Global 1940 Combat Engineer Unit

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Markers for use with Combat Engineer units have been attached to the first post on this thread.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The rules concerning Combat Engineer units have been updated.

    A few rules clarifications are incorperated in the rules - and the defense factor is decreased to “2”.

    The updated rule is attached at the first post on this thread.

  • @The-Captain Right on. So it can’t move a Arty in CM and get supported now ?

    During the Combat phase, the Combat Engineer unit
    can be supported by an Artillery unit, and thereby
    attack at “2”.
    This Artillery unit can be “transported” by the
    Combat Engineer unit during the Combat Movement
    phase – or the Artillery unit could come from
    another space – and support the Combat Engineer

    Would have 0 Attack Factor ?

    When a Combat Engineer unit performs tasks no. 1,
    2, 4, 5 and 6 the Combat Engineer unit’s attack
    factor is eliminated.
    In other words: a Combat Engineer unit cannot
    attack when it performs another task – except task
    no. 3: Blitz Movement.
    It can however be chosen as cannon-fodder. ed-text

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The rules concerning Combat Engineer units have been re-clarified.

    The latest updated rule is attached at the first post on this thread.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Combat Engineer units was used with great succes during the 3rd Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con.

    Game Reports with pictures will soon be posted at the Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Report Thread

  • @The-Captain All 3 LMs have to be placed on the same border correct ? I thought I saw that somewhere but don’t see it in this thread or the pdf

    1. Landmines:
      During the Non-Combat Movement phase, a Combat
      Engineer unit can move up to 3 un-armed
      Landmines – at a distance of up to 2 spaces – and
      place those Landmines directly at any border/line –
      even if this territory has been captured during this

  • @barnee

    True - the Mines must be placed at the same border/line.

    This will be specified in the updated rules for the Combat Engineer unit.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The use of Combat Engineer units is mostly used by Germany.

    Based on the 9 most recent Global 1940 games it seems that when the Soviet Union begins to produce Mines - Germany simultaneously begins the production of Combat Engineer units.

    In order to reduce the effectiveness of the German Combat Engineer units, we usually experience that the Soviet Union simply increases the production of Mines - and spread them over a vast number of lines.

  • @The-Captain yea I’ve noticed that unless you move in strength with them, they are susceptible to soviet counterattacks in tradeable TTys.

    Now that they only D2, less chance of taking someone with them when they get slayed.

    A cool unit. I’ve been using them more for both the Reich and SSR lately

  • Re: Global 1940 Combat Engineer Unit Happy Friday from Texas Mr. Cap! One question and two observations for the Combat Engineer Unit.

    1. First observation: Bravo for this addition. Really adds a whole additional layer of strategy to the HRE as they have very unique capabilities to add to one’s overall Battle Plan.
    2. Second observation: In my gaming, we have found that moving minor factories for Japan westward from Shantung/Kiangsu to be the single most powerful Axis use of the CE and laying mines in Soviet Union to hamper Barbarossa as the single most powerful Allied use.
    3. The question that we could not find answer to in the CE rules is this: Can a factory be moved to and used in the territory of another member of your alliance?? For example, can Germany build two engineers and then move the Paris factory to Greece after Greece has been captured by Italy?? Or could UK build a minor IC in Persia, then move it to Caucasus and churn out UK units from Caucasus?? I guess the ruling could be different in each case as Greece is a captured territory while Caucasus is an original SU territory.

    What is the answer sir

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi @Trout

    I’m sure @The-Captain will see this anyway, but will ping him directly :)

    Wow I had never considered moving JPN Fctrys in China. I thought for some reason, only original game start Fctrys could be moved.

    I just reread rules though, and don’t see that they can’t.

    Hmm … we’ll see what Captain says :)

    Do you guys play on the physical board or triplea ? Both ?

    Be cool to read some game reports from you.

    HF gaming


  • @barnee Thanks for the feedback Barnee. We play exclusively on the board. We do intend to post some game reports after we get more familiar with playing all of the rules. We were not playing with landing craft until recently as we did not quite understand how to use them and unfortunately use of them completely changes the gaming possibilities especially in the Med. Yes, it has become standard Axis play for us to build two factories in China on J1 and after finishing off China to start moving those two factories west. After they are moved, you are well positioned as Japan to have a devastating attack on Soviet Union between those two factories in western China plus a major factory in Korea.

  • @Trout The only counter to that we have found is to keep India as strong as possible for as long as possible as it’s hard for Japan to commit large forces to the SU attack if India can give them a good kick in the gonads from the south.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    heh heh

    I think a FIC Fctry moved to Yunnan could be effective as well. FIC a little vulnerable but I’ve put them there before.

    Do you guys use Air Transports ?

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    So this is what gives me pause on moving a non game start Fctry

    Screenshot from 2024-09-13 19-55-45.png

    It’s the “start of the game” thing that makes me wonder if it’s legal. Definitily needs clarification.

    Anyway, Captain will chime in soon enough :)

  • @barnee Ahh! Good catch. Maybe we have been using the CE’s incorrectly then. If you are correct, then I guess Axis moving the France factories eastward is about the only effective place the CE moving a factory can come into play. Since the Soviets can move their factories without a need for CE’s.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    I am not certain of this. @The-Captain will need to clarify

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    yea I’ve moved the France one a couple times. E POL is nice place for it to end up :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Can Engineers move Fctrys that are purchased after game start ?

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