• Picked up Anniversary edition to play with my dad. We played classic regularly years ago. I’ve been playing Axis 1941 on TripleA Hard AI to find strategies that work reliably. Finally believe I’ve found a reliable strategy that works nearly every time, even without NOs, as I don’t play NOs with dad. This relies on Allies going KGF, but could work for KJF, just keep the fleet back as a deterrent and take Russia first, then turn some attention back.

    Buy 6 Tanks
    Take out English Navy
    SZ7 1xSub, Norway Fighter, Bomber to SZ2
    SZ7 1xSub, NWE Fighter, Germany Fighter to SZ12
    SZ5 Sub, Poland Fighter to SZ6
    Take Ukraine, and only Ukraine.
    All 6 tanks and all BGR to Ukraine. Bring tank and inf from France or Libya as well.
    Ignore Egypt, you’ll loose Libya and Morocco anyway, let them move Egypt’s units away from our area of focus.
    Move everything forward towards BGR, move 2 inf from Finland to Poland.

    IC for Manchuria.
    Take out American Navy, move West.
    SZ57 2 Fighters to SZ56
    SZ57 2 Fighters, SZ51 DT to SZ53
    SZ57 AC to AZ51
    CI takes Borneo and East Indies
    Battleship and Formosa fighter take SZ50
    SZ61 2 Fighters to SZ35
    SZ61, FIC to Burma
    Take Kwangtung, and two Chinese territories.
    Send everything West.
    Fighters to FIC.

    Buy 2 tanks. Attack Caucasus, but don’t take it. Retreat the fighter to Ukraine.

    Buy 6 tanks, attack and take Caucasus, bomb Russia.
    Move everything West. Russia will take it back, but you have wave two and three ready now.

    IC for Burma, 3 tanks Manchuria.
    Manchuria focusses on China, its faster and easier to Russia. Move everything to India, you should have 9 inf, 1 art, maybe 1 tank, plus fighters. Move fleet West. Fleets reaching SZ34 now. Fighters to Caucasus if Germany kept it.

    Buy 2 tanks. Support Ukraine or turn to Africa if things are going well on the road to Russia. Try and take the Suez, or Egypt at least.

    Buy 4-5 tanks+inf. By now the Allies are ready to mount the offensive, but you must keep your focus on Russia one last turn. Take Caucasus again or reinforce it, you’re not ready to take Russia, move everything forward.

    Buy IC for India, all tanks.
    Its simple from here, Burma and India feed tanks to Caucasus and Russia, Manchuria focuses on making a beeline through China to Russia. Italy and Japan take the Suez, and merge the fleets. Fighters to Germany and Caucasus.

    You should be relatively set from here. Let Germany weaken Russia on turn 5 with the remaining waves. Japan should be ready to take Russia on turn 5. Let Japan take it, they have the money to buy tanks. Germany and Italy from turn 4 on just need to turtle on their capitals and swap France long enough to survive until Japan arrives with WAVES of tanks. From there its game, Japan bombers to destroy fleets, Germany saves up two moves for your own big fleet and go to town on UK. Japan cleans up Africa and everything else.

    I’ve played maybe 20 hard AI games and this is the only strategy that I can beat the Allies with.

  • Thanks for the info! I’ll try this out on 3A. Whether over the board or on 3A we don’t tend to go that tank heavy (although at 5 IPC a piece, it’s been tempting) - too hard to get away from the old habit of stocking up on infantry.

    Have you tried this method over the board yet? We tend to play no NO’s and Dardanelles closed - would this adversely affect this strategy in your opinion?

  • @thehersh I think this strategy works against the AI mostly because the AI is very poor at attacking the Pacific with the USA. If the US puts even a medium sized fleet in the Pacific the Japan can’t afford to build maximum tanks every turn, let alone swing the entire Japanese fleet toward Egypt.

    Also, don’t you find that your opening battles against the British navy are a little risky? Hitting all 3 fleets on turn 1 means that you could easily lose at least 1 of those battles. What do you do then? Do you have a recovery plan?

  • @Argothair said in Reliable 1941 Axis Strategy:

    @thehersh I think this strategy works against the AI mostly because the AI is very poor at attacking the Pacific with the USA. If the US puts even a medium sized fleet in the Pacific the Japan can’t afford to build maximum tanks every turn, let alone swing the entire Japanese fleet toward Egypt.

