The kicker with spending money on PC’s…
No matter how high end you go, you are still outdated in less than 2 years, obsolete in 3, and just about SOL in 4; unless you are able to do some major upgrades along the way, but even then it is a brief extension.
And to be honest, other than high end gaming or video editting, you really do nto need a super powerful system. For Office type applictions, you can actually go bargain basement.
For example. that Celeron system I just replaced… 4 1/2 years old. Was low-end when I bought it, but still was completely viable as an office machine. Had I not had 2 major viral induced crashes over the years, I probably would not have even replaced it now. Except for Games, and that it was slower than you can imagine emptying the digital cam…
And with laptops, you have to add one other factor in… theft.
So, rather than go for all the bells and whistles on a laptop, get a viable one, and replace it in 2 years with another viable unit. You’ll save a few thousand dollars, and not really be out any functionality, except at the highest end apps.