Game #6 barnee vs Panzerstahl-Helm
Game: 1940
Axis: barnee
Allies: Panzer
Game Thread
Triplea save exp-game-6-stahl-us-uk-anz17_econ._victory.tsvg
The Reich started with a Heavy U-boat buy. They sunk the UK Fleets in 110 and 111, as well as the Trprt and DD in 106.
The Wehermacht conquered all of France and attrited Yugoslovakia Infantry.
The SSR max produces Landmines along with two Engineers. They also commission a commisar and produce a Paratrooper.
They withdraw from the border Territories of Eastern Europe. The Red Army concentrates in lenningrad and the SFE Army in Amur.
Nippon starts their initial buy with 3 Transports and conduct standard opening attacks in china.
USA goes with an all Naval build, while china successfully counterattacks in Yunnan.
UK invests heavily in Infrastructure and moves the London Factory underground, as well as building a Minor in Egypt. An AB is constructed in Gibralter.
They sink a damaged Bismark in 111 and defeat the Italians off Malta and in Ethiopia.
Italia begins with a Sub and Paratrooper buy. They conduct combat against the French Fleet in 93 and defeat the remaining Yugoslav Infantry.
They also sink a Brit CA off Malta.
ANZAC does a Trprt Inf buy and takes control of some Dutch TTys.
The French follow the British around.
Late 1940
More U-boats are commissioned. The Luftwaffe produces 2 Air Transports.
An SBR in Egypt causes major damage to the newly built Fctry there and a DD blocker in 110 is sunk.
The Soviets have withdrawn from the frontier other than lenningrad where they have a sizable force.
The Wehrmacht has strong Forces from Romania to Poland but nothing too threatening.
They continue to max produce LMs and commission another commisar. Engnrs move LMs to W UKR and arm them.
JPN takes Yunnan again and builds a Fctry in Shantung. A NB is also built in Kwangsi.
They have shown no intention of attacking the Allies as of yet., but the Americans are still concerned and destroy the AB and NB in the Philippines.
The yanks continue to build their Navy and station the majority of it in the Pacific.
The Brits repair their Egypt fctry and move it underground. They have combats in Iraq, where they successfully attrit Iraqi Inf, which will lead to an easy Soviet takeover.
The Italian Inf in Kenya is easily cleaned up, while the rest of the Army moves back to Egypt. The Med Fleet off Cairo is reinforced with another CV.
U-boats are taking a heavy toll on the UK economy in the Atlantic.
Italia takes a lightly defended GIB and conquers Greece giving them an Objective.
ANZAC keeps taking Custodianship of Dutch TTys and the French keep following the British around.
Lunch break
Quartermaster got us fed but now I need a nap lol. Should be more efficient going forward :)
Well, made some coffee. I donāt drink it much anymore, so should get all jacked up lol
Early 1941
Germany continues to produce U-boats. The Luftwaffe pivots from the Egyptian Fctry and bombs the Naval Base, causing 3 damage.
The Kriegsmarine moves to 91 and along with the Luftwaffe, reinforce GIB.
The Wehrmacht is in Romainia in force, with two Waffen Armies staging in Hungary. 1st Panzer forms in Berlin.
SSR continues with max LM builds. 1st Corps forms in UKR. 2 Paratroopers to Caucasus.
Nippon builds another china Fctry. They conduct no combats.
USA continues building there Navy. They make a DOW on Germany and Italy at the end of there turn.
China liberates two TTys.
UK repairs the Egyptian NB and build a CV with 2 Seafires. They sink an Italian Trprt in 92.
U-boats continue to hurt the British economy.
Mussolini can not contain his excitement and declares war on russia. They take an undefended E POL and Rostov via Paratrooper attack.
ANZAC launches a Aircraft Carrier.
France hangs out with the British.
Late 1941
Germany invades Russia. The undefended Frontier TTys are taken. Army Group Center forms in E POL. U-boats move from S FRA to 97 to support the Italia Regia.
The Soviets max build LMs again. They conduct heavy counterattacks. They attack Iraq with Paratrooper help. Mines are armed in W UKR, Belarus and UKR.
JPN doesnāt want to be late to the party and declares war on the Western Allies. Major combat takes place in Singapore, the DEIās and the Philippines.
America responds with some small naval attacks in the Pacific. The Atlantic Fleet fearing German U-boat attacks remains in SZ 101.
China continues their counterattacks. They are down to 4 TTys.
Britain continues to build their Navy with another CV and Seafire. They conduct a minor counterattack against Burma.
Italy destroys the facilities in GIB. They bomb the repaired NB in Egypt.
ANZAC commissions another CV.
France hangs out with their new best friends.
Hmm ā¦ says the picture is too big to post. Was able to do it before. Well, Iāll work on that. The rest of the report wonāt be as detailed :)
Compressed it. Try again. Nope. Well w/e f it lol

