• @karl7 I know !

    I am see ally busy the weekend and we are opening on Monday for a 60th birthday party too. I am happy for one of my allies (U.K. or Anzac) to play the US for me. I think I need to pull back anyway , as Colt has remembered I am the enemy!
    Have a good few days all.

  • Hoping to do America today.

  • TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 5

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 5
        Combat Move - Americans
            1 Infantry moved from Amazon to 32 Sea Zone
            1 B.Transport moved from 32 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 B.Transport moved from 32 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 B.Transport moved from 32 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery moved from Salvador to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Marine moved from Salvador to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery moved from Bahia to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Elite moved from Bahia to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Tank moved from Salvador to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Tank moved from Salvador to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Tank moved from Salvador to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Tank moved from Salvador to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Bahia to 35 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 3 B.Transports, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks moved from 35 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks moved from 39 Sea Zone to S.Chile
            1 Destroyer, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from 32 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 35 Sea Zone to Bahia
            1 Tank moved from Salvador to Bahia
            1 Tank moved from Salvador to Bahia
            1 Infantry moved from South Atlantic USA to 13 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 2 S.Submarines moved from 13 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 35 Sea Zone to Bahia
            1 T.Boat moved from 33 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Woleai to Ulithi
            1 Bomber moved from Tarawa to 101 Sea Zone
            1 Fighter moved from 109 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            1 Fighter moved from 109 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            1 Bomber moved from Tarawa to Ulithi
            1 Bomber moved from Tarawa to 108 Sea Zone
            2 Adv.Fighters moved from 109 Sea Zone to Ulithi
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 109 Sea Zone to 108 Sea Zone
            1 Transport moved from 109 Sea Zone to 108 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Johnston to 103 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Johnston to 103 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 109 Sea Zone to 103 Sea Zone
            2 B.Transports, 1 Battleship and 1 Carrier moved from 104 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone
        Purchase Units - Americans
            Americans buy 2 Carriers, 2 Cruisers, 4 L.Fighters and 1 S.Submarine; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 
        Combat - Americans
            Battle in Ulithi
                Americans attack with 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Artillery, 1 Bomber and 1 Infantry
                Yamamoto defend with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
                    Americans roll dice for 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Artillery, 1 Bomber and 1 Infantry in Ulithi, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in Ulithi, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Artillery owned by the Yamamoto, 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the Americans lost in Ulithi
                Americans win, taking Ulithi from Yamamoto with 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Artillery and 1 Bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
            Battle in S.Chile
                Americans attack with 2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks
                Neutral defend with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                    Americans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks in S.Chile, round 2 : 2/9 hits, 4.00 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys in S.Chile, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    1 Elite owned by the Americans, 1 Infantry owned by the Americans and 2 Infantrys owned by the Neutral lost in S.Chile
                    Americans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks in S.Chile, round 3 : 3/7 hits, 3.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 Fighter in S.Chile, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 Fighter owned by the Neutral lost in S.Chile
                Americans loses 0 PUs for violating S.Chiles neutrality.
                Americans win, taking S.Chile from Neutral with 2 Artillerys, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Elite and 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Neutral: 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
            Battle in 108 Sea Zone
                Americans attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Bomber and 1 Transport
                Yamamoto defend with 1 T.Boat
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Bomber and 1 Transport in 108 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 T.Boat in 108 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Bomber and 1 Transport in 108 Sea Zone, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 T.Boat in 108 Sea Zone, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                1 T.Boat owned by the Yamamoto lost in 108 Sea Zone
                Americans win with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Bomber and 1 Transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 T.Boat
            Battle in 103 Sea Zone
                Americans attack with 3 Adv.Fighters
                Hisaichi defend with 1 Submarine
                    Americans roll dice for 3 Adv.Fighters in 103 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    1 Submarine owned by the Hisaichi lost in 103 Sea Zone
                Americans win with 3 Adv.Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Submarine
            Battle in 101 Sea Zone
                Americans attack with 1 Bomber and 2 Fighters
                Yamamoto defend with 1 Transport
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Bomber and 2 Fighters in 101 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Transport in 101 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    1 Transport owned by the Yamamoto lost in 101 Sea Zone
                Americans win with 1 Bomber and 2 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Transport
        Non Combat Move - Americans
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 103 Sea Zone to 104 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from San Francisco to 83 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from San Francisco to 83 Sea Zone
            1 Marine moved from Johnston to 98 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery moved from Johnston to 98 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Johnston to 98 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery, 1 B.Transport, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 1 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from 98 Sea Zone to 104 Sea Zone
            1 Marine moved from 104 Sea Zone to Tarawa
            1 Infantry moved from 104 Sea Zone to Tarawa
            1 Infantry moved from Truk to Ponape
            1 Artillery moved from Truk to Ponape
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Ulithi to 109 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Ulithi to 109 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 108 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone
            1 Fighter moved from 101 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone
            1 Fighter moved from 101 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone
            1 Bomber moved from 108 Sea Zone to Tarawa
            1 Bomber moved from 101 Sea Zone to Tarawa
            1 Bomber moved from Ulithi to Tarawa
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 103 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 103 Sea Zone to 104 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from San Francisco to 83 Sea Zone
            3 Adv.Fighters moved from 83 Sea Zone to Johnston
            1 Bomber moved from South Central USA to Bahia
        Place Units - Americans
            1 Carrier and 1 Cruiser placed in 35 Sea Zone
            1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser and 1 S.Submarine placed in 98 Sea Zone
            2 L.Fighters placed in San Francisco
            2 L.Fighters placed in South Atlantic USA
        Turn Complete - Americans
            Americans collect 112 PUs; end with 113 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Yamamoto regular : -0.17
    Americans regular : -1.83
    Neutral regular : 0.33

    Territory Summary for Americans :

