They can repair damage to exiting facilities; -1 damage per turn. But choose the discount or the repair per POW, not Both.
If the territory a POW is in is captured, you may place an infantry per POW in your Place New Units Area.
Game Sequence
Revised NA’s
Land Combat
Naval Combat
Naval combat system
Air Combat
Combat and Non-Combat Move
Strategic redeployment
Victory Cities (VC)
National victory conditions
Individual Victory
Map file
Historical Map
Setup issues
Adding Italy to the game.
some of that needs to be tightened up a but… alot of pages have large spaces. need it compact as possible so people dont think we are pushing a uber huge complicated ruleset.
That document needs work. Also i dont want to be the project lead. WE are all partners… add my name to the others in the same manner… except i can also be listed in credits for the new map and player aids.
Contributors (in alphabetical order):
B. Andersson
Guerrilla Guy
Imperious Leader
Gen AlexanderPatch
Graphics and player aids:
Imperious Leader
The space is mainly due to each phases now being a different section.
I’ve found it difficult when I was playtesting phase 1…I had to jump around the document.
Page length can be cut down by a bit by using columns like in OOB or LHTR.
We’ll also release two documents one. One with and one without justifications.
small update
updates might be daily weekly or monthly just whenever really…
Imperious, it says you’re in charge of graphics and player aids. Does that mean you plan to produce examples, like in the standard rulebook?
no im just sticking to everything sake the ruleset. If somebody wants to get it in good enough shape… ill add pictures , examples… but i am not gonna type out the OOB rules and attempt to mesh them together. LHTR will be used in conjunction with our document and appropriate index of what is added and what is deleated will be clearly made.
Hey, I’m not used to rapidshare
I feel that document need more work. when its more ready we will get it posted here.
yeah its an add-on for LHTR not OOB
yeah certainly the document needs work
but what are you referring to in particular?
the format? or the rules which is still materialising and coming together…
Try not using the abbreviations as much, some people are not use to them and may fall on them as quite confusing.
OOB= out of the box rules
LHTR= larry harris tournament rules
BTW= by the way
Ah we could have the abbreviations list towards the the front of the document…
Abbreviations can be confusing but it actually help when you talk about units.
It makes the unit names stand out.
definitely put it at the start of the rule booklet, I’m pretty good with them but allot of people might see it as another language. Its coming along nicely by the way! :-o
Small update with changes in last week.
Another update.
Also I’ve put little boxes around list and sequence information.
Bravo Tekky!!! the draft ending in 805 is totally awesome!!! great work!!!
I’m sending you the Iron Cross with oak leaves.
I plan on reformating the final draft into one column and adding military pictures into a booklet form… professionally done and then PDF so people can make their own nifty rulebooks.
some of your fonts will be changed. It will be bitchin!!!
that’ll be nice
but I think don’t start until phase 3 or it’ll be annoying to edit
I think we should still have a compact version (double column, no pictures, no justifications) though cos not everyone wants to print out 20 pages or something
My comments on Phase 2 document:
Game Sequence (page 1): In the final writeup, maybe a simpler way to present the same information is to say that both Axis always go before all the Allies except that Russia gets a special bonus move at the very start of the game. State explicitly that this bonus move is in addition to their normal 1st round move after the Axis so there’s no confusion. Perhaps we could even scratch this whole section and instead make this idea one of the Russian National Advantages. For example, one Russian NA is that Russia gets 1 bonus move at the start of the game (this would cut down on any possible confusion of why the first turn is different from all the other turns and this would also make the document a little shorter- every little bit helps).
Blockade (p3): I missed the definition of a “friendly SZ”. Is that a SZ that occupies a friendly naval unit or just a SZ that doesn’t occupy an enemy naval unit?
German Blitzkrieg (p12): This is different than regular blitzkrieg (namely, when an armor unit moves through a hostile territory into another territory). I think this is confusing have two types of blitzkrieg rules. I have stated before that I don’t like +1 modifiers as the advantage for blitzkrieg. I think a better representation for blitzkrieg would be to allow armor/ftrs to attack in combat and if it only lasts 1 round, then allow them to attack any adjacent territory right afterwards (2 attacks in 1 turn). Or maybe to say that armor units attack in opening fire stage in the first round or something, etc… Only have 1 set of blitzkrieg rules though.
I really like what you’ve done with diplomacy and neutrals. I came up with something similar to the diplocamy rolls but I don’t remember proposing it before I left. I’m just curious where did that come from/ who came up with that?