Nice work @ari236
@Playing-Kid said in My First Custom Map:
You can use Gimp as a great free software to make your maps
And I agree with Gimp. That’s the tool I used for working on my map files.
Re: Ultimate full global 1940 map file with corrected realistic coastlines and naked
Hi all -
Imperious Leader’s map is amazing. We noticed something last night on a play through …
Is Manchuria supposed to be Japanese, as it is on the map, or Chinese, occupied by Japan?
And should there be a Chinese flag on Kansu?
It these are errors, is anyone aware of any other slips on the map? Otherwise, it’s amazing!
@azpathfinder simple rule: if the setup has Japanese units in China, they control that portion of the country. If there is no control icon also in that part of the country, Imperious made a mistake!
@imperious-leader No worries at all, thank you for replying! I just wasn’t sure if there was a rule update somewhere that I missed where Manchuria actually was Japanese (and not Chinese, occupied by Japan)… still an incredible map!
I’m thinking of printing this map. It looks great. What material did you use?
@lincolnhawk I just used an online print company (Smartpress I think?) and had it printed on vinyl, to a size that fit my table.
Here’s a link to how it came out - could not be happier with the result.
@azpathfinder way sweet ! Is that recessed lighting of some sort around the edges ? can’t really tell. Would u post a pic with the lid off ? looks way cool : ) Think I’ll go pour one right now lol
@barnee Yep let me figure out how to upload and I will. The table is by WMHomestead. I did quite a bit of research and they seemed to be the right balance between cost and customization - size, stain, accessories,etc. The lighting is an LED strip that goes around the entire inside, and you can change to any color. Definitely changes the game when I get angry about bad rolling, I can turn the light red.:)
@azpathfinder heh heh and when Germany attacks lol I guess it could be russia too : )
So far right on the icons then back one will be upload image