    Kusaie : 1 flag
    Kwajalein : 1 flag
    Ulithi : 1 flag, 1 Artillery
    Eniwetok : 1 flag
    Rongelap : 1 flag
    Jaluit : 1 flag
    Tarawa : 1 Artillery, 3 Bombers, 5 Infantrys and 2 Marines
    New Caledonia : 1 Infantry
    Washington : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
    San Francisco : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 2 L.Fighters
    Pearl Harbor : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
    South Central USA : 1 Factory
    Ponape : 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys
    Wake : 1 Infantry
    Johnston : 3 Adv.Fighters
    Northeast USA : 1 AAGun
    Kermandec : 1 Infantry
    South Atlantic USA : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 2 L.Fighters
    Bahia : 1 flag, 1 Bomber, 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
    W.Mexico : 1 flag
    Salvador : 1 flag, 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
    Rio De Janeiro : 1 flag
    Central America : 1 flag
    S.Chile : 1 flag, 2 Artillerys, 1 Marine and 4 Tanks
    Hispaniola : 1 flag
    Azores : 1 Fighter
    E.Mexico : 1 flag
    Venezuela : 1 flag
    35 Sea Zone : 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 2 S.Submarines, 1 T.Boat and 1 Transport
    109 Sea Zone : 4 Adv.Fighters, 2 B.Transports, 2 Battleships, 5 Carriers, 4 Destroyers, 2 Fighters, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
    98 Sea Zone : 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser and 1 S.Submarine
    104 Sea Zone : 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Artillery, 1 B.Transport, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier and 1 Destroyer
    108 Sea Zone : 1 Transport
    39 Sea Zone : 3 B.Transports

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germans : 113 / 126
    Russians : 90 / 100
    Italians : 58 / 61
    French : 21 / 19
    Yamamoto : 72 / 76
    Chinese : 19 / 27
    Hisaichi : 55 / 55
    British : 120 / 120
    Anzac : 38 / 38
    Dutch : 14 / 16
    Finns : 19 / 19
    Romanians : 17 / 17
    Thai : 16 / 16
    Americans : 112 / 113


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Germans
            1 Infantry moved from Middle Norrland to 24 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 24 Sea Zone to Estonia
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from 23 Sea Zone to Estonia
            2 Infantrys moved from Brest to Minsk
            2 Fighters and 1 Stuka moved from Kiev to Minsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Rhine to Belgium
            2 Infantrys moved from Paris to Picardy
            1 Fighter moved from Normandy to Picardy
            1 Stuka moved from Normandy to Picardy
            1 Stuka moved from Normandy to Belgium
            1 Bomber moved from Hamburg to Belgium
            1 Fighter moved from Hamburg to Belgium
            1 Artillery moved from Murmansk to N.Karelia
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 6 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers, 2 Elites, 27 Infantrys, 1 Stuka and 5 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Germans
            Battle in Picardy
                Germans attack with 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Picardy, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    French roll dice for 1 Infantry in Picardy, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Picardy
                Germans win, taking Picardy from French with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Minsk
                Germans attack with 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                Russians defend with 2 ArmoredCars
                    Germans roll dice for 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Minsk, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars in Minsk, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    2 ArmoredCars owned by the Russians lost in Minsk
                Germans win, taking Minsk from Russians with 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Russians: 2 ArmoredCars
            Battle in Belgium
                Germans attack with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Belgium, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Belgium
                Germans win, taking Belgium from British with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Estonia
                Germans attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry
                Russians defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Battleship in Estonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Estonia
                Germans win, taking Estonia from Russians with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Germans
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from Estonia to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Middle Norrland to 24 Sea Zone
            5 Infantrys moved from East Prussia to Lithuania
            2 Artillerys and 5 Tanks moved from Brest to Kiev
            3 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Vinnytsia to Kiev
            4 Infantrys moved from Warsaw to Brest
            1 Transport moved from 24 Sea Zone to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 24 Sea Zone to East Prussia
            2 Artillerys moved from Hamburg to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Hamburg to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 2 Infantrys and 2 Transports moved from 23 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from 24 Sea Zone to East Prussia
            2 Infantrys moved from Danzig to East Prussia
            1 Artillery moved from Nordland to Upper Norrland
            1 Infantry moved from Nordland to Upper Norrland
            3 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys moved from Paris to Normandy
            1 Stuka moved from Picardy to Normandy
            1 Fighter moved from Picardy to Normandy
            1 Stuka moved from Belgium to Normandy
            1 Fighter moved from Belgium to Hamburg
            1 Bomber moved from Belgium to Hamburg
            2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from Provence to Paris
            1 Infantry moved from Normandy to Orleanais
            1 Artillery moved from Orleanais to Normandy
            1 Submarine moved from 34 Sea Zone to 33 Sea Zone
            1 Destroyer, 2 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from 34 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
            2 Tanks moved from Bohemia to Brest
            2 Fighters and 1 Stuka moved from Minsk to Kiev
        Place Units - Germans
            4 Infantrys placed in Vinnytsia
            2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 2 Elites and 2 Infantrys placed in Hamburg
            1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys placed in Normandy
            3 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys placed in Paris
            5 Tanks placed in Bohemia
            4 Infantrys placed in Warsaw
            1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys placed in Danzig
            4 Infantrys placed in Rhine
            3 Infantrys placed in Middle Norrland
            1 Stuka placed in Bavaria
        Turn Complete - Germans
            Germans collect 120 PUs; end with 120 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    French regular : 0.67
    Russians regular : -0.67
    Germans regular : 1.33
    British regular : 0.67


