Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • Global 1940, No. 2 Game Report: Early 1945

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 2 Game Report.

    Axis: Cornelis Post
    Allies: Dark Knight

    From Early 1940, Germany launched a Massive U-Boat Offensive in The Battle Of The Atlantic.
    This offensive continued during the entire War, with a continued high U-Boat production.

    The fighting on the Eastern Front was clearly marked by the massive German U-Boat production, since the reinforcements on the Eastern Front were scarce.

    Nonetheless the German Army Group North & Army Group South were doing progress - slowly but surely - deeper into Soviet territory.

    The Soviet Union defended their frontlines with 1st & 2nd Tank Armies, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Army Corps - and an almost unlimited amount of Red Army Conscription Infantry units - slowing down the German offensive.

    Japan attacked early. In the beginning of round 3. They atackted the Philippines, Anzac and the English.

    United States declared War on Japan, and they get access to the national guard. Which includes 6 infantry and 2 fighter planes for free. After the suddenly attack in the pacific. The US go for a new plan. They let the pacific behind and they are going all in. In the Atlantic against Germany.

    United Kingdom was surrounded by German Wolf Packs, butt very soon the US eliminate this treat.
    So they also launched an attack on Europe every round. With landing craft and paratroopers.

    The British economy was falling apart because of the Japanese in the pacific. They also lost all navy in round 2 including all their air units in the europe theatre.

    Also Italy took Egypt in round 4 and they attacked Afrika massively.

    ANZAC fought bravely - but alone without support from either United States or United Kingdom.

    The Allied Nations seemed to fall apart - with no chance of getting a foothold in the Pacific. In Europe, the Germans have a very touch time. Fighting against three major nations.

    Because of the massive invasions of the US and the British in Europe. The Germans must retreat on the Eastern Front.

    Italy was helping the Germans on a massive scale.
    In the last 4-5 rounds the Italians get 45 ipc every round.

    So the allies were going all in on Berlin.
    So in early 1945 Russia attacked first Berlin. After that the Americans attacked Berlin with all their planes. And the last one who attacked Berlin in the same round was England.
    Is was a massive brutal attack with all air units of the English and the Americans involved.

    Butt the Germans survived these fiersome attacks. So after this last huge desperate attack. The Allies surrenderd. Because there was no chance of winning the game after this.!!

    ( the white paper shows the Russian attack on Berlin.)

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  • @cornelis-post

    Very nice!

  • @cornelis-post Awesome !Rock On !!!.png

    Were you guys at the tournament/convention ?

  • @barnee, yes we played two games of axis and allies this weekend.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Finished the first 43 revised setup with triplea. A brief summary

    yea this is looking like pretty much game over. JPN gonna get obliterated. I might play another round just to see that though lol

    Not defending Normandy properly and screwing up the Takeover of Italy a rd, really jacked the axis the wrong way. Probably coulda got by with the Italy thing, but massive resources had to go West because of the Normandy failure.

    Idk, might have been too conservative on E Front. Germany has to have the bullet stoppers though and it just never seemed to happen.

    UK running into SE Asia was pretty much Game Over. Maybe a stronger Normandy defense allows more pressure into the caucasus.

    Probably shoulda gone for the Big Naval Battle against the yanks when they had a chance. 50/50 but better odds than they ended up with.

    Anyway, Fun game 🙂 Did some triplea fixes gonna start another one lol

    Ok now it’s game over lol Ivan outnumbered Jerry 2:1 in Panzers in the E Front alone. While russian INF were attrited , there Panzers are overwhelming. Basically INF for russia.

    They busted into china and really want to smash JPN lol

    All right enough all ready. Start a new one. i’m still not 100% sure the russia taking over china thing got fixed, but it only happened in edit, so we’ll see

    Rock On !!!.png

    Here’s a a few shots

    Screenshot from 2022-12-13 07-17-00.png

    Screenshot from 2022-12-13 07-18-04.png

    Screenshot from 2022-12-13 07-17-28.png

    Here’s the triplea save

  • @barnee

    It doesn’t look that bad yet, but if you look closer it’s awful for the Axis. I’m mentally crying right now.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The latest game results from the Axis & Allies Northern Europe Wiking-Con will be updated on this thread within the next few weeks.

