• Hey everyone! Here are some photos of my G40 custom job. I built this to be relatable to all players and only added features to subtly enhance playability. Dress right dress and standardization were the order of the day.

    List of features:

    1. NO MOLD LINES (all pieces were carefully sanded with sanding twigs)
    2. LOW COLOR NOISE (no special camouflage or distracting colors)
    3. Infrastructure replaced with actual pieces (all painted white)
    4. Capital ships have magnetized hulls to “carry” orange damage markers
    5. Aircraft Carriers are magnetized to “carry” aircraft
    6. Aircraft magnetized to flight stands using “pin drill” technique for perfect balance.
    7. Aircraft wear period correct decals for ease of spotting on the board (my exception to “color noise” reduction)
      *8) Some units were replaced for historical accuracy. Used only AH or WotC pieces to maintain aesthetic integrity. (exc: China P-40, artillery)

    Check out my YouTube customization series for more info:


    IMG_1217.JPG IMG_1218.JPG IMG_1219.JPG IMG_1220.JPG IMG_1221.JPG IMG_1222.JPG IMG_1223.JPG IMG_1224.JPG IMG_1225.JPG IMG_1226.JPG IMG_1227.JPG IMG_1228.JPG IMG_1229.JPG IMG_1230.JPG IMG_1231.JPG IMG_1232.JPG IMG_1233.JPGIMG_1213.JPG IMG_1214.JPG IMG_1215.JPG IMG_1216.JPG

  • @AcesWild5049
    Very Nice :+1:

  • This is brilliant work!


  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer

    Nice, clean look! This is how FOlewnik and I started. Are you sure you’re finished? lol.

  • I love this look.Believe me I know we have taken our pieces to far,but after 30+years of being a professional painter they challenge me.Were I to start over I would go for this. Very well done.

  • That is some really nice work Aces! I love the simplicity! Very cool upgrade!

    I’m very interested in doing the same thing. If you don’t mind me asking, what colors did you use for each nation?

  • @DMcLaren Hey thanks! Only with that version. Anniversary got the same treatment (kept it completely original) and currently tapping away at 1914. But I know what you mean. Once the bug bites…

    @folewnik as a small time scale modeler, I very much admire your work. You have exceptional attention to detail so I thank you very much for this compliment.

    @Ghoster Thanks! And that’s awesome! I think you’ll really enjoy the experience. I’ve been asked this several times now so I’ll just post it here and on YouTube:

    Russia - TS-62 NATO Brown
    UK - TS-46 Light Sand
    USA - TS-28 Olive Drab 2
    Germany - TS-6 Matte Black
    Australia - TS-66 IJN Gray
    Italy - AS-22 Dark Earth

    the rest were bottle paints shot from an airbrush:
    France - XF-18 (tamiya)
    China - Interior Green mixed with some yellow
    Japan - Model Master’s Italian Red mixed with Rust from the same company

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