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Germans
            1 Infantry moved from Middle Norrland to 24 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 24 Sea Zone to Estonia
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from 23 Sea Zone to Estonia
            2 Infantrys moved from Brest to Minsk
            2 Fighters and 1 Stuka moved from Kiev to Minsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Rhine to Belgium
            2 Infantrys moved from Paris to Picardy
            1 Fighter moved from Normandy to Picardy
            1 Stuka moved from Normandy to Picardy
            1 Stuka moved from Normandy to Belgium
            1 Bomber moved from Hamburg to Belgium
            1 Fighter moved from Hamburg to Belgium
            1 Artillery moved from Murmansk to N.Karelia
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 6 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers, 2 Elites, 27 Infantrys, 1 Stuka and 5 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Germans
            Battle in Picardy
                Germans attack with 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Picardy, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    French roll dice for 1 Infantry in Picardy, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Picardy
                Germans win, taking Picardy from French with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Minsk
                Germans attack with 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                Russians defend with 2 ArmoredCars
                    Germans roll dice for 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Minsk, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars in Minsk, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    2 ArmoredCars owned by the Russians lost in Minsk
                Germans win, taking Minsk from Russians with 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Russians: 2 ArmoredCars
            Battle in Belgium
                Germans attack with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Belgium, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Belgium
                Germans win, taking Belgium from British with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Estonia
                Germans attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry
                Russians defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Battleship in Estonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Estonia
                Germans win, taking Estonia from Russians with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Germans
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from Estonia to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Middle Norrland to 24 Sea Zone
            5 Infantrys moved from East Prussia to Lithuania
            2 Artillerys and 5 Tanks moved from Brest to Kiev
            3 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Vinnytsia to Kiev
            4 Infantrys moved from Warsaw to Brest
            1 Transport moved from 24 Sea Zone to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 24 Sea Zone to East Prussia
            2 Artillerys moved from Hamburg to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Hamburg to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 2 Infantrys and 2 Transports moved from 23 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from 24 Sea Zone to East Prussia
            2 Infantrys moved from Danzig to East Prussia
            1 Artillery moved from Nordland to Upper Norrland
            1 Infantry moved from Nordland to Upper Norrland
            3 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys moved from Paris to Normandy
            1 Stuka moved from Picardy to Normandy
            1 Fighter moved from Picardy to Normandy
            1 Stuka moved from Belgium to Normandy
            1 Fighter moved from Belgium to Hamburg
            1 Bomber moved from Belgium to Hamburg
            2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from Provence to Paris
            1 Infantry moved from Normandy to Orleanais
            1 Artillery moved from Orleanais to Normandy
            1 Submarine moved from 34 Sea Zone to 33 Sea Zone
            1 Destroyer, 2 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from 34 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
            2 Tanks moved from Bohemia to Brest
            2 Fighters and 1 Stuka moved from Minsk to Kiev
        Place Units - Germans
            4 Infantrys placed in Vinnytsia
            2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 2 Elites and 2 Infantrys placed in Hamburg
            1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys placed in Normandy
            3 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys placed in Paris
            5 Tanks placed in Bohemia
            4 Infantrys placed in Warsaw
            1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys placed in Danzig
            4 Infantrys placed in Rhine
            3 Infantrys placed in Middle Norrland
            1 Stuka placed in Bavaria
        Turn Complete - Germans
            Germans collect 120 PUs; end with 120 PUs
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from East Prussia: 2 Infantrys
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Brest: 2 Infantrys
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    French regular : 0.67
    Russians regular : -0.67
    Germans regular : 1.33
    British regular : 0.67


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Germans
            1 Infantry moved from Middle Norrland to 24 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 24 Sea Zone to Estonia
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from 23 Sea Zone to Estonia
            2 Infantrys moved from Brest to Minsk
            2 Fighters and 1 Stuka moved from Kiev to Minsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Rhine to Belgium
            2 Infantrys moved from Paris to Picardy
            1 Fighter moved from Normandy to Picardy
            1 Stuka moved from Normandy to Picardy
            1 Stuka moved from Normandy to Belgium
            1 Bomber moved from Hamburg to Belgium
            1 Fighter moved from Hamburg to Belgium
            1 Artillery moved from Murmansk to N.Karelia
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 6 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers, 2 Elites, 27 Infantrys, 1 Stuka and 5 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Germans
            Battle in Picardy
                Germans attack with 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Picardy, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    French roll dice for 1 Infantry in Picardy, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Picardy
                Germans win, taking Picardy from French with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Minsk
                Germans attack with 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                Russians defend with 2 ArmoredCars
                    Germans roll dice for 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Minsk, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars in Minsk, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    2 ArmoredCars owned by the Russians lost in Minsk
                Germans win, taking Minsk from Russians with 2 Fighters, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Russians: 2 ArmoredCars
            Battle in Belgium
                Germans attack with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys and 1 Stuka in Belgium, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Belgium
                Germans win, taking Belgium from British with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Stuka remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Estonia
                Germans attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry
                Russians defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Battleship in Estonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Estonia
                Germans win, taking Estonia from Russians with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Germans
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from Estonia to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Middle Norrland to 24 Sea Zone
            5 Infantrys moved from East Prussia to Lithuania
            2 Artillerys and 5 Tanks moved from Brest to Kiev
            3 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Vinnytsia to Kiev
            4 Infantrys moved from Warsaw to Brest
            1 Transport moved from 24 Sea Zone to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 24 Sea Zone to East Prussia
            2 Artillerys moved from Hamburg to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Hamburg to 23 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 2 Infantrys and 2 Transports moved from 23 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from 24 Sea Zone to East Prussia
            2 Infantrys moved from Danzig to East Prussia
            1 Artillery moved from Nordland to Upper Norrland
            1 Infantry moved from Nordland to Upper Norrland
            3 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys moved from Paris to Normandy
            1 Stuka moved from Picardy to Normandy
            1 Fighter moved from Picardy to Normandy
            1 Stuka moved from Belgium to Normandy
            1 Fighter moved from Belgium to Hamburg
            1 Bomber moved from Belgium to Hamburg
            2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from Provence to Paris
            1 Infantry moved from Normandy to Orleanais
            1 Artillery moved from Orleanais to Normandy
            1 Submarine moved from 34 Sea Zone to 33 Sea Zone
            1 Destroyer, 2 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from 34 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
            2 Tanks moved from Bohemia to Brest
            2 Fighters and 1 Stuka moved from Minsk to Kiev
        Place Units - Germans
            4 Infantrys placed in Vinnytsia
            2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 2 Elites and 2 Infantrys placed in Hamburg
            1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys placed in Normandy
            3 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys placed in Paris
            5 Tanks placed in Bohemia
            4 Infantrys placed in Warsaw
            1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys placed in Danzig
            4 Infantrys placed in Rhine
            3 Infantrys placed in Middle Norrland
            1 Stuka placed in Bavaria
        Turn Complete - Germans
            Germans collect 120 PUs; end with 120 PUs
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from East Prussia: 2 Infantrys
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Brest: 2 Infantrys
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    French regular : 0.67
    Russians regular : -0.67
    Germans regular : 1.33
    British regular : 0.67


