That’s one of the problems with games is everybody banks there planes. My own game at least has it where u can lose planes in naval and ground when u don’t want to. If there’s a bonus plane kill u have to take one as a casualty
Pacific Islands worth 3 icps
In the Med just going with 2 sets of 3 islands
CyprusControl 3 receive 5 icps NO
May change. Play test it -
I agree with those islands having actual worth. As I pointed out time and time again, I have no idea how the hell the testers came up with the values of each territory as most are very incorrect in my opinion.
I m also going with you can only spend the money in the Pacific side with no ground buys going towards India or China. Figs cost 11 icps so it would take either side 2-3 turns just to buy a plane if it went against China or India.
Same for Med. Place a token on top of money showing NO bonus money only goes P or Med. Just use a token with the letter P or M on it.