• Moderator

    I have a “specialist” unit for Germany… How about making there Artillery “mobile” and it can target tanks as if they were “Aircraft” (88’s) but can only fire at one or the other… I think that the Allies would find it harder to just land in France on T2 or 3 because they can if a more historical blocker was in the way…


  • @Imperious:

    we are stuck in the linguistic’s but we can easily circumvent this consider:
    Advanced fighters
    Advanced bombers

    Yeah so basically Jet, Long Range Aircraft, Heavy Bombers are all upgrades not new units.
    But its no longer called “Jet” for example.

    I am ok with that. That solves the too many air units problem.


    How about an early warning system. Allowing a fighter to reinforce an adjacent friendly territory being attacked and landing back in the territory from which it came?

    Yep we have this.
    Its called Defensive Air Support.
    When its not your turn your planes can actually combat in an adjacent territory or sea zone INSTEAD of the territory it is in.

    P.S., we should make a topic for finalizations of phases, to keep everyone up to speed. It should only contain completed phases, like the turn sequence, time factor, etc. We should also keep comments to a minimum so it will be easier to see the final product of a given phase, you know what I mean?

    We have that. For phase 1 we have a “AARHE: Phase 1: Final Draft” thread.
    For phase 2, which is incomplete, we have a “AARHE: Phase 2: Draft” thread which will be renamed to “AARHE: Phase 2: Final Draft” or something when we move onto phase 3.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Perhaps this should be seperated into two topics - aircraft and land?

    I’d like to see the creation of convoy units, which would subtract IPC’s from their controlling country if destroyed. What about partisans, such as the FFF?

    I find it interesting that the map is being preserved (as much as possible) to retain A&A appeal, but the basic unit system is being changed quite radically.

  • Most of the unit changes are to accommodate the said map.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I think this would be part of phase two, but there may be overlap into phase three.

    Espionage ~ Throughout WW2 spies were utilized to weaken enemy positions. A well-known example of this is the insertion of English speaking Germans in American uniforms behind Allied lines during the Ardennes offensive.

    New Unit: Spy – Costs 10 IPCs, does not take part in combat. Spies can move into territories occupied by enemy forces as long as a Counter-Espionage Force is not present. Has a movement of 1.

    Spies can conduct a single act of espionage per turn, chosen from the options listed below. Acts of espionage, unless otherwise listed, must be done in a territory controlled by an opponent.

    Industrial Espionage – Reduce the opposing nation’s total IPCs by 1/2 of the spy’s current territory’s production value, rounded down. For example; Japan has 30 IPCs saved, and a USSR spy conducts industrial espionage in Manchuria. Japan loses 1 IPC, bringing it’s total to 29.

    Gather Technological Intelligence - Chose a technology your opponent has more research completed in than you. You gain one research point towards the completion of that technology.

    Incite Rebellion – Receive X free infantry, where X is one third of the nations production value plus one (if the territory was originally owned by your nation but captured, you receive two thirds instead of one third) rounded down. If no enemy units are present in the territory you gain control of it. If enemy units are present combat takes place, with you as the attacker. The infantry attack in the opening fire step, as they would have surprised the defending forces.

    Confuse Defenders - Two units from the same territory chosen by you attack each other. A single round of combat takes place, with both units using their offensive value. After casualties are removed the remaining units end combat, having realized their error.

    Assassinate Government Personnel - Roll one D6. If you roll a six, the territory the spy is currently in will not contribute to the nation’s IPC count during the next collect income phase.

    Counter-Intelligence – The spy gains the ability of a Counter-Espionage Force, allowing it to attack enemy spies. However, the spy can still not partake in regular combat. Note: a spy does not need to be in an enemy territory to sue this ability.

    New Unit: Counter-Espionage Force – Costs 4 IPCs, attacks on a 1 and defends on a 2. Has a movement of 1.

    A Counter-Espionage Force is capable of detecting spies. If it enters a territory containing a spy, all units within the territory will instantly attack the enemy spy. When attacking a spy the Counter-Espionage Force attacks on a 4 or less.

  • That is seriously in the section under “optional rules”

  • 2007 AAR League

    :? I can’t find that section.

  • Their is no such section. But if we had one thats where that rule would go… Its too small scale for a strategic level wargame. Something like commandos may be a better option and have the same idea

  • although I think even Commandos is below the level of abstraction

    certain section names end with “(optional)”

    like “National Units (optional)”

  • Its all under optional rules… even the new units… yes correct.

  • Moderator

    Want to print out cards? Specialty unit “attacks” could be unique, unlimited use abilities (limited to how many you can hold) that cost money to carry out… Don’t ask me how they work just an idea to throw out…


  • Ahh this was used in games like TSR Shirocco. I like that idea. You can have cards like:

    Heavy tanks add +2 for all tank attacks this turn

    elite infantry up to 6 infantry gains a +1 combat modifier in combat

    Rail gun– the German player has a special attack on any adjacent territory. its preemtive and hits on a 5+


  • Moderator


    You can only hold like 5 Cards, and that number can go up if you have more Technology… The cards are either 1 time use (no cost) or multiple use (cost per use)… Like your suggestions… I would imagine we have “abstract” (“skill”) abilities and “concrete” (unit)… In fact instead of having National Advantages you could have cards play those… Maybe draw 1 card a turn can be increased by tech? some ideas for Cards:

    Siberian Forces
    Urban Defense

    Rail Guns
    Heavy Tanks
    Storm Troopers
    AA Artillery

    Home Guard

    Kamikazi (so it won’t cost so much)

    I have run out of ideas so someone else please pick up the ball! :-D


  • Soviet Union:
    Katyusha rocket launchers
    Elite snipers
    Armed workers/Urban defense however you wanna call it

    Seige guns (I like this name better than rail guns)
    Heavy tanks
    Scharfschutze (sniper)

    Great Britain:
    Territorial Army

    Shinyo suicide boats
    Suicide frogmen

    Airborne gliders and paratroopers
    Black Devils

  • 2007 AAR League

    That is kind of moving away from the traditional A&A feel, IMO. It’s more the beginning of a new boardgame (which we should consider after this project  :wink:) than a revision of the current game.

  • What is a Battlecarrier? you neam BBAV? The Hyuaga and Ise? those hybrid battleship carriers?

  • Moderator


    That is kind of moving away from the traditional A&A feel, IMO. It’s more the beginning of a new boardgame (which we should consider after this project  :wink:) than a revision of the current game.

    No instead it could simplify the game by removing the “Tech Charts” extra player aids, etc. and allow the extra units that would have to be represented…


  • 2007 AAR League

    But it still is a new system. Every change I’ve read so far builds off of A&A Revised. This seems to be a new entity.

  • @Imperious:

    What is a Battlecarrier? you neam BBAV? The Hyuaga and Ise? those hybrid battleship carriers?


    Ise, Hyuga, and even Iowa can be considered a battlecarrier

  • This is what i thought

    “Battleship Ise and Hyuga were converted to Battlecarrier in 1943. They both could carry 22 dive-bombers.”

    Iowa was not such a ship. Thats in the game only. Those conversions were made on older Jap BB due to the 4 carriers lost at Midway.

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