@markebeast you have to use edit mode when using landmines in a rule compliant way. @VictoryFirst and i have found it to be just another step in game play. https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39280/barnee-axis-vs-victoryfirst-allies-g-40-expansion/237?page=10
The use of colored mines denotes which border they are defending. When LMs defend, you need to use “dicebot” or an equivalent to determine the outcome. If playing in “local mode”, you can use the built in triplea dice roller.
You also need to “hand roll” certain Paratrooper and Submarine battles using the same process.
If you prefer to have triplea do all the rolling for you, there is an option that does that, although it won’t be 100% rule compliant. Paratroopers and Submarines are slightly affected, whereas LMs play significantly different.
TripleA Landmines
The “armed” mines are D2 now. They only die after getting a hit or taken as a casualty. They roll separately from the rest of the defending units, so you can see if they hit or not.
You can place as many as there are “unarmed” mines, so you’ll have to player enforce any territory limits. They will defend against attacks from any border.
May be turned on in “Map Options”.
Due to triplea limitations, this mod will require more face to face style play, where the players need to work together to be as rule compliant as possible, just as they would playing in person.
Here is the discussion on triplea LMs https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36945/axis-allies-global-1940-house-rules-expansion/42?page=2