36, etc. would be able to pick it up fairly quickly.
@dsumner Yeah nice.
Quite intriguing. It does allow for more creative freedom in my book, without having to replicate the historical mechanics. You can make whatever features you would like. Maybe one for an AI war, or one in the Matrix (I’m just saying it to give an example of a war within computers whilst still having stakes).
I’m going to be tinkering around with this over the next few weeks to work out some kinks. After that I’ll dig out some of my old space ship minis to give my initial draft a playtest. If it works out okay, I’ll post the results for you guys to read over and comment on.
@superbattleshipyamato I spent a little time working on this today. At the moment I’m working up ideas for the various Factions. I’d like to have 3-5 “Major” Factions, a few minor, and several Neutrals. Two of the Major Factions will be the Terrain Federation and the Vax Imperium (I’m got to work up some background fluff for all these guys to give them a bit of flavor).
I’m also working up a table listing out all the units I’d like to have, their attack, defense, movement and cost, as well as any special abilities they’d have. I’m also tinkering around with rules for conducting Orbital Assaults. The way I’m figuring this would go is that units attempting to make an assault would have to take out planetary defenses first (Starships in orbit, any other off-world defenses, such as fighters or defense satellites), then deal with the planet’s innate planetary defenses, then the assault would take place (Marines get a +1 Attack during Orbital Assaults, while Jump Infantry get a +2, but have chance to be “Dispersed” during their drop). FSVs and the various types of Cruisers would get one round of Planetary Bombardment to “soften” up defenses (a First Strike attack to destroy ground units).
On the starship side of the house, I’m playing around with a couple of ideas. The first one being multi-turn construction for larger ships, Space Docks, Space Stations, Starbases, and few others. I’m also toying with the idea of Task Forces. Basically if you have a “Task Force” consisting of a Carrier, a Destroyer, a Frigate, and some type of Cruiser, you’d get a +1 Defense bonus.
And if it’s not to much to ask, if this stuff sounds interesting to you guys, let me know, as the feedback is much appreciated.
Sounds great! The similarities are definitely there and I’m excited for what the lore is.
Sounding good mate.
Not sure if this is something you are thinking of but one thing I like in Axis and Allies and other games is either a built in timer like D-Day (turns)/original pacific (victory points) or a time limit of 4-4:30 hours like Revised tournament rules at WBC (I love their victory territories system).
D-Day is fine, but as long as such a timer is part of the official rules and not house rules, I’m fine with it.
@slip-capone At the moment, I’m going with a set number of turns (I’m thinking 12-15 tops), with each turn being roughly equal to 6 months of real time. I may tinker around with Victory Points, where each space sector and certain planets would be worth points. I’ll play around with it a bit. I’ve got to did out some of my old starship minis from storage and I also need to work up a map to play all of this out on.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jul 6, 2022, 12:26 AM
@dsumner cant be 6 months, space does not revolve around earth time. Re create 1942 spaces with the types of ships set up like that game, values will be D12, movement same. Space carriers will need to cost more and take 4 fighters, and or bombers. use the same IPC values for star systems as 1942, the empty sea zones with be just empty space
@imperious-leader Each turn being 6 Months is just there as time frame players would be familiar with, as I’m trying not to make things to complicated. Empty space will be empty space. Combat will be resolved with a D12. I’m also playing around with giving units and Electronic Warfare rating. You’d have to detect units to engage them in combat, but if I can’t work it out, I’ll drop the idea. Unit cost is still being worked out, but larger ships and units (Battlecruisers, Space Carriers, Orbital Assault Ships, Star Bases, etc.) are going to cost more and take several turns to build. Space Carriers are going to be able to carry up to (3) Starcraft and a drone unit. Escort carriers can carry (1) Starcraft and a Drone, and Drone Carriers can carry up to (3) Drones (all of this is still in a VERY rough form and may change over time).
@dsumner said in Sci-fi themed A&A like games?:
Each turn being 6 Months is just there as time frame players would be familiar with, as I’m trying not to make things to complicated
Just make each turn a “turn”/“round” of the game. No need to attach an arbitrary time to it. Even a turn/round timeframe in A&A is debated (I personally don’t see it as any set amount of real-world time, others see it as a set number of months, etc).
@iwillnevergrowup said in Sci-fi themed A&A like games?:
@dsumner said in Sci-fi themed A&A like games?:
Each turn being 6 Months is just there as time frame players would be familiar with, as I’m trying not to make things to complicated
Just make each turn a “turn”/“round” of the game. No need to attach an arbitrary time to it. Even a turn/round timeframe in A&A is debated (I personally don’t see it as any set amount of real-world time, others see it as a set number of months, etc).
I would have to agree with this.
@slip-capone As I’ve said, all of this up in the air, as nothing is set in stone yet.
I did a bit more tinkering on this over the past weekend. I’m in the process of working up the various factions as well as reading back through some of the comments you guys have made. I think I’m going with the idea of there being no specific time frame for game turns and a set number of turns per game (I’m thinking 12-15 turns per game, but I’d have to see how everything actually works out). On the faction side of the house, I’m thinking 3-5 major factions, and if another player jumps in, 3-5 minor factions and some neutrals. The minor factions could align themselves with one of the majors. One other idea I’m been giving some thought to is “Tech Levels”. More advanced cultures would get an attack or defense bonus vs. ones with less advanced tech, but I might drop the idea if it complicates things to much.
Different technological progress between civilisations is possible. Maybe some minor ones are weaker than major ones, and other minor ones have many benefits, but few units.