Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @barnee

    I really like the story you have going on here. Hope the Axis win.

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion, a solo game by VictoryFirst.

    No. 1 Game Report.

    Round: Early 1943 & Late 1943 (Round 7 & 8 )

    Eastern Front:
    After the massive trade that occurred in 1942, both sides were rapidly trying to rebuild their armies. The 1st and 2nd Soviet Tank Army have been formed, as well as some Army Corps containing Guards units. However, the Soviets are feeling the pressure, and begin to face a lack of infantry. They couldn’t attack back everywhere and had to consolidate and retreat.
    The Germans have built factories in Novgorod and Ukraine so that the flow of combat units becomes easier. Panzer armies and Waffen armies have been rebuilt, and are now moving to the Russian front at full speed.
    Which side will come on top?

    Western Front:
    Germany continued its construction of the Atlantik Wall. Many infantry have dug in on the coastlines of Normandy, Holland, Denmark, and Norway, including AA artillery and a couple of landmines. Also, a large force in France is ready to counter-attack if the Allies decided to make a landing.
    The Germans also took over Italy, and much-needed infantry units retreated from Rome to Northern Italy and France. The bases and the factory in Rome have been destroyed. A Waffen army is defending in Northern Italy. The Luftwaffe on the Western Front now consists of six fighter units.
    The Western Allies are slowly building up for a D-Day attack - The Britsih already have a Tank Army in London, and massive air and naval forces have been moved to SZ 110. US transport fleets are constantly carrying combat land units to Gibraltar, and then to the UK for the invasion.
    All of Africa is now in Allied control.

    China & India:
    The Indian Army in Yunnan has been attacked by every Japanese unit that could reach it, and was ultimately destroyed. There were only mediocre losses for the Japanese. Although this move did prevent the final blow against China - and the pesky Chinese are still high up in the mountains begin annoying.
    Many British reinforcements from Africa are now heading toward India, including an air force of three fighters and a Bomber, and large tank formations.

    South Pacific:
    The ANZAC submarine has finally been subdued - and a large Japanese fleet together with transport units is now threatening the Australian homeland. The US moved their Pacific fleet down south to SZ 54, to help the ANZAC forces out. The battle is now a stalemate - but Japanese naval and air forces will be moving south, together with more transports and land units - and it is the question of how long the US fleet can hold on like this.

    Income Totals:


    • Axis: 171
    • Allies: 176


    • Axis: 133
    • Allies: 131

    IMG_0001.JPG IMG_0007.JPG IMG_0006.JPG IMG_0005.JPG IMG_0004.JPG IMG_0003.JPG IMG_0002.JPG

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Concerning the Waffen-SS Armies:

    The most optimal organization of Waffen-SS Armies: each of the 4 Waffen-SS Armies is organized in the following way:

    • 1 Waffen-SS Oberst Gruppenführer unit
    • 1 Waffen-SS Panzer unit
    • 1 Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier unit
    • 1 Waffen-SS Infantry unit

    In this way, each Waffen-SS Army has 1 Waffen-SS Panzer unit using 2 dice during attack and defense.

    The remaining 2 Waffen-SS Infantry units that Germany can produce should each be supported by 1 Waffen-SS Artillery unit and can be used at any frontline where they are needed.

    Naturally, it is not possible to organize the Waffen-SS Armies in this way, until Late 1942 at the earliest.

    Until then, the Waffen-SS Armies shold be organized in any possible way - and the re-organized as soon as possible during or after Late 1942.

  • @victoryfirst

    So exciting! I’m glad the Axis are winning. Still insane the number of tanks in Panzer Armies.

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion, a solo game by VictoryFirst.

    No. 1 Game Report.

    Round: Early 1944 & Late 1944 (Round 9 & 10 )

    Wow, wow, and one more wow - how exciting a game can be!

    Eastern Front:
    The Germans did one of these crazy maneuvers - they went for an all-out attack against the Russians and stacked most of their armies and combat units in Smolensk, forming an Army Group adjacent to Moscow. The Germans put sufficient combat power within reach of Smolensk so that in case the Soviets attacked this stack, the Germans could easily counterattack.
    But the German command might’ve been too aggressive with this move. The Soviets could bring more than they thought - and the Soviets retreated after only a couple of rounds of combat. The Soviets had still most of their armies left, while the Germans were left with a Panzer General and one tank. However, the Germans thoughts that because the Soviet economy is so weak, the Germans could easily overpower the Soviets in the next couple of turns. The Germans already have two new Panzer armies in Ukraine, as well as a third Panzer army ready to be formed and a new Waffen army. In addition, Japan also started attacking the Soviet Union in Late 1944 - so the Soviets might have to endure some harsh pressure in the following turns.
    Western Front:
    In the West, the Allies have gained a large advantage. The Allies landed with a massive force in Normandy, shattering the Gerrman defenses on the beaches. They then moved most of their forces to Holland in late 1944, adjacent to mainland Germany. Norway and South Eastern Europe were also liberated. The Germans have to spend a lot of resources in the West in order to survive - much-needed resources that are right now very important on the Eastern Front.
    The Japanese are growing to a monstrous size - they have finally subdued China and are now collecting a huge amount of IPCs. The USSR was attacked in Late 1944, with parts of the Soviet Far East captured. The Japanese have large tank formations in China - ready to punch into the Soviet heartland. They even built a factory in Manchuria - to maximize the number of tanks for the attack. Everything to deliver a crippling blow to the Soviet War Effort - and win the game.
    In India, the fighting has become a stalemate. The Japanese have not enough troops to start an offensive, while the British have not enough offensive punch to do damage. That’s why the Brits have decided to move many resources to the Soviet Union, in order to help defend against the Japanese. Tanks from Egypt and India are moving at full speed to help in time.
    South Pacific:
    Here too is a stalemate. The two navies have not enough power to attack and eliminate each other. The Japanese are moving troops down south to Australia, in order to pressure the ANZAC.

