Naval Mines are almost done. :) Here’s a few shots showing how they work.
There are 3 Naval Mines for Purchase.
NavalMine which is 1 NM and cost 1 PU
NavalMine2 which designates 2 NMs and cost 2 PUs
and NM3 which designates 3 NMs and cost 3 PUs
Here they are in the Purchase screen Far Right
The reason there are 3 types of NMs, is that triplea defaults to loading non Transports with transport ability first. Which can be kind of annoying. Idk how or if one can change that.
Anyway, each NM has a transport cost of 1 and the Escorts have a transport capacity of 1. So they can only load NMs. Triplea will still ask if you want to load on the Trprt but will default to the Escort.
JPN DDs are only other Unit that has trprt ability and I haven’t checked to see what it defaults to yet. So it’s Player Enforced to Only load them on Escorts.
In this shot, we have 2 NM3s in Germany, which is the only place they can be built. We also have an Escort and a Escort Convoy in SZ 113.
NMs can move 1 in NCM only in order to load on the Escorts. Once again, Player Enforced not to move them any other way.
We load both NM3s on the Escort and EscortConvoy.
It asks us which Transport Vessel we want to load on with it defaulting to the Escort. If you already know that you are going to lay the 3 NMs from the EscCnvy first, then switch and load it first. Otherwise when you go to delete the NMs and EscortConvoy, it will make you delete the first loaded trprt vessel first, which would be the ESC
Here they are fully loaded.
Now the Fleet moves to 112 SZ
The EscortConvoy is going to lay 3 NMs against 110 SZ and the Escort is going to keep it’s NMs on board.
Orange is used to designate Southwest direction, so AFTER NCM, we Edit 3 Orange Changer NMs to 112 SZ.
The ONLY way to remove the NMs that were on the EscortConvoy is to remove it along with it’s cargo. You then have to Edit the EscCnvy back in.
And to make matters worse, since triplea defaults to the Escort as the first one loaded, you have to delete it and it’s cargo before it allows you to delete the Convoy. That’s why you want to load the Convoy first as stated above.
Pita right ? Heh heh not too bad when you get used to it :)
So now we have 3 Orange NMs defending against 110 SZ with 3 NMs still loaded on the Escort.
If needed, you can document in the Comment Log.
I have a few other things todo before the next update. Hopefully I can get it out sooner than later :)
Edit 11-20-24
SZ 112 Defending @ SZ 110 is now SZ specific and actually has been for a while :)