@FlyingBadger said in L25 PtV FlyingBadger (Axis+8) vs Zarhunter (Allies) #1:
Scotland to 114? No
UK to 113? NO
France to Normandy? YES
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.4
Game History
Round: 10
Purchase Units - Americans
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by Italians to Tambov: 1 infantry
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Oh, wow, that is a CRAZY string for 2s (and a 3 and a 4) on defenses on both sides going back to USA9. J9 went great, but we’ve had a full round of SICK defenses since then.
Philippines (Infantry and Artillery) hit 2/3
Holland (Infantry) 1/1
Z34 (destroyer) 1/1
Z21 (sub) 0/1
Burma (infantry) 1/1, hits plane
Northern Italy (3 infantry) 2/4, territory holds
Shensi (2 infantry) 1/3
France (AA, 3 infantry, artillery) 2/5, hits plane
Italy and ANZAC9
no rolls
Holland (AA, 2 infantry) 2/3 (and first AA hit of the GAME for EITHER side)
Volgograd (2 infantry) 1/2
Smolensk (infantry) 1/1
South France (fighter) 1/1
Archangel (infantry) 1/1
Novgorod (mech) 1/1
Samara (mech) 1/1
Tambov (infantry) 1/1
Z35 (cruiser) 1/1
Philippines (marine) 1/1
Tsinghai (infantry and fighter) 1/2
Shensi (infantry) 1/1
Z20 (destroyer) 1/1
I ran it in a calculator. That was 24 hits rolling 1 1, 32 2’s, 1 3, and 2 4’s (36 total dice)
It’s .01% chance, 1 in 10,000. I will assume the extreme defenses were for 1 full round and fearlessly attack on US10 and UK10 ;)
TripleA Move Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.4
Game History
Round: 10
Purchase Units - Americans
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by Italians to Tambov: 1 infantry
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Americans buy 1 armour, 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 1 fighter, 4 infantry, 6 submarines and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - Americans
1 bomber moved from Malta to Egypt
1 bomber moved from Eastern United States to Holland Belgium
1 mech_infantry moved from Libya to Alexandria
British take Alexandria from Italians
1 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium
2 bombers moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Southern Italy
2 fighters moved from United Kingdom to Holland Belgium
3 fighters moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium
1 destroyer moved from 92 Sea Zone to 97 Sea Zone
1 submarine moved from 37 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
1 submarine moved from 44 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
1 submarine moved from 43 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
2 submarines moved from 19 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
1 destroyer and 1 submarine moved from 21 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
4 fighters moved from Guam to 35 Sea Zone
1 bomber moved from Paulau Island to 35 Sea Zone
2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Caroline Islands to 35 Sea Zone
1 fighter moved from Java to 35 Sea Zone
1 bomber and 1 fighter moved from India to 35 Sea Zone
1 submarine moved from 33 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
1 battleship, 3 carriers, 5 destroyers, 1 fighter and 1 submarine moved from 33 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
Intercept bombers in South Italy or scramble to zone 97 or neither?
Kamikazes for Zone 35?
@gamerman01 please scramble to sz 97 and use all Kamikazee Tokens.
One for each DD. Max Def.
Thank you.
OK, I’m going to roll the Philippines battle on the forum because if I recall correctly, Triple A will roll subs separately - to be sure it’s done properly it needs to be rolled here…
[dice 3d6]
3d6: 6, 2, 6
Fair enough - 1 destroyer sunk by kamikazes
8 subs, 6 destroyers, 9 fighters, 1 tac, 2 bombers, 1 battleship (and 3 carriers)
[dice 8d6 6d6 9d6 4d6]
8d6: 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 6, 6, 2
6d6: 4, 4, 6, 3, 5, 3
9d6: 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4
4d6: 4, 5, 1, 4
bathroom break lol
OK, that would be 3 hits with subs, 0 hits with destroyers (and I forgot to roll for 1 less destroyer from the kamikaze hit, didn’t I?) 4 hits with fighters and 3 hits with the 4’s, for a total of 10 hits
I know you said max defense, but I do need you to choose casualties because it makes a difference if you keep a destroyer to round 2 or not, thanks
So you hit 1 destroyer with kamikazes, and I scored 10 hits in round 1. My destroyers all blanked so it doesn’t matter that I accidentally rolled 1 too many destroyers. What 10 hits do you take? Thank you
@gamerman01 If I understand correctly you got then a total of 13 hits including the sub hits?
In that case sink all CV’s dent BB, kill one DD and a TacB.
In case I missunderstood the total of hits; dent BB Kill 4 CV’s and dmg last CV for a sum of 10 scored hits.
@gamerman01 I thought the DD who is hit by an Kamikazee needs to be removed immediately? He doesn’t participate in the battle? Or was I mistaken?
Oh, you’re totally right, I mistakenly rolled all 6 destroyers but should have been 5, but if you read my post again you’ll see that two different times I acknowledged this. The ghost destroyer missed along with all the others so I think it’s all good there, I am so sorry for the mistake I made and the confusion it caused.
I might have also confused you when I said “3 hits with the 4’s” - that was my way of saying I got 3 hits from the combined rolls of the 2 bombers, the battleship, and that tac bomber.
It’s 10 hits total, not 13. I will try to be clearer in the future, I’m very sorry for the confusion.
OK, so you said dent BB, sink 4 CV’s, and damage 5th CV for a total of 10 hits - thank you very much for that, I just really didn’t feel comfortable choosing casualties for you in this situation.
Japan has 5 carriers, 2 destroyers, 4 tactical bombers, 6 fighters, and 2 battleships, one is damaged
7@2 4@3 8@4
[dice 7d6 4d6 8d6]
7d6: 2, 3, 5, 1, 3, 2, 2
4d6: 1, 2, 2, 6
8d6: 4, 1, 6, 5, 6, 2, 6, 3
That’s 4 hits with the 2’s
3 hits with the 3’s
4 hits with the 4’s
11 hits total
I just did the SBR and Egypt took 6 damage but Rome shot down both bombers.
OK, I think it’s too risky to try and save a fleet here that would hold up against your air counter-attack, so I will scuttle the fleet…
I ding my battleship (1) sink 3 carriers (6) and 4 subs (4) (11)
I have 4 subs, 5 destroyers 9 fighters, 1 tac, 2 bombers, 1 dmgd BB
1 dmg CV, 2 destroyers, 4 tacs, 6 fighters, 2 dmgd BBs
[dice 4d6 5d6 9d6 4d6]