    Also, don’t you find that your opening battles against the British navy are a little risky? Hitting all 3 fleets on turn 1 means that you could easily lose at least 1 of those battles. What do you do then? Do you have a recovery plan?

    Is there a viable strategy for Axis to win when playing no NO’s?

    Seems incredibly difficult to me.

  • @cheezhead1252 I enjoy playing with NOs, so I very rarely play without them, but I really don’t think they make much difference to who has the advantage – on a typical turn both players will earn about the same amount of money from NOs.

    For example, on turn 3, you might get something like this:

    Germany – $5 from original W. Europe territories, $5 from Leningrad
    Italy – $5 from clearing the Med
    Japan – $5 for Chinese seaboard, $5 for money islands

    USA – $5 for heartland US territories, $5 from central Pacific islands
    UK – $5 for an original Japanese territory (US can grab Carolines to help the UK out)
    Russia – $5 for Archangel / xenophobia

    So on average we’re talking about a $5 difference; it’s not game-changing. And on turns 1 and 2, sometimes the Allies will get more NO money than the Axis, because Leningrad is still holding, the UK might earn its $5 for Gibraltar/Egypt/South Africa, the UK might be able to trade France, and so on.

    That said, the solid and reliable Axis strategy for out-of-the-box 1941 Anniversary on turn 1 with no bid is for the Germans to sink 2 out of the 3 British fleets and take Baltic States, Belorussia, and Ukraine, paying careful attention to where you send the tanks so that the tanks aren’t lost as casualties or in a counter attack. The Germans build a carrier for the Baltic Sea and land both fighters on it; this defends it very well against early British airpower and puts enormous pressure on Leningrad, because next turn it can be hit with ~3 inf/art from Baltics, ~6 tanks from eastern europe, ~2 more land units from Berlin via the Baltic transport, a cruiser bombard, and the entire German airforce. The Russians usually have to pull out of Leningrad on their first turn or lose it; once you start trading Leningrad, you rapidly get to the point where the Russians can’t afford to keep attacking it. Other than the carrier, Germany mostly buys infantry; the infantry march into Leningrad and sit there. Once the Leningrad factory is operational, you no longer need the carrier to survive; if the British want to trade their air force for it, great, that’s that much more money they’re not earning by trading France. With Leningrad in German hands, you can trade Scandinavia, France, and eastern Europe for the rest of the game and play defense.

    Meanwhile, Japan takes over the world based on an extremely aggressive first turn. Japan can and should sink the Indian British fleet while also doing Pearl Harbor, taking two money islands, and seizing the entire Chinese seaboard. Sink the US Philippine fleet, but save the actual conquest of the Philippines for J2, especially with no national objectives. Land at least one transport in Burma to put immediate pressure on India. Like Leningrad, Britain will have to evacuate India on its very first turn or lose it. Once the Japanese are in India, they can build a factory there, which puts enormous pressure on the Caucasus and the 2-IPC russian territories in central Asia. Don’t build a Manchurian factory; it’s a waste of space because you have troops sitting in Japan that are waiting for sealift, and you can’t afford to build 11 units a turn anyway until after you’ve conquered most of Asia. Instead, build mostly transports, with maybe one destroyer if you need it to cope with Allied subs and a few infantry to make sure the transports stay full.

    It is unbelievable how quickly and reliably Japan can expand in this game with no bid. You should be in both India and Australia by turn 3, and in Egypt / Caucasus / Hawaii by turn 5. Germany can afford to play defense because Japan will win; there’s nothing the US can do about it because the entire US economy is smaller than Japan’s starting on turn 2, the Allied Pacific fleets get crushed on J1 before they can move, Japan starts with a huge advantage in air/sea power, and the US is too far away from Japan’s most valuable territories anyway, so by the time they can rebuild a fleet worth moving west, Japan is outproducing the US by 50 or 60%.

  • @Argothair Wow, thank you for the great reply.

    I am very interested in the Germany strategy as that’s where so have the most problems. I usually take the three territories you mentioned but the trading over these territories tends to wear me down and opens a landing spot for pesky Brit’s as I dump reinforcements east.

    Definitely interested in trying the carrier out. I read some of Jenn’s old posts and she seemed pretty dead set against it so I haven’t tried that out yet.

    Do you attack Egypt G1 as well? Even if it’s just a sideshow. And do you rush Italian tanks to the front or build infantry?

    Also appreciate the thoughts on the Manchuria IC. I have done this and while I blitzed through India, China, and Siberia, I think it delayed things a turn to long for me to rush zeroes out to the eastern front and also the scenario you described occurred as well lol.