    Income Totals:
    Soviet Union
    United States
    United Kingdom

    Axis: 164 | 129
    Allies: 180 | 135







  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Hi Victory,

    Interesting to see how some scenarios in your game seems quite similar to History.

    Concerning the economic situation - can you seperate each Nations economical situation, so it is easier to distinguish.

    Both the IPC Level, Bonus Income - and Advanced Production Capacity.

  • @the-captain

    You have a good point there. However, as of right now, I’ve reached Early 1945, start of the Japanese turn. I’ve lost the data of the exact incomes for each power from Late 1944.

    What I can do, is list this exact data from the Early 1945 turn, to give you a more complete picture of the situation in my game.

    I do it like this: IPC level + Bonus Income + Advanced Production Capacity = Total income.

    56 + 5 + 15 = 76
    78 + 10 + 8 = 96

    Soviet Union:
    United States:
    53 + 20 +14 = 87
    United Kingdom
    50 + 5 + 6 = 61

    Axis: 172 | 134
    Allies: 175 | 130

    Note: Japan, US, UK and ANZAC are still left to go this round.

    Hope this helps!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21


    For Game Report purpose, this is the best way to record the economical situation - especially when players want to follow each game in detail.

    It is adviceable to take at least 4 pictures at the beginning of each round:

    • Expanded National Production Chart (year & season and IPC Level)
    • Eastern side of the game board (Atlantic, Africa, Europe etc.)
    • Centre of the game board (Eastern Europe, Middle East, Russia etc.)
    • Western side of the game board (India, China, Russia, Pacific Theatre etc.)

    In this way you can always go back and adjust future strategies etc. - and other players can see the economical situation - as well as the military situation.

    As an example, you can see any of our Game Reports - they all have at least 4 pictures as described above.

  • @victoryfirst

    Exciting! The amount of units in some territories and sea zones is both astonishing and astounding. How can you tell which units are in which territory/sea zone? I’m curious.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Chareles de Gaul Neutrals activated for looks. Not just a bunch of Infantry lol

    Screenshot from 2023-05-01 02-47-36.png

  • @barnee

    Still can’t believe that map. How did you get it anyway?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21


    The latest update on your game report is very interesting.

    How many Tank units and Infantry does the Soviet Union have in total - including those in their Armies ?

    How many Air units does Germany have in total - and how many of those Air units are supporting the ground troops on the Eastern Front?

  • @the-captain currently the soviets have 4 Tanks in Bryansk in 2 Corps with 1 Mech each as part of Army Group 1. There are 3 tanks in moscow which have Formed 3rd Corps.

    Total russian Infantry is 49. There are also 4 Elite Inf and 3 Paras.

    Germany has 4 Ftrs 2 Tacs and 2 Bmbrs. 2 Ftrs and 1 tac in W Ger and the 2 Bmbrs in S France are capable of supporting the E front.

    I’m about halfway through report. I’ll post the rest directly. Actually I’ll post through USA now as my machine has been crashing a lot lately.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    This post is deleted!
  • B barnee referenced this topic on
  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    New Report for @VictoryFirst s and my game.

    hmm… idky the link won’t take you to the latest update. You’ll have to scroll a bit. This is where it starts

    Screenshot from 2023-05-02 03-21-56.png

    National Objectives
    Screenshot from 2023-05-02 03-25-57.png

    Screenshot from 2023-05-02 03-28-32.png

    lol wrong place for the objectives whatever :)

    Here’s the saved game

    I’ll try and remember todo Rail move shots next time. For latest
    ussr 2 Rail 2 Inf from Yenisey to caucasus
    ussr 1 E Rail from Yenisey to Bryansk

    Jpn 2 Rail 2 Inf from Manchukuo to FIC

    Usa just moved some dudes to AK

    UK 2 Rail 1 Inf 1 Arty from S Africa to yunnan

    Deutsche 2 Rails and 2 infantry moved from Germany to Holland Belgium

  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • @barnee

    Nice! Still really like the more accurate China on that map.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 5 Game Report: Round Late 1945:

    This is the first post in the Global 1943 No. 5 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Early 1943, Germany launched only a few small scale attacks in the Atlantic against the Royal Navy.
    During Non-Combat Movement Germany started to re-organize the combat formations on the Eastern Front and in Europe.