  • '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Russians
            1 Transport moved from 53 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Georgia to 54 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from 53 Sea Zone to E.Romania
                  Russians take E.Romania from Romanians
            2 Infantrys moved from Crimea to Donetsk
            1 ArmoredCar moved from Rostov to Donetsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Yaroslavl to S.Karelia
            1 Fighter moved from Leningrad to S.Karelia
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Arkhangelsk to 6 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from 6 Sea Zone to Lapland
                  Russians take Lapland from Finns
            2 Infantrys moved from Kursk to Minsk
            1 Bomber moved from Kursk to Minsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Leningrad to Latvia
            1 Fighter moved from Kursk to Vyborg
            2 Infantrys moved from Leningrad to Vyborg
            1 ArmoredCar moved from Novgorod to Latvia
            2 Infantrys moved from Chita to Heilungchiang
            1 Artillery moved from Hulunbuir to Heilungchiang
            1 Fighter moved from Chita to Heilungchiang
        Purchase Units - Russians
            Russians buy 2 ArmoredCars, 2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 1 Elite, 36 Infantrys and 1 Tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Russians
            Battle in Latvia
                Russians attack with 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Infantrys
                Finns defend with 2 Infantrys
                    Russians roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Infantrys in Latvia, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Finns roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Latvia, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Latvia
                    Russians roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar and 1 Infantry in Latvia, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Finns roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Latvia, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Finns and 1 ArmoredCar owned by the Russians lost in Latvia
                1 Infantry owned by the Russians retreated to Novgorod
                Finns win with 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
                Casualties for Russians: 1 ArmoredCar and 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Finns: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Minsk
                Russians attack with 1 Bomber and 2 Infantrys
                Germans defend with 2 Infantrys
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Bomber and 2 Infantrys in Minsk, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Minsk, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Russians and 2 Infantrys owned by the Germans lost in Minsk
                Russians win, taking Minsk from Germans with 1 Bomber and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Germans: 2 Infantrys
            Battle in Donetsk
                Russians attack with 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Infantrys
                Romanians defend with 1 Infantry
                    Russians roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Infantrys in Donetsk, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Romanians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Donetsk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Romanians lost in Donetsk
                Russians win, taking Donetsk from Romanians with 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Romanians: 1 Infantry
            Battle in S.Karelia
                Russians attack with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                Finns defend with 1 Infantry
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys in S.Karelia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Finns roll dice for 1 Infantry in S.Karelia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Finns and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in S.Karelia
                Russians win, taking S.Karelia from Finns with 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Finns: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Heilungchiang
                Russians attack with 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                Hisaichi defend with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys in Heilungchiang, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in Heilungchiang, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    2 Infantrys owned by the Russians and 1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Heilungchiang
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Fighter in Heilungchiang, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in Heilungchiang, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Heilungchiang
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Fighter in Heilungchiang, round 4 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery in Heilungchiang, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Fighter in Heilungchiang, round 5 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery in Heilungchiang, round 5 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Artillery owned by the Russians lost in Heilungchiang
                1 Fighter owned by the Russians retreated
                Hisaichi win with 1 Artillery remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 2 Infantrys
            Battle in Vyborg
                Russians attack with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                Finns defend with 1 Infantry
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys in Vyborg, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Finns roll dice for 1 Infantry in Vyborg, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Finns lost in Vyborg
                Russians win, taking Vyborg from Finns with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Finns: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Russians
            1 Fighter moved from S.Karelia to Leningrad
            1 Fighter moved from Vyborg to Leningrad
            1 Bomber moved from Minsk to Kursk
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Tula to Kursk
            5 Infantrys moved from Yaroslavl to Kursk
            1 ArmoredCar, 1 Elite, 5 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from Rostov to Kursk
            3 Infantrys moved from Stalingrad to Rostov
            1 Elite moved from Stalingrad to Rostov
            1 Artillery moved from Stalingrad to Rostov
            1 Infantry moved from Georgia to Rostov
            10 Infantrys moved from Moscow to Yaroslavl
            5 Infantrys moved from Perm to Kirov
            2 Infantrys moved from Astrakhan to Saratov
            2 Infantrys moved from Chimkent to 126 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 126 Sea Zone to Astrakhan
            2 Infantrys moved from Tashkent to Chimkent
            1 Fighter moved from Heilungchiang to Chita
            1 Artillery and 4 Infantrys moved from N.Buryat Mongolia to Chita
            4 Infantrys moved from Olyokminsk to N.Buryat Mongolia
            3 Infantrys moved from Yeniseysk to Evenkia
            4 Infantrys moved from Sibirsky to Evenkia
            1 Elite moved from Sibirsky to Evenkia
            1 Infantry moved from Sibirsky to Evenkia
            3 Infantrys moved from Okhotsk to Ayan
            6 Infantrys moved from Khatanga to Olyokminsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Sverdlovsk to Perm
            3 Infantrys moved from Sverdlovsk to Surgut
        Place Units - Russians
            1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys placed in Kursk
            4 Infantrys placed in Leningrad
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys placed in Arkhangelsk
            3 Infantrys placed in Georgia
            10 Infantrys placed in Moscow
            5 Infantrys placed in Stalingrad
            1 Elite and 5 Infantrys placed in Sibirsky
            2 Infantrys placed in Tashkent
            2 ArmoredCars, 2 Infantrys and 1 Tank placed in Sverdlovsk
        Turn Complete - Russians
            Russians collect 100 PUs; end with 100 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Romanians regular : -0.33
    Finns regular : 1.00
    Germans regular : 0.33
    Russians regular : 0.67
    Hisaichi regular : 0.67


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Italians
            1 Submarine moved from 34 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from W.Morocco to Mauritania
                  Italians take Mauritania from French
            1 Infantry moved from El Agheila to Tobruk
            2 Infantrys moved from Hun to Kufra
            2 Fighters moved from 48 Sea Zone to Kufra
            2 Fighters moved from Greece to Tobruk
            1 Bomber moved from Greece to Kufra
        Purchase Units - Italians
            Italians repair damage of 3x Factory; Remaining resources: 58 PUs; 
            Italians buy 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 1 Elite and 11 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Italians
            Battle in Tobruk
                Italians attack with 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Italians roll dice for 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 4 : 2/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Tobruk
                Italians win, taking Tobruk from British with 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Kufra
                Italians attack with 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters and 2 Infantrys
                French defend with 1 Infantry
                    Italians roll dice for 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters and 2 Infantrys in Kufra, round 2 : 0/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    French roll dice for 1 Infantry in Kufra, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Kufra
                    Italians roll dice for 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry in Kufra, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    French roll dice for 1 Infantry in Kufra, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Kufra
                 retreated to Kufra
                French win with 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
                Casualties for Italians: 2 Infantrys
        Non Combat Move - Italians
            2 Fighters moved from Kufra to 48 Sea Zone
            2 Fighters moved from Tobruk to 48 Sea Zone
            1 Bomber moved from Kufra to Hun
            2 ArmoredCars and 1 Tank moved from Tripoli to Hun
            1 Infantry moved from Rome to 46 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from 46 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 48 Sea Zone to El Agheila
            3 Artillerys, 3 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from Malta to 48 Sea Zone
            3 Artillerys, 3 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from 48 Sea Zone to El Agheila
            1 Transport moved from 48 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone
            1 Tank moved from Tunis to 47 Sea Zone
            1 Tank and 1 Transport moved from 47 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone
            1 Tank moved from 48 Sea Zone to El Agheila
            1 Tank moved from Tunis to Tripoli
            2 Tanks moved from El Agheila to Hun
            2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 9 Infantrys and 3 Tanks moved from W.Morocco to Mauritania
            2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from E.Morocco to Mauritania
            1 Destroyer moved from 34 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
        Place Units - Italians
            1 Carrier and 1 Destroyer placed in 48 Sea Zone
            1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys placed in Greece
            1 AAGun, 1 Elite and 1 Infantry placed in Hun
            4 Infantrys placed in Tunis
            2 Infantrys placed in E.Morocco
            2 Infantrys placed in Rome
        Turn Complete - Italians
            Italians collect 60 PUs; end with 60 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    French regular : 1.33
    Italians regular : -3.67
    British regular : -1.00