    Stay with us:+1:

  • @the-captain

    Awesome! I forgot Wiking-Con happened. Hope you had a great time!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 8 Game Report: Round Early 1946 (round 13):

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 8 Game Report.

    Axis: Butch Cassidy
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940 to Late 1944 Germany launched a Massive U-Boat Offensive in The Battle Of The Atlantic.

    Losses on both sides were enormous - casualties for the US Navy included:

    • 3 Battleship units
    • 2 Super Heavy Battleship units
    • 5 Destroyer units
    • 3 Escort units
    • 12 Transport units

    The losses inflicted on the German Kriegsmarine & Luftwaffe included:

    • 34 U-Boat units
    • 2 Battleship units
    • 4 Destroyer units
    • 4 Fighter units
    • 3 Tactical Bomber units

    Germany kept producing U-Boat units throughout the entire War.

    As a result of the German increased U-Boat production, progress was slow on the Eastern Front.

    In Late 1943, Germany took over Italy.

    Army Group North was holding on to Novgorod until Early 1944 when the Soviet 1st Army Group supported by numerous Tank & Infantry units threatened to eliminate Army Group North.

    From Early 1944 to Late 1945 the German forces continuously fought a retreating battle on the Eastern Front.

    Soviet Union:
    From Early 1940 the Soviets prepared their War Machine to withstand a massive German onslaught.

    The Soviet Strategic Plan was to build up the Soviet 1st Army Group to include highly mobile units only.

    Also, 1st & 2nd Tank Armies were created to move and fight indepently from the Soviet 1st Army Group.

    With this Strategic Plan, Soviet units supported by either 1st or 2nd Tank Armies were able to launch attacks from North to South on the entire Eastern Front.

    Soviet 1st Army Group was kept as a Highly Mobile Reserve Force in case any German units should break through the Soviet Tank Armies defensive lines.

    The Soviet Defense Center of Gravity was kept in the area: Western Ukraine - Bryansk - Belarus.

    To counter an expected Japanese offensive in the Far East, Soviet mines were continuously moved by Strategic Rail Movement to defend the lines from Amur - Sakha - Buryatia - Yakut SSR.

    When the Japanese offensive was launched in Late 1943, mines were already in place - and they caused tremendous losses on the Japanese Tank & Mechanized Infantry units - and ultimately brought the Japanese offensive to a halt.

    In Late 1945, Soviet Armies were on the borders to Poland - ready to launch the Final Assault towards Berlin.

    From Early 1940 the Imperial Japanese Navy was increased on a massive scale with Transport units.

    In Early 1942, Japan launched offensive operations throughout the Pacific Theatre - capturing Philippines, Aleutian Islands, Borneo and Celebes.

    China was defeated by Late 1942, bringing a much needed boost to the Japanese War Economy.

    In Asia the fight against the British forces was consuming most of the Japanese Imperial Army.

    By Late 1943, Japan found itself fighting on all fronts against multiple attacks from ANZAC, USA and United Kingdom.

    With the offensive against the Soviet Union in Late 1943, the Japanese forces were simply overstreched - and the frontlines began to crumble under the continous pressure from Allied forces.

    Japan had to build up a stronghold in China, to prevent the entire front in Asia from collapsing.

    United States:
    The United States declared War on Germany & Italy in Early 1941.

    Immediately the US War Economy was boosted and a massive build up of both the Pacific Fleet as well as the Atlantic Naval forces began.

    Since the US did not declare War on Japan and United Kingdom & ANZAC did not as well - it was up to Japan to take the first agressive step.
    When Japan finally attacked the Allies in the Pacific, the US National Guard was immediately activated.

