Hey everyone,
On youtube, and on this forum I have seen so many part customizations for A&A global. I am more interested in “functional” customizations than ones that I consider cosmetic. So far, the only customizations I have invested in include the excellent 3-D printed unit organizer trays available from [https://iwillnevergrowup.com/](link url)
I am strongly considering investing in aircraft stands and/or magnetic mods for aircraft carriers. I consider these to be “functional” modifications because these changes allow aircraft to fit better in small territories or crowded territories/spaces.
I know there are multiple options for aircraft stands and for carrier modifications. I was just looking for advice on what works best.
Is it better to use the pre-fab plastic flight stands that the planes rest on/balance on, or is it better to drill tiny holes in each fighter and use peg-based flight stands? I have dabbled in hobby painting and modification before (not for A&A peices), but I am a little worried that if I attempt to drill holes in fighters that I may crack the unit in half.
Likewise, with aircraft carriers, I’ve seen people drill holes and embed small magnets. I have also seen people use magnetic paint on the flight deck, or use a flat “refrigerator style” magnet cut glued to the flight deck.
Just wondering what works best, and if anyone could point me at an actual “part list” where I can just order the necessary parts and then perform the mods myself. Alternatively, if anyone knows of a “mail away” modding service that will install the mods for a fee, that would be helpful as well.