Thanks SS for the Oil rules you sent to me. I’ll think we will go with those instead of dice. I’ll be back with a review when we have played with them.
Sweet. Looking forward to some results.
Can you give me are guide me where I can get the unit markers and nation symbols used on the maps so I can use for customed graphics on the NA cards and Index.
Yes thanks for reminding me. Ill make the file right now.
Thanks. Those are going to be a big help. Here is Russia’s NA cards w/graphics for review. Also, 1939 set up w/graphics. If this is consistant for AARHE handouts, I’ll continue. Disregard Play sequence on left side of set up. This will change when Bierwagan finishes the outline.
need to do in three posts due to size:
Russia NA cards back
Russia NA card front
Russia NA card front
Ok comments:
I don’t like the picture of Stalin. Ill make something that can be used that will be generic to all nations so it will fit.
Also, the margins are coming up “outside of page” so it prints offset on both sides for 8.5x11 page. Do i need to set the print as borderless?
I’ll get to work and send you a file for each nation and you can approve or make changes.
coming up in a few.
here is the back of the card. Let me know if you like this and changes. Then ill make something specific for each of the 6 players. That way its possible to have everybody draw randomly as event cards and for this reason i made them all the same for the back only.
Let’s go with the change. I like it.
Do you have an icon for airport and sea port?
I need to make the card better needs a border and more than the 3 minutes of work i put in it.
heres a new file for the cards. I think this is better.
IL> Good job. IMHO I like your first layout a little better. http://www.mediafire.com/?vexopu0vbv1 The pitchers stand out more and is not so covered by the Name and nation icons. Even here, I would make the nation icons somewhat smaller.
Suggestion: Minimize the “AARHE” and nation icons.
ok ill make a third version with the changes you asked for. Tonight.