    With the Atlantic Ocean crowded with German U-Boats, the US countered this thread with:

    • Battleship & Heavy Battleship units
    • Destroyer units
    • Escort units
    • Submarines
    • Strategic Bomber units

    Each time a German U-Boat formatian was attacked by the US, the US Battleship units was part of the attack force.
    In this way, the US Vattleship units take hits - before any other Naval units were lost.

    A German U-Boat unit costs 4 IPC. A damage to any US Battleship unit costs 3 IPC in repair.
    In this way, the US simply fought the War against the German U-Boats by an Economic War of Attrition - “winning” 1 IPC for each U-Boat unit that was sunk.

    Further more, the US Battleship units protected the US Invasion Fleet against German counter attacks from both the Kriegsmarine & Luftwaffe.

    Gradually, the US got the upper hand in both the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans.

    In Early 1944, the US landed on the beaches of Normandy - opening The Second Front.

    From then on, the US & UK Invasion forces were able to push back the German Army, and take of pressure on the Russian front.

    United Kingdom:
    The Royal Air Force was build up on a massive scale in United Kingdom throughout the War.
    Production of Landing Craft units, Infantry, Artillery, Paratroopers & Tank units was gradually increased.

    From Early 1942, UK units were continuously launching small scale attacks against Denmark, Norway, Holland-Belgium and Normandy-Bordeaux - heavily supported by the Royal Air Force.

    This kept the Germans busy in the Western Europe sphere - and took of some pressure for the Soviets on the Eastern Front.

    In Africa, the fighting against both Italian and German units hindered Strategic Rail Movement to India - until the Soviet Union captured Iraq in Early 1942.

    In Asia, a War of Attrition against the Imperial Japanese Army absorbed most of the UK units that were produced in India.
    A few islands in the Pacific were fortified by UK units - but most of these islands fell into Japanese hands.

    In Early 1944, UK units launched large scale attacks in the Western Europe sphere - and together with a massive US invasion force, all German thrown into the battle.
    This ended the German reinforcement of the Eastern Front - and from Late 1944 the initiative was solely on Soviet hands.

    Italy fought bravely in Africa and the Mediterranian Ocean - but with the United States spending almost 75 % of their income in the Western Europe sphere - and UK units pouring out of the South Africa IC - it was only a matter of time before the Italian units were overwhelmed by superior Allied combat formations.

    ANZAC kept launchiung small scale attacks against unprotected Japanese Transports and lonely Destroyers.
    Gradually the Japanese naval units were diminished, hindering further advance in the Pacific.

    Early 1946:
    With Massive Soviet Army Formations advancing unhindered deep into the German Hinterland and towards Berlin - and with an overwhelming Allied IPC Level - the Axis forces had no other options but surrendering.

    These pictures show the Military & Economic Situation at the beginning of Germanys turn in Early 1946:

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    IMG_6410.JPG IMG_6411.JPG

  • Wow, some pretty amazing fleets have been assembled in previous posts! @The-Captain asked me to post a game report from our latest game. After 12 or so hours of play we shut things down to continue next weekend. We’re about to start Late 1942. Maybe we’re halfway through, hard to say? Full game of 6 people, and my son decided to take the minor countries (France, China, Anzac) as a 7th player.

    As Japan I focused on eliminating China and going after India as my main objective. I succeeded in eliminating China, but as soon as I did the USA had started filtering troops into the Soviet Far East so Russia decided to finally break our truce and invade to the east of Mongolia taking 1 Chinese territory back. When we stopped play China now had 1 infantry on the board back in that territory. Even though my first attack against India failed I returned to bomb the industrial complex, rendering it useless. Interestingly the UK player chose not to repair it so without any reinforcements placed last turn I should finally be able to take India in my coming turn. It does come at a high price though as I’ve probably lost about half my air force and have precious few ground troops left to stop the new soviet invasion. In my rush to focus on China and India I ignored the money islands and Anzac so they’ve built up an incredibly large fleet (for them) - (3) Battleships, (4) Cruisers, Transport, (5) Destroyers. My original fleet is intact and has been sitting near India, though I’ve just sent several Cruisers and Subs back toward Japan. The Anzac fleet is currently sitting just off Australia. Since my fleet has been busy in the Indian Ocean the US has surrounded Japan with a fairly sizeable naval force, as well as several ships near Alaska. They don’t have the transports in place yet to try an invasion, but after my next turn I need to head back with my fleet and figure out how to deal with these two threats.