    The German Africa Corps in Tunesia was evacuated and transported to Greece and Eastern Europe in preparation for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943.

    From Late 1943 until Late 1944, German units on the Eastern Front were under attack from Soviet forces - and gradually withdrew their combat units along the entire Eastern Front.
    Meanwhile, re-inforcements were moved from Germany to the Eastern Front in preparation for a massive counter attack against the Soviets.

    During the same period, Germany lanched an offensive campaign against Egypt and the Middle East - by Paratrooper units, Panzer units and Infantry units.

    This campaign was supported by the German 3rd Panzer Army which was flown in by German Air Transport units.

    The campaign in the Middle East was succesfully carried out by the Germans - and resulted in a massive increase in IPC Bonus Income, since Germany collects both the Italian Bonus Income as well as the German Bonus Income for controlling Iraq, Persia and North West Persia.

    Soviet Union:
    From Early 1943 the Soviets mass produced Tank units. This Tank mass production was continued until Early 1945.

    In Late 1944 the Soviet 1st Army Group together with 42 other combat units were eliminated on the Eastern Front in the Battle of Belarus.
    Germany attacked from the north with Army Group North - and from the south with Army Group South.
    The German attack was launched as a massive Pincer Maneuver - both German Army Groups were massively supported by Waffen-SS units, Panzer units and Infantry units.

    After the elimination of the Soviet forces, the Soviets were forced to withdraw their remaning combat formations on the entire Eastern Front.

    In Early 1946 the Soviet capital Moscow is in the frontline, and the Soviet economy was significantly reduced.

    The Imperial Japanese Army was fighting desperately against an overwhelming number of Allied units in China.

    The battle of the islands in the Pacific waved back and forth - wearing down both the Japanese and Allied troops and Transports.

    By Late 1945 the Japanese Army succeeded in eliminating a large UK Combat Formation in China - and by Early 1946 advanced into Burma with strong Tank Formations - preparing for the Battle of India.

    United States:
    The Americans launched multiple attacks in the Pacific - and prepared for an invasion of mainland Europe.

    In Late 1944, the first US invasion of Normandy took place.

    The Battle of Normandy waved back and forth, as German counter attacks continued to re-capture Normandy.

    By Late 1946, US forces succeeded in capturing Western Germany.

    At the same time, US forces were under extreme pressure from the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army in the Pacific Theatre.

    United Kingdom:
    Apart from a few succesfull attacks against Holland/Belgium and China, United Kingdom was fighting a desperate battle against both German forces in Africa and the Middle East as well as the Japanese Army in Asia.

    By Early 1946 United Kingdom forces were beginning to collapse in Asia, Norway, Holland/Belgium and Egypt.

    India is in the frontline by Late 1946 - and most islands in the Pacific are either under Japanese control - or will most likely fall into Japanese hands by Early 1947.

    These pictures show the situation by Late 1946:

    IMG_6616.JPG IMG_6617.JPG IMG_6618.JPG IMG_6619.JPG

    As the Expanded National Production Chart shows the Axis have the upper hand economically.

    After the US invasion of Western Germany, the US Transport fleet in SZ 91 is left alone - threatened by German Wolf Packs in the M. Ocean.

    There are no Allied units available to continue the attack after the coming German counter attack against the Allied forces in Western Germany.

    We’ll release the next chapter in this Game Report when Germany have completed their turn in Early 1947.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Finally a game where the Axis are winning! As expected, you were the Axis. You really are unbeatable :) .

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 5 Game Report: Round Early 1947:

    This is the second and last post in the Global 1943 No. 5 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Early 1947, Germany launches massive attacks on all fronts, including the Atlantic, where German U-Boat Wolf Packs destroy the vital US Transport Fleet and threatens the US Atlantic Naval Task Force.

    In Europe, Germany re-captures Norway, Normandy and Western Germany.

    On the Eastern Front German Wehrmacht units supported by Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe units capture multiple territories - and can by now almost close the circle around Moscow.

    In the Middle East and Africa, German units take control of the last vital territories that bring the German IPC Bonus Income through the roof.

    German purchase in Early 1947:

    After Germany’s Combat Movement, Non-Combat Movement and Place New Units phases:
    IMG_6621.JPG IMG_6623.JPG IMG_6624.JPG IMG_6625.JPG

    With the German 3rd Panzer Army in Egypt, strong German forces in the Middle East, Army Group South stationed in Caucasus, Leningrad secured from any Allied breakthrough, all of Europe soon under German control - and the Second Battle of the Atlantic turning out in German favor - Germany collects 142 IPC.

    With no prospect of any Military breakthrough, the Allies surrender to the Axis in Early 1947.

  • @the-captain

    Nice. Looks like Germany finally reached the A-A line after all.

    Out of curiosity, when was the last time you lost this game (by “this”, I mean the game with your house rules).

    Glad the Axis finally won.

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