  • TripleA

    TripleA Turn Summary: French round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - French
            2 Infantrys moved from Mersa Matruh to Tobruk
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Mersa Matruh to Tobruk
            1 Transport moved from 20 Sea Zone to 17 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Greenland to 8 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from 8 Sea Zone to 10 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 10 Sea Zone to Scotland
            1 Infantry moved from Churchill to 1 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from 1 Sea Zone to 8 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 8 Sea Zone to Greenland
        Purchase Units - French
            French buy 1 Bunker, 4 Infantrys and 1 Tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - French
            Battle in Tobruk
                French attack with 1 Adv.Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                Italians defend with 1 Infantry
                    French roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter and 2 Infantrys in Tobruk, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Tobruk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Tobruk
                French win, taking Tobruk from Italians with 1 Adv.Fighter and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - French
            1 AAGun, 1 Artillery and 7 Infantrys moved from French Sudan to French Equatorial Africa
            3 Tanks moved from Nubia to French Equatorial Africa
            2 Tanks moved from Lower Egypt to Darfur
            1 Infantry moved from Lower Egypt to Mersa Matruh
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Tobruk to French Equatorial Africa
            1 Infantry moved from Syria to Palestine
            1 Tank moved from Syria to Lower Egypt
        Place Units - French
            1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys placed in French Equatorial Africa
            1 Infantry and 1 Tank placed in Syria
        Turn Complete - French
            French collect 19 PUs; end with 19 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : -0.33
    French regular : 1.17

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germans : 119 / 120
    Russians : 100 / 100
    Italians : 59 / 60
    French : 19 / 19
    Yamamoto : 72 / 76
    Chinese : 19 / 27
    Hisaichi : 55 / 55
    British : 116 / 120
    Anzac : 38 / 38
    Dutch : 14 / 16
    Finns : 13 / 19
    Romanians : 12 / 17
    Thai : 16 / 16
    Americans : 112 / 113


  • '20

    ill post tomorrow or day after

  • '20

    TripleA Turn Summary: Yamamoto round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Yamamoto
            1 Infantry moved from Hollandia to Merauke
                  Yamamoto take Merauke from Dutch
            5 Infantrys and 1 Marine moved from Shansi to Suiyuan
            3 Tanks moved from Hupeh to Suiyuan
            7 Infantrys moved from Liaoning to Hulunbuir
            2 Fighters moved from 84 Sea Zone to Ayan
            2 Bombers moved from Formosa to Ayan
            7 Infantrys moved from Tokyo to 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Chubu to 84 Sea Zone
            2 B.Transports, 9 Infantrys and 1 T.Boat moved from 84 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone
            9 Infantrys moved from 75 Sea Zone to Ayan
            2 Infantrys moved from Davao to 107 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from 107 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            1 Battleship moved from 107 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 101 Sea Zone to Ulithi
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from 107 Sea Zone to Ulithi
            1 Fighter moved from 107 Sea Zone to Ulithi
            1 Adv.Fighter and 4 Fighters moved from 107 Sea Zone to 108 Sea Zone
            1 Battleship moved from 93 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
        Purchase Units - Yamamoto
            Yamamoto buy 1 Adv.Fighter, 2 Artillerys, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 8 Infantrys and 3 Submarines; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 
        Combat - Yamamoto
            Battle in Ulithi
                Yamamoto attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 2 Fighters and 2 Infantrys
                Americans defend with 1 Artillery
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Battleships in Ulithi, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    1 Artillery owned by the Americans lost in Ulithi
                Yamamoto win, taking Ulithi from Americans with 1 Adv.Fighter, 2 Fighters and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Artillery
            Battle in Ayan
                Yamamoto attack with 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters and 9 Infantrys
                British defend with 2 Infantrys; Russians defend with 1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters and 9 Infantrys in Ayan, round 2 : 5/13 hits, 3.50 expected hits
                Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Russians
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Bunker and 5 Infantrys in Ayan, round 2 : 3/6 hits, 2.17 expected hits
                    3 Infantrys owned by the Russians, 3 Infantrys owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Ayan
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters and 6 Infantrys in Ayan, round 3 : 3/10 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry in Ayan, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto, 1 Infantry owned by the British and 1 Bunker owned by the Russians lost in Ayan
                Yamamoto win, taking Ayan from Russians with 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters and 5 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 4 Infantrys
                Casualties for British: 2 Infantrys
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys
            Battle in Hulunbuir
                Yamamoto attack with 7 Infantrys
                Russians defend with 1 Infantry
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 7 Infantrys in Hulunbuir, round 2 : 3/7 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Hulunbuir, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Hulunbuir
                Yamamoto win, taking Hulunbuir from Russians with 6 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Suiyuan
                Yamamoto attack with 5 Infantrys, 1 Marine and 3 Tanks
                Chinese defend with 1 Artillery
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 5 Infantrys, 1 Marine and 3 Tanks in Suiyuan, round 2 : 3/9 hits, 2.83 expected hits
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Artillery in Suiyuan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Artillery owned by the Chinese lost in Suiyuan
                Yamamoto win, taking Suiyuan from Chinese with 5 Infantrys, 1 Marine and 3 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 Artillery
            Battle in 108 Sea Zone
                Yamamoto attack with 1 Adv.Fighter and 4 Fighters
                Americans defend with 1 Transport
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter and 4 Fighters in 108 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Transport in 108 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    1 Transport owned by the Americans and 1 Fighter owned by the Yamamoto lost in 108 Sea Zone
                Yamamoto win with 1 Adv.Fighter and 3 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Fighter
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Transport
        Non Combat Move - Yamamoto
            1 B.Carrier, 2 Carriers, 1 Destroyer, 4 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from 107 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter and 3 Fighters moved from 108 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            6 Destroyers, 4 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from 93 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter and 2 Fighters moved from Ulithi to 101 Sea Zone
            2 Fighters moved from Ayan to 75 Sea Zone
            1 B.Carrier moved from 84 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone
            2 Bombers moved from Ayan to Formosa
            6 Infantrys moved from Yunnan to Szechwan
            4 Infantrys moved from Hupeh to Shensi
            1 Destroyer moved from 84 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
        Place Units - Yamamoto
            4 Infantrys placed in Davao
            1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and 3 Submarines placed in 84 Sea Zone
            Yamamoto undo move 2.
            1 Destroyer and 3 Submarines placed in 84 Sea Zone
            1 Cruiser placed in 84 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter, 2 Artillerys and 4 Infantrys placed in Tokyo
        Turn Complete - Yamamoto
            Yamamoto collect 78 PUs; end with 80 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Chinese regular : -0.33
    Yamamoto regular : 5.33
    Americans regular : 0.83
    Russians regular : 1.67


