• @the-captain

    Amazing trick! I might have thought about that before, but still awesome reading it.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Also, I think three Army Groups seem to work, as that is what Germany did historically (as you note, it’s very expensive, so it only works for Germany if it does an Operation Barbarossa). Finally, I don’t think the Slovakia Hungary fighter is needed in the invasion of Southern France.

  • @barnee

    Strategy Guide for the Soviet Union is now available.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Amazing! I just would like to comment on your ideas and my own ideas for Germany-they might be flawed, but they somehow work every game.

    I think it’s stupid that Germany attacks the Soviet Union. That is how they lost the war in the first place. Instead, a better idea is to put lost of defensive forces on the border and wait for the Soviet Union to attack, and then counterattack with reserve forces. It takes all Soviet forces to breakthrough, so once the Soviet forces are destroyed, the Soviets have lost the production war and they usually lose. A Japanese attack against Amur (where the Soviets concentrate all Far Eastern forces) usually succeeds, the Mongolian forces can’t do much, and Japan eats up one IPC worth of territory every turn. I haven’t done this yet with the new rules, but the Axis wins every time the Soviets attack (one time, the Soviets didn’t attack, so Germany had to attack, and Germany got lucky, with similar effects, all Soviet forces are destroyed, and the Soviets have lost the production war). US and Britain can’t do much, and it’s only a matter of time before Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad fall, and Cairo gets taken sooner or later (this may not be a good strategy at all, and the players for the Allies just make lots of mistakes).

  • @the-captain said in Strategy Guide Global 1940:


    Strategy Guide for the Soviet Union is now available.


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @The-Captain Love it ! Once again well done. Smooth reading and no typos that I saw.

    yea i kinda spaced saving enough dough for the Conscripts. Guess I better bank some next turn lol

    How do you usually get the USA tanks there ? Far East if not at war with Japan and then Rail ? Need a Naval Task Force to support though. Air Transport ? That seems kinda spendy.

    Caucasus seems kinda time consuming. Also dependent on control of N Africa. That’s why I was thinking Ftrs. Get there faster. I guess those Tanks are handy for forming the Tank Armies or making losses good though.

    Sweet ! I’m all jacked to roll through another test rd : )

  • @barnee

    The United States will build up their Navy in the Pacific - one of the first tasks is to send Tank units to USSR - through Far East.

    Hopefully, within a few weeks, I’ll have the US Strategy Guide ready.

    Until then, Japan is next:relaxed:

  • @barnee

    Also, only German air transports can carry tanks.

  • @superbattleshipyamato123 ahh…that’s right. Luftwaffe is already building them. I’m sending Rommel to N Africa one way or another lol

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Lot going on. These Armies and Army Groups taking the most time so far. : )

    Totally spaced the 10 bucks for USSR when Germany attacks. Might try and make a notification as a reminder as you gotta edit it in.

    Anyway, can I spend my 10 bucks on a Tank General and then place where he could form an Army Group ?

    So Belarus wasn’t attacked by the Germans when they attacked. I buy a Tank General and put him in Belarus. Russia then forms an Army Group at their turn start ?

    And I can pull one of the tanks out of the commiesar group to use with the Tank Army ?

    I got over 10 extra dudes. I’ll just swap out the Commisar Corps Tank with another unit

    Screenshot from 2021-09-16 02-49-21.png

    oh nvm I confused myself. Thought I had 5 Tanks lol. One of the drawbacks to triplea. Stuff overlaps. There are some features around it though

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @barnee actually confused myself lol. So I already have 1 Commisar Corps active with a Tank as it’s 2 hitter, dice wise, hits at 3, the tank. I buy another Commisar when Germany attacks and place in Belarus which wasn’t attacked along with a Tank, I can then make a Army Group start of my turn ?

    I guess the Tank don’t matter as only one can be active but, yea that’s what I’m asking :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Ok one more time. :) Germany attacks first time. Russia gets immediate 10 bucks after German combat move and they can save or place in any Russian TTy that Germany didn’t attack

    In Belarus, which Germany didn’t attack, the Russians have a Commisar corps with a Tank that the Commisar has activated to two rolls.

