so its
INF hits on any land units
ARM hits on ARM or ART units first
ART hits on INF first (or is that any land units?
This is better:
All attacking infantry hits are the choice of defender
All attacking armor hits are allocated to defending armor or artillery before the selection can be made to any other land unit.
now, back to air units combating without ground control
any updates Imperious Leader?
A fixed number of turns would be unrealistic, even when defending thus “inactive”.
I sugguest some sorta dice rolling, air units individually forced to retreat, related to number of enemy land units, different values for attacking or defending.
It shall be quite a full solution.
Yes lone attacking air units is covered too. Air power is not unlimited. You don’t have one single air division repelling a sizable army.
air only attack:
Defender rolls a dice for each defending land unit excluding AA in step 5, for every roll of 1 roll another dice. For every roll of 2 or less attacker retreats an air unit.
++++ air only attack does not involve land units. if you move your air units into a space where only defending air units are they combat according to air combat values ( see other material). If you attack a territory with land units and air units they each combat seperatly. If AA guns are present and they roll first before aerial combat begins ( hitting on two rolls of one, and forced retreats on two rolls of 2–- all other results are ignored. They may also recieve more than one roll depending on the territory under attack. I will reword my previous post on this.
On average 18 units/cycles to retreat one air unit. Assuming defender holds at all costs. Rough maths, dead land units not removed, more would be killed in practice.
1 FTR attacks 18 INF…0.5 INF would be killed
1 FTR attacks 9 INF…0.5 + 0.5 INF = 1 INF would be killed
1 FTR attacks 3 INF…0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.5 INF would be killed
4 FTR attacks 18 INF…2 + 1.5 + 1 + 0.5 = 4.5 INF would be killed
4 FTR attacks 9 INF…2 + 2 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1 + 1 etc = ALL INF would be killed
air only defend:
Attacker rolls a dice for each attacking land unit excluding AA in step 4. For every roll of 1 attacker retreats an air unit.
On average 6 rolls to retreat one air unit. Assuming attacker pushes at all costs. Rough maths, dead land units not removed, more would be killed in practice.
6 INF attacks 1 FTR…0.66 INF would be killed
3 INF attacks 1 FTR…0.66 + 0.66 INF would be killed
6 INF attacks 2 FTR…1.33 + 0.66 = 2 INF would be killed
6 INF attacks 3 FTR…all INF would be killed
12 INF attacks 3 FTR…3 INF killed