  • Merry Christmas everybody!

  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    TripleA Turn Summary: Chinese round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Chinese
            1 Artillery, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks moved from Ningsia to Suiyuan
            2 ArmoredCars moved from Gobi Altai to Suiyuan
            1 Fighter moved from E.Qinghai to Suiyuan
            2 Adv.Fighters moved from E.Qinghai to Suiyuan
        Purchase Units - Chinese
            Chinese buy 1 Bunker and 10 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 
        Combat - Chinese
            Battle in Suiyuan
                Chinese attack with 2 Adv.Fighters, 2 ArmoredCars, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
                Yamamoto defend with 5 Infantrys, 1 Marine and 3 Tanks
                    Chinese roll dice for 2 Adv.Fighters, 2 ArmoredCars, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Suiyuan, round 2 : 8/14 hits, 4.50 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 5 Infantrys, 1 Marine and 3 Tanks in Suiyuan, round 2 : 1/9 hits, 3.50 expected hits
                    1 Marine owned by the Yamamoto, 5 Infantrys owned by the Yamamoto, 1 ArmoredCar owned by the Chinese and 2 Tanks owned by the Yamamoto lost in Suiyuan
                    Chinese roll dice for 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Suiyuan, round 3 : 3/13 hits, 4.17 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Tank in Suiyuan, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 Tank owned by the Yamamoto lost in Suiyuan
                Chinese win, taking Suiyuan from Yamamoto with 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 25
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 ArmoredCar
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 5 Infantrys, 1 Marine and 3 Tanks
        Non Combat Move - Chinese
            2 Adv.Fighters and 1 Fighter moved from Suiyuan to E.Qinghai
            1 AAGun and 1 Tank moved from Ningsia to E.Qinghai
            5 Tanks moved from Gobi Altai to E.Qinghai
            6 Infantrys moved from Hsining to E.Qinghai
            2 Tanks moved from Lanchow to E.Qinghai
            1 Infantry moved from Lanchow to Ningsia
            1 AAGun, 1 Artillery and 4 Infantrys moved from Lanchow to E.Qinghai
            4 Infantrys moved from Urumqi to E.Sinkiang
        Place Units - Chinese
            1 Bunker and 6 Infantrys placed in Hsining
            4 Infantrys placed in Urumqi
        Turn Complete - Chinese
            Chinese collect 19 PUs; end with 20 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Yamamoto regular : -3.00
    Chinese regular : 2.33

    Territory Summary for Chinese :

    Suiyuan : 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
    E.Qinghai : 2 AAGuns, 2 Adv.Fighters, 3 Artillerys, 1 Fighter, 16 Infantrys and 8 Tanks
    E.Sinkiang : 4 Infantrys
    Urumqi : 1 Factory and 4 Infantrys
    Lanchow : 1 Infantry
    Ningsia : 1 Infantry
    Hsining : 2 Bunkers, 1 Factory and 6 Infantrys
    Gobi Altai : 1 flag

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germans : 119 / 120
    Russians : 95 / 100
    Italians : 59 / 60
    French : 19 / 19
    Yamamoto : 76 / 80
    Chinese : 19 / 20
    Hisaichi : 58 / 55
    British : 116 / 120
    Anzac : 38 / 38
    Dutch : 13 / 16
    Finns : 13 / 19
    Romanians : 12 / 17
    Thai : 16 / 16
    Americans : 111 / 113


  • TripleA

    @Colt45554 Hisaichi is up!

  • '20

    Sorry forgot. Posting tonight

  • '20

    TripleA Turn Summary: Hisaichi round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Hisaichi
            2 Fighters moved from Chahar to Ningsia
            1 Infantry moved from Shensi to Ningsia
            10 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 6 Infantrys and 11 Tanks moved from Shensi to Suiyuan
            1 Tank moved from Chahar to Suiyuan
            1 Bomber moved from Formosa to Suiyuan
            1 Infantry moved from Changchun to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from 84 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 75 Sea Zone to Okhotsk
                  Hisaichi take Okhotsk from Russians
        Purchase Units - Hisaichi
            Hisaichi buy 1 Fighter, 16 Infantrys and 3 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Hisaichi
            Battle in Ningsia
                Hisaichi attack with 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry
                Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry in Ningsia, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Ningsia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Ningsia
                2 Fighters owned by the Hisaichi retreated
                Chinese win with 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Suiyuan
                Hisaichi attack with 10 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Elite, 6 Infantrys and 12 Tanks
                Chinese defend with 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 10 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Elite, 6 Infantrys and 12 Tanks in Suiyuan, round 2 : 15/30 hits, 12.50 expected hits
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Suiyuan, round 2 : 2/10 hits, 3.50 expected hits
                    2 Tanks owned by the Chinese, 1 ArmoredCar owned by the Chinese, 2 Infantrys owned by the Hisaichi, 6 Infantrys owned by the Chinese and 1 Artillery owned by the Chinese lost in Suiyuan
                Hisaichi win, taking Suiyuan from Chinese with 10 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Elite, 4 Infantrys and 12 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 26
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 2 Infantrys
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
        Non Combat Move - Hisaichi
            3 Infantrys moved from Shantung to Shansi
            1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 2 Infantrys moved from Szechwan to Shensi
            1 Bomber moved from Suiyuan to Shantung
            1 Infantry moved from Liaoning to Heilungchiang
            1 Artillery moved from Heilungchiang to Liaoning
            6 Infantrys moved from Changchun to 84 Sea Zone
            6 Infantrys moved from 84 Sea Zone to Peking
            1 Transport moved from 105 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            3 Infantrys moved from Banjarmasin to 110 Sea Zone
            3 Infantrys and 2 Transports moved from 110 Sea Zone to 105 Sea Zone
            3 Infantrys moved from 105 Sea Zone to Bangkok
            2 Fighters moved from 110 Sea Zone to Bangkok
            1 Carrier, 2 Destroyers and 1 Fighter moved from 107 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            2 Destroyers and 1 Submarine moved from 107 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
            2 Fighters moved from Ningsia to Chahar
            3 Infantrys moved from Peking to Chahar
        Place Units - Hisaichi
            3 Tanks placed in Hong Kong
            3 Infantrys placed in Shantung
            1 Fighter and 7 Infantrys placed in Changchun
            4 Infantrys placed in Banjarmasin
            2 Infantrys placed in Hong Kong
        Turn Complete - Hisaichi
            Hisaichi collect 61 PUs; end with 61 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Chinese regular : -0.83
    Hisaichi regular : 1.67