    Question :)

    Can I put another Commisar and Tank in Belarus and create an Army Group start of Russia’s turn ? Only 1 Commie Corps would be active obviously

    Here I added the Commisar, Tank and Army Group
    Screenshot from 2021-09-16 03-50-00.png
    Think I’m gonna Hammer Baltics and take my chances lol

  • @barnee

    Here is how it goes:

    When Germany attacks, the Soviets can only place new units for the 10 IPC they get from the bank.

    The Soviets cannot move any units - or form a Soviet Army Corps or an Army Group at this moment - since both these Battle Formations must be organized on a previous turn (see pages 44 & 45 in the rulebook).

    Good questions, by the way. They will be included in the next update of the Rules Clarification:relaxed:

  • @the-captain yea I guess it doesn’t really matter since belarus didn’t get attacked. Russia goes next and then would be able to form the Army Group at the start of their turn

  • @the-captain

    Got a little question:

    As there are two armies in an army group, does only one of the armies in the army group get the advantage (even though they are together in the army group)? Thank you!

  • @superbattleshipyamato123

    An Army Group consists of (at least) two Armies - plus 10 landbased combat units (some of these 10 landbased combat units could also be units from a third Army, since these units would count towards the total of 10 landbased combat units).

    An Army Group gets a bonus dice roll with 2 dice at “4” during an attack - and “5” during defense - during each round of combat for as long as the Army Group is intact.

    The 2-dice bonus rolls represent the cohesion of the units fighting together within the Army Group.

    Within this Army Group, 1 of the Armies also have extra bonus dice rolls - which represents the cohesion of units within that Army.

    When multiple Armies from the same side or Nation occupy the same territory, only 1 Army can obtaion its ability to fight as an Army - and get the bonus dice rolls.

    The units within other Armies in this territory - whether or not these Armies are part of an Army Group - must fight at their individual unit strength.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Got it! Thank you for responding! I also have a question about strategy-it is my understanding that all the armies move two spaces (or at least the “leaders”), so when forming army groups, do you fill the ranks with mechanised infantry? Or are normal infantry, elite infantry, and artillery enough? What do you do? Thank you!

    Also, I love the Japanese strategy one!

  • @superbattleshipyamato123

    The only Armies that could include units with a movement of only 1 space, would be the Soviet Army Corps - since the Soviets can combine any kind of land based combat units within their Army Corps.

    In a German Waffen-SS Army, all Waffen-SS units can move 2 spaces.

    In a Panzer Army (or Tank Army) all units can move 2 spaces.

    Concerning a Blitz move, only a Panzer Army/Tank Army can do so, since all units in this type of Army are able to make a Blitz move on their own.

    Let’s take this scenario to the next step:
    Only an Army Group that consists of 2 Panzer Amies/Tank Armies - and 10 Panzer/Tank units - would be able to make a Blitz move as an Army Group (this scenario is most likely quite rare…).

    So, I would narrow it down to the Soviet Army Corps:
    From game start - Early 1940 - the Soviets should create their Soviet Army Corps - each with 1 Commissar unit and 3 Tank units.

    Later, as the Soviet Tank Armies require multiple Tank units, it might be a good idea - during Non-Combat Movement - to move the Tank units from the Soviet Army Corps to the Tank Armies.

    The Soviet Army Corps could then include:
    1 Commissar, plus 3 Soviet Guard Infantry units. This would give the Soviet Army Corps a defense capacity equal to that of the Tank units within the Soviet Army Corps.

  • @the-captain

    I just feel a Soviet Commisar’s move of 2 is wasted by using normal infantry, and as I said, for the remaining ten land units in an army group, should they all move at two (to fit with Waffen-SS armies and tank armies, so those armies’ movement value of 2 won’t be wasted)? Thank you!

  • @the-captain said in Strategy Guide Global 1940:

    (some of these 10 landbased combat units could also be units from a third Army, since these units would count towards the total of 10 landbased combat units).

    so the 2 armies that form the Army Group can use some of the dudes in the third Army to form it since the third Army really wouldn’t be formed, as only 1 Army gets the bonus even in the Army Group.

    Or does the Army still form but just isn’t active with it’s 2 bonus dice ? It can then use some of the dudes they sent to form the Army Group with the other two Armies to either reinforce the Army Group if it lost an Army or go on independently as it’s own Army provided the dudes they supplied to the Army Group to help form it didn’t get slayed ?

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