Land Movement (new rule) - I am not up for that, you are basically removing attacker retreat
no not at all…. that is not changed… this is basically where you have defeated the defender and the attacker does not want his tanks or mech on the front lines and if he killed the defender, he wont be stuck. This way he can place the major assets as reserve and remove the defenders ability to kill off the spearhead because its no longer got fodder to protect.
I would advocate a similiar rule where if the tank moved one space and attacked and won, it can attack again using its final movement point… like real blitzkreig…except the infantry cant follow.“breakthrough and exploitation”
Air Movement - why go back to OOB?
AARHE is less tedious than OOB because you don’t have to remember how many movement points left for Non-Combat
OOB’s combined movement is unrealistic, planes either have enough range or it doesn’t…nothing to do prior flights…you can’t attack somewhere real close and just so that can retreat to somewhere really far away
But it restricts a player to limited plane range. Dont you think a player can easily remember his remaining movement points and would rather have greater air range, than “put up” with the duty of ‘remembering’ his MP. The revised game does come with the numbered circles that can designate this. People didn’t have a problem with this duty before so why are we getting in the business of creating a problem that does not exist with an unorthodox method and limitation of reducing the movement to 1/2. The basic idea is to make it more realistic, BUT modeling the big stuff thats unrealistic… this is minor game fix thats not really needed and would provide marginal improvement, but at the detriment of strategy.
by the way when you say “They can move their full movement as long as the final movement is on a Carrier or Land territory.”, are you removing proposing to let attacking air units stay in newly captured territory
They should not do this, because under playtest this results in too great an advantage for the attacker who now just buys bunch of planes and cant be counterattacked. We need to keep the OOB on the planes landing in new captures.
Airborne Drop - wait wait wait, we went over this already, all optional rules are not to listed here…only exception is for Diplomacy phase due it being part a phase of the turn sequence
no brownie points making a 20 page document no one would touch
OK ok but lets rule on them anyway, i will make them separate as optional rules, but we need to agree on what this would be.
Naval Movement - that is fog of war stuff, out of bounce currently
Naval Units Co-occupation - done
Submarine Movement - what do you mean? how is rolling a die less painful than simple 1-to-1 ?
All must roll up to the equal total of submarines that is 1:1, excess do not have to roll, which encourages players to buy even more subs, to get a chance to kill.
Defensive Air Support - yes DAS is the military term, but the actual rule is simple relocation of Air units hence I was thinking it should be called Air Reinforcement
I try to google the DAS term but results were about games
have you got a link defining DAS?
ok new name: Close Air Support CAS
Strait Interdiction -
I am fine with OOB the Turkish straights, except its neutral and you must account for the crossing with interactions dealing with the neutral.
actually there is nothing to say, it strongly established in OOB rules
you don’t control turkey, you can’t move through
all we have to say is movement between sea zone 15 and 16 requires controlling turkey at the beginning of the turn….just like movement thru panama requires control of panama at the beginning of the turn
ok we agree
Terrain - yeah thats more direct, my next comment is small territories
2 unit limit for occupying forces is fine
2 unit limit for attacking forces should only be on land units right?
well sort of. Latter you see my new proposal for invasions… really new idea… You can attack with 2 per combat round, but in total you can bring in more. When the battle is over only 2 will land and the rest stays on the ships.
this will become clear latter.
Stalinst Xenophobia - how about saying it more directly
The UK and USA players may not move units into any space occupied by Soviet units. Whenever Soviet player captures a territory they gain control of it.
second sentence about Soviet and China I am not so sure about…whats the justification?
Thats not direct, it needs to say they cant enter Soviet territories either, nor fly over them, thru them, and the Soviets can liberate former allied controlled territories and keep them. Example: UK loses Persia to Japan, and the Soviets take it and the IPC now goes to Russia, not UK.
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Co-operation - alright we’ll keep it, similarly can we say it more directly in the tone of Combat Move phase
The Japanese player may not move units into any space occupied by other Axis units.
Soviet winter (a new rule) - letting ANY players choose is unrealistic
Partisans (a new rule) -
Soviet Factories (a new rule) -
to me these 3 are specific and tedious
weighting down the game
The winter was a HUGE factor in the axis defeat. How can is be regulated to a NA? we clearly need to model this aspect of the war. The thing is the german player cant know when it is happening, he must commit to his attacks to make the best use of it, or if he knows what is going to happen he wont attack at all and ruin its effects. Perhaps the solution is a die roll each turn? lets have some solution to this?
we making a new and friendly AARHE right?
I am against having all these nation specific bits rules
its gonna look down a house rule more suited to our friend Flashman
Well if we were anything like flashman, every other sentence would be about Rio De Oro political, military, or geographical references and we simply don’t get into this diatribe. These are very minor tips of our hat to the unique Soviet situation
The 12 IPC a turn do not give enough bang for the Russians survival and partisans, winter rule, and moving factories was unique to their situation.
I playtested the game many times OTB and we find the Soviets need these items to make things more realistic.