Early 1942 to Late 1943 saw the reich and SSR trade TTys in attritional wafare all along the Eastern Front. Fallschirmjagers are able to take Caucasus for a brief time and will threaten the Soviet TTys across the Black Sea for the duration of the period.
AG Center moves into Novgorod in Force and threatens a breakout through Archangel.
The Med has seen large numbers of U-boats launched out of S FRA. In order to prevent the Anglo Fleets from potentially combining in SZ 92, the Kriegsmarine, with some minor Luftwaffe support, would launch an all out assault on the Royal Navy.
It would end in disaster. The Axis would never have a signifigant Naval Force in the Med for the rest of the war.
The Atlantic U-boats would be sunk and the Kriegsmarine will reach itās lowest force compostion for the entire war. They begin to sow mines in SZ 112.
Air Trprts have established Rommel in Alexandria to support the Italians, but even though they tie down signifigant UK Forces in Egypt, they are never quite able to conquer it.
While there have been some successes and overall confidence remains high, Anglo Naval control of the Atlantic has facilitated W EUR landings and forced Norway to be constantly reinforced.
S Italy also requires precious reich resources due to the Large UK Fleet in the Med.
All of this is weakening the thrust against Russia and will eventually have enormous consequences.
The Soviets continue to mass produce LMs. Belarus and W UKR will end up heavily mined.
The forces in Iraq will move overland into Africa supported by Paratroopers.
However, they donāt account for 2 Waffen Paras in S Italy and a undefended Iraq falls.
The SFE Army remains in Amur, forcing JPN to keep critical INF in range for a potential counterattack.
Army Groups 1 and 2 have formed in Belarus and W UKR.
JPN rebuilds the NB in PHI and also launch the Yamato. They are able to take control of all the Dutch Islands, although this would be temporary.
A strong combined American/ANZAC Fleet will liberate Celebes. The Caroline Harbor will be destroyed and the Islands continously reinforced via Air Trprt.
China hangs on in the North until Late 1943. JPN has lost control of the DEIās at this point.
They will trade Burma continously with the UK.
Uncle Sam continues to pour massive resources into the Pacific. In Early 1942 they will liberate GIB and begin striking at the U-boats in the Atlantic.
Air Trprts are produced on a large scale for the European Theatre. With the Kriegsmarine no longer a threat, The Atlantic Fleet moves to 110 and begins landings in Normandy.
UK will rebuild the Air and NB in GIB. They will also clean up the Italian Forces that landed in the Middle East.
A large Med Fleet is anchored in SZ 98.
Egypt will maintain strong land forces to counter the Afrika Corps in Alexandria.
They will trade Holland and Burma multiple times.
Italy will move into the ME with Air and Naval landings after the British Fleet moved to GIB, as well as sinking Naval Vessels of oppurtunity.
They will help the Wehrmacht with small counterattacks on the E Front.
Paratrooper Attacks across the Black Sea in Late 43 will take undefended soviet TTys.
ANZAC teams with the Americans to liberate Dutch Islands and will also have to liberate New Guinea from suicide JPN attacks.
France hangs out with their buddies.
End 1943

Beginning Late 44 things start to turn against the Axis. The Reich will build Type XXI U-boats and Tiger Tanks almost every turn going forward.
They will have some successes, especially with the XXIs but it wonāt be enough to stop a supercharged Russian economy, even after taking control of Italy.
There will be some tense moments for uncle joe, but AG Center is forced to withdraw from Novgorod and eventual Russian attrition will wear it down.
Continous attacks to the West by USA and UK, eventually lead to a major foothold in Normandy. Norway is under constant attack and changes hands repeatedly.
The brief resurgence of the Kriegsmarine with the XXIs is short lived. While they will push the Anglo Fleet deep into the Atlantic where their Subpens canāt provide protection, Naval High Command overlooks the presence of a lone US DD in the Med with the Royal Navy.
If not for poor aim by the Allied Air Forces, all of the U-boats would have been sunk. Doubtful it would have changed the outcome of the war, as the Americans were flying in Large numbers of troops via Air Transport, but it could have gave Germany one last Hail Mary attack on the Eastern Front.
Nippon would have their battlefied victories as well, including winning an Enormous Naval Battle off Singapore, but eventually be ground down by Anglo Superiority.
Once again, another entertaining game and congratulations to @Panzerstahl-Helm on the Victory :)
Situation at the End of Early 1948 led to an Economic Victory.

oops Looks as if I need to add Subpens for the French. They canāt use them but are able to control them. And here i just did an update lol. Itās on the list now :)