    Many thanks!! I must beat my old man haha 😝

  • @cheezhead1252 You’re welcome!

    No, I think it is counterproductive to worry about attacking Egypt on G1 – especially with NOs off, it is just not that important, and you need every plane in the German air force to win 2 naval battles + 3 land battles on turn 1 at reasonable odds.

    If you want to go heavy in the Med, you can get excellent odds on taking Egypt turn 2 by instead using the German med transport to shuffle another inf + tank to Libya on G1, where it will be protected by the Italian navy for a turn. Italy will do the same, shuffling another 2 units to Libya on I1. If you pre-position another 2 units in Italy / the Balkans on G1, then on G2 you can ferry them to Egypt with your transport, allowing you to attack with ~8 land units, plus the German bomber, which can now be spared from anti-British-navy duties, plus also a German fighter that should have landed in Morocco. This is far more than anything the Allies can bring to the region, and if you somehow roll poorly, the Italians are there to follow up with an equally hard punch (~7 units, 1 plane, and 2 naval bombards).

    Italy can build any land units it wants for the eastern front; it’s just a style preference. Tanks allow you to threaten a ‘can opener’ for Germany in a larger number of territories, but they tend to be a one-and-done attack, since Italy doesn’t have enough cash to build many tanks; sooner or later Russia will call your bluff and force you to either attack with the Italian tanks into a stack of 2-3 Russian infantry, or else retreat. If you send in the tanks and Germany can’t take Moscow that turn or stack up with the survivors, then you’ll lose the surviving tanks next turn to a Russian counterattack, and you won’t be able to replace them anytime soon. But, if you build all infantry, then it takes longer to become relevant, and Russia can clearly see where it’s headed. There are pros and cons. I usually build a mix.

    Good luck against your old man!

  • @Argothair said in Reliable 1941 Axis Strategy:

    @cheezhead1252 You’re welcome!

    No, I think it is counterproductive to worry about attacking Egypt on G1 – especially with NOs off, it is just not that important, and you need every plane in the German air force to win 2 naval battles + 3 land battles on turn 1 at reasonable odds.

    If you want to go heavy in the Med, you can get excellent odds on taking Egypt turn 2 by instead using the German med transport to shuffle another inf + tank to Libya on G1, where it will be protected by the Italian navy for a turn. Italy will do the same, shuffling another 2 units to Libya on I1. If you pre-position another 2 units in Italy / the Balkans on G1, then on G2 you can ferry them to Egypt with your transport, allowing you to attack with ~8 land units, plus the German bomber, which can now be spared from anti-British-navy duties, plus also a German fighter that should have landed in Morocco. This is far more than anything the Allies can bring to the region, and if you somehow roll poorly, the Italians are there to follow up with an equally hard punch (~7 units, 1 plane, and 2 naval bombards).

    Italy can build any land units it wants for the eastern front; it’s just a style preference. Tanks allow you to threaten a ‘can opener’ for Germany in a larger number of territories, but they tend to be a one-and-done attack, since Italy doesn’t have enough cash to build many tanks; sooner or later Russia will call your bluff and force you to either attack with the Italian tanks into a stack of 2-3 Russian infantry, or else retreat. If you send in the tanks and Germany can’t take Moscow that turn or stack up with the survivors, then you’ll lose the surviving tanks next turn to a Russian counterattack, and you won’t be able to replace them anytime soon. But, if you build all infantry, then it takes longer to become relevant, and Russia can clearly see where it’s headed. There are pros and cons. I usually build a mix.

    Good luck against your old man!

    I took the advice from your first post and applied to a game of triple A hard AI before you posted this response. I ended up coming to the same conclusions as above, so it is good to confirm I’m on the right track haha.

    I agree that the juice in Egypt isn’t really worth the squeeze. I strafed them in G1 to kill some units. And they end up running to Persia once you pressure India anyways. So the French tank and an Inf got shipped to the Eastern front via Med transport and I did the same with Italian units too.

    Also, the tip for transports to pressure India was money, getting it a round earlier than I had been was huge. Was able to rush in some planes to help defend Germany on J2 or maybe it was J3.

    Was the first time I beat the AI without No’s, it felt great crushing Russia, not going to lie hehe. It’s a slog on the eastern front and you have to be extremely careful and concentrate your forces at the right spot at the right time or you’re fooked.

    Thanks again for the great advice and I look forward to kicking some allied booty, cheers!

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