    The US has focused more on the Pacific than Atlantic, so there isn’t any pending European invasion from the US at the moment. Russia is the only one who has decided to purchase mines, which are dug in at territories bordering Moscow. Germany has methodically been advancing towards Moscow since the beginning of the game. He’s not on the doorstep yet, but getting close, and will have to decide to go around (or over) the mines. Italy controls Egypt, and I find it amusing that I just landed a Japanese fighter there to help protect it. Instead of moving eastwards from India the UK decided to head in the other direction to capture the middle east and build a minor factory there. The UK navy was destroyed early on so the Germans have ruled the Atlantic. Recently the UK has been sending paratroopers to liberate Normandy, but Germany should have enough troops to quickly kick them out. Italy controls upper mid & east Africa, while the allies have the rest.

    Just by taking Brazil and not losing any territory the US is pulling in 93 IPC a turn with its bonuses which is pretty sick. With everything else the US gets (National Gaurd, free ships) it may be worth reconsidering how much bonus income the US should get once it enters the war.


  • @mkgionet

    Wow. Hope the Axis win!

  • @the-captain

    Knew that with you as the Allies the Axis weren’t going to do well :) .

  • @mkgionet Awesome ! 7 Players !!!

    I Dig it :)

  • @the-captain Another awesome battle. It really doesn’t get old does it ? Maybe for some but over 30 years and it still hasn’t for me. i was a late bloomer too lol

    Hadn’t thought of mines to Far East. JPN hasn’t able to bust through china then ?

    Love the game reports. The community continues to grow. Thanks again for sharing

  • @mkgionet

    Truly an interesting game:+1:

    To support your game reports, you should post pictures.

    We usually post pictures in this way:

    Main pictures:

    • Expanded National Production Chart (to see the IPC Level and Year & Season
    • Eastern side of the game board
    • Central piece of the game board
    • Western side of the game board

    Detailed pictures:

    • Atlantic Ocean (large Naval formations)
    • Western Europe (Allied invasion forces, German defensive build up etc.)
    • Eastern Front (Armies, Army Groups etc)
    • Asia (Japanese concentrations vs. Allied forces etc.)
    • Pacific Ocean (large Naval formations)

    We look forward to follow your game reports.

  • @barnee To clarify, the mines are right around the capital of Moscow itself. JPN did take full control of China, but then on Russia’s next turn they invaded from the Far East and have regained 1 China territory. I have entered Russia through the far side of China, but my ground forces are so depleted now that it’s literally with just a couple units - not a threat, just an annoyance. Will try to remember to take pictures to post next time.

    Thanks for your interest!

  • @mkgionet

    When Japan invades USSR it might be a good idea to leave behind 1 landbased unit in each captured territory, to hinder Soviet Partisans to spawn.

  • @the-captain Gotcha, but in this case we’ve only instituted Sections 1 & 2 of the Expansion rules so I won’t have to worry about Soviet Partisans in this game.

    Adding pictures of where our game stands at the end of Early 1942. Resuming tomorrow to decide who will rule the world!AA4.jpeg AA3.jpeg AA2.jpeg AA1.jpeg

  • @mkgionet right arm :muscle: sounds as if all are having fun :)

    Yea I was referring to The Captain placing mines in Amur, Buryatia etc… to create a layered soviet defense.

    I find soviets on E Front and Germany on W Front use mines the most. Although almost all are solo test games.

    Look forward to the next report

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Global 1940 No. 8 Game Report has been updated with the last details & pictures.

    Note the use of Army Group Boards and the new Army Group Markers (roundels).

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