I know I’m a little late here, but here is the “Official” game video about Star Wars Rebellion
Cheap knock off has new sculpts
Looks like a copy cat but you can buy 6 copies for $72. About 400pcs per game. Thats a lot of stuff to paint. -
NO, i got stuck buying a shipload of these crappy games. Worthless. Don’t even think about it. The pieces are kaka.The game is kaka
Well, there you have it folks…if something is too good 2 be true…it probably is.
I own a copy of that game and the only pieces I found useful were the eight little white missiles because, laid on their sides rather than positioned vertically, the make neat little atomic bombs. To keep them horizontal, I place each of them (with one fin pointing down) into some little black plastic slotted bases of which I coincidentally own eight copies; as I recall, they’re the Boss Card holders from Risk: Metal Gear Solid. I don’t recommend buying a copy of Superpowers and a copy of Risk MGS just for those components, unless of course you want to express in concrete terms just how rare and expensive atomic bombs ought to be in A&A.
The “nations” they chose to represent “Superpowers” in this game are enough for me to write it off immediately before I even see the price sticker. Although when I went to the website it seemed an on-line game only… I didn’t see a board game for purchase… I must have missed it.
Price sticker ? its was like 3 for $1 or 1 for .75 cents…pretty much like the 3 stooges. You couldn’t use it to prop open a door.
Price sticker ? its was like 3 for $1 or