  • TripleA

    TripleA Turn Summary: British round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - British
            1 Fighter moved from Malaya to N.Thailand
            1 Infantry moved from Burma to N.Thailand
            1 Tank moved from Malaya to N.Thailand
            1 Tank moved from Bihar to Yunnan
            1 ArmoredCar and 3 Tanks moved from Bihar to Sikang
            4 Infantrys moved from Assam to Yunnan
            3 Infantrys moved from Assam to Yunnan
            1 Infantry moved from Assam to Yunnan
            10 Infantrys moved from Assam to Sikang
            2 Infantrys moved from Kolyma to Okhotsk
            2 Infantrys moved from Brittany to Aquitaine
            1 Fighter moved from Brittany to Aquitaine
            1 Infantry moved from Wales to 20 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 20 Sea Zone to Belgium
            1 Fighter moved from 20 Sea Zone to Belgium
        Purchase Units - British
            British buy 2 Artillerys, 30 Infantrys, 4 Submarines and 5 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - British
            Battle in N.Thailand
                British attack with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
                Thai defend with 1 Infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank in N.Thailand, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Thai roll dice for 1 Infantry in N.Thailand, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Thai lost in N.Thailand
                British win, taking N.Thailand from Thai with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Thai: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Aquitaine
                British attack with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                Germans defend with 1 Infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys in Aquitaine, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Infantry in Aquitaine, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Germans lost in Aquitaine
                British win, taking Aquitaine from Germans with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Belgium
                British attack with 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry
                Germans defend with 1 Infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 Battleship in Belgium, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 Infantry in Belgium, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Belgium
                1 Fighter owned by the British retreated
                Germans win with 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Okhotsk
                British attack with 2 Infantrys
                Hisaichi defend with 1 Infantry
                    British roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Okhotsk, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Infantry in Okhotsk, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Okhotsk
                1 Infantry owned by the British retreated to Kolyma
                Hisaichi win with 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Yunnan
                British attack with 8 Infantrys and 1 Tank
                Yamamoto defend with 1 Infantry
                    British roll dice for 8 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Yunnan, round 2 : 0/9 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Infantry in Yunnan, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Yunnan
                    British roll dice for 7 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Yunnan, round 3 : 1/8 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Infantry in Yunnan, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Yunnan
                British win, taking Yunnan from Yamamoto with 7 Infantrys and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Sikang
                British attack with 1 ArmoredCar, 10 Infantrys and 3 Tanks
                Neutral defend with 4 Infantrys
                    British roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar, 10 Infantrys and 3 Tanks in Sikang, round 2 : 2/14 hits, 3.50 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 4 Infantrys in Sikang, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 Infantrys owned by the Neutral lost in Sikang
                    British roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar, 10 Infantrys and 3 Tanks in Sikang, round 3 : 1/14 hits, 3.50 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Sikang, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Sikang
                    British roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar, 10 Infantrys and 3 Tanks in Sikang, round 4 : 3/14 hits, 3.50 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in Sikang, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Sikang
                British loses 0 PUs for violating Sikangs neutrality.
                British win, taking Sikang from Neutral with 1 ArmoredCar, 10 Infantrys and 3 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Neutral: 4 Infantrys
        Non Combat Move - British
            1 AAGun moved from Assam to Yunnan
            1 AAGun moved from Bihar to Assam
            1 Artillery and 4 Infantrys moved from Bihar to Assam
            5 Infantrys moved from Delhi to Bihar
            4 ArmoredCars and 1 Tank moved from Madras to Bihar
            1 Fighter moved from N.Thailand to Malaya
            1 AAGun moved from Koryakia to Kamchatka
            1 Destroyer and 1 Transport moved from 72 Sea Zone to 89 Sea Zone
            1 ArmoredCar moved from Punjab to Assam
            2 Infantrys moved from Astrakhan to Saratov
            1 Tank moved from Nubia to Mersa Matruh
            2 Tanks moved from Lower Egypt to Mersa Matruh
            2 Infantrys moved from Lower Egypt to Mersa Matruh
            3 Infantrys moved from Cairo to 56 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Palestine to 56 Sea Zone
            4 Infantrys moved from 56 Sea Zone to Mersa Matruh
            1 Tank moved from Iraq to Lower Egypt
            3 Infantrys moved from Iraq to Palestine
            3 Infantrys moved from W.Iran to Iraq
            8 Transports moved from 20 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone
            8 Infantrys moved from Wales to 18 Sea Zone
            6 Infantrys moved from Manchester to 18 Sea Zone
            14 Infantrys and 8 Transports moved from 18 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Dover to 20 Sea Zone
            15 Infantrys moved from 20 Sea Zone to Brittany
            1 Fighter moved from Aquitaine to Brittany
            1 Fighter moved from Belgium to 20 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from London to Dover
            7 Infantrys moved from London to Wales
            1 Bomber moved from Mersa Matruh to French Equatorial Africa
        Place Units - British
            4 Submarines placed in 56 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys placed in Cairo
            3 Infantrys placed in W.Iran
            5 Tanks placed in Madras
            2 Artillerys and 4 Infantrys placed in Malaya
            5 Infantrys placed in Delhi
            8 Infantrys placed in London
            4 Infantrys placed in Wales
            4 Infantrys placed in Manchester
        Turn Complete - British
            British collect 119 PUs; end with 119 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Yamamoto regular : 0.33
    Thai regular : -0.33
    Germans regular : 0.00
    Neutral regular : -2.33
    British regular : -8.67
    Hisaichi regular : 0.67

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germans : 117 / 120
    Russians : 94 / 100
    Italians : 59 / 60
    French : 21 / 19
    Yamamoto : 74 / 80
    Chinese : 19 / 20
    Hisaichi : 61 / 61
    British : 119 / 119
    Anzac : 38 / 38
    Dutch : 13 / 16
    Finns : 13 / 19
    Romanians : 12 / 17
    Thai : 14 / 16
    Americans : 111 / 113


  • TripleA

    @redrum said in W@W team game 14:

    Yamamoto regular : 0.33
    Thai regular : -0.33
    Germans regular : 0.00
    Neutral regular : -2.33
    British regular : -8.67
    Hisaichi regular : 0.67

    Brutal dice. Just glad it wasn’t in any game deciding battles!

  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    TripleA Turn Summary: Anzac round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Anzac
            1 Infantry moved from West Papua to Hollandia
                  Dutch take Hollandia from Yamamoto
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from West Papua to Merauke
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Townsville to Merauke
            1 Infantry moved from West Papua to Merauke
        Purchase Units - Anzac
            Anzac buy 1 Adv.Fighter, 6 Infantrys, 1 S.Submarine and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Anzac
            Battle in Merauke
                Anzac attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys
                Yamamoto defend with 1 Infantry
                    Anzac roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in Merauke, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Infantry in Merauke, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Anzac and 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Merauke
                Anzac win, taking Merauke from Yamamoto with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Anzac: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Anzac
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Merauke to Townsville
            4 Infantrys moved from Townsville to Northern Territory
            2 Infantrys moved from Port Moresby to West Papua
            1 Infantry moved from Canberra to 122 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 S.Submarine moved from 122 Sea Zone to 65 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 65 Sea Zone to S.Thailand
            2 Cruisers and 3 Transports moved from 65 Sea Zone to 66 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 1 Tank moved from Java to 66 Sea Zone
            5 Infantrys moved from Java to 66 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 2 Cruisers, 5 Infantrys, 1 Tank and 3 Transports moved from 66 Sea Zone to 65 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys moved from 65 Sea Zone to S.Thailand
        Place Units - Anzac
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Infantry placed in Townsville
            3 Infantrys placed in Broome
            1 S.Submarine and 1 Transport placed in 122 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry placed in Townsville
            1 Infantry placed in Port Moresby
        Turn Complete - Anzac
            Anzac collect 38 PUs; end with 38 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Yamamoto regular : 0.67
    Anzac regular : 0.67

    Territory Summary for Anzac :

    West Papua : 3 Infantrys
    Port Moresby : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 2 Infantrys
    Wellington : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 1 Infantry
    Broome : 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 8 Infantrys
    Northern Territory : 4 Infantrys
    Bougainville : 1 Infantry
    Canberra : 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 1 Infantry
    Townsville : 1 AAGun, 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 2 Infantrys
    Hollandia : 1 Infantry
    Soembawa : 2 Infantrys
    Lombok : 4 Infantrys
    Merauke : 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
    Java : 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys
    S.Thailand : 1 flag, 3 Artillerys, 7 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
    65 Sea Zone : 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 1 S.Submarine, 2 Submarines, 1 Tank and 3 Transports
    122 Sea Zone : 1 S.Submarine and 1 Transport

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germans : 117 / 120
    Russians : 94 / 100
    Italians : 59 / 60
    French : 21 / 19
    Yamamoto : 71 / 80
    Chinese : 19 / 20
    Hisaichi : 61 / 61
    British : 119 / 119
    Anzac : 38 / 38
    Dutch : 16 / 16
    Finns : 13 / 19
    Romanians : 12 / 17
    Thai : 14 / 16
    Americans : 111 / 113


  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    TripleA Turn Summary: Dutch round 6

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 2.1.1

    Game History

    Round: 6
        Combat Move - Dutch
            2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from Suriname to Bolivia
            4 Infantrys moved from Amazon to Bolivia
            1 Tank moved from S.Thailand to S.French Indochina
                  French take S.French Indochina from Thai
            1 Tank moved from S.French Indochina to S.Thailand
        Purchase Units - Dutch
            Dutch buy 1 Bunker, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Dutch
            Battle in Bolivia
                Dutch attack with 2 ArmoredCars, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
                Neutral defend with 3 Infantrys
                    Dutch roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Bolivia, round 2 : 2/8 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 3 Infantrys in Bolivia, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    2 Infantrys owned by the Neutral lost in Bolivia
                    Dutch roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks in Bolivia, round 3 : 1/8 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in Bolivia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Bolivia
                Dutch loses 0 PUs for violating Bolivias neutrality.
                Dutch win, taking Bolivia from Neutral with 2 ArmoredCars, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Neutral: 3 Infantrys
        Non Combat Move - Dutch
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Sumatra to 65 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from 65 Sea Zone to S.Thailand
        Place Units - Dutch
            1 Bunker placed in Java
            1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank placed in Suriname
        Turn Complete - Dutch
            Dutch collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Neutral regular : -1.33
    Dutch regular : -1.67

    Territory Summary for Dutch :

    Timor : 1 Infantry
    Soembawa : 1 Bunker
    Sumatra : 2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys
    Suriname : 1 Elite, 1 Factory, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
    Tanimbar : 1 Infantry
    Java : 3 Bunkers
    S.Thailand : 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
    Bolivia : 1 flag, 2 ArmoredCars, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
    65 Sea Zone : 3 Destroyers, 2 Submarines and 1 Transport

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germans : 117 / 120
    Russians : 94 / 100
    Italians : 59 / 60
    French : 23 / 19
    Yamamoto : 71 / 80
    Chinese : 19 / 20
    Hisaichi : 61 / 61
    British : 119 / 119
    Anzac : 38 / 38
    Dutch : 18 / 18
    Finns : 13 / 19
    Romanians : 12 / 17
    Thai : 12 / 16
    Americans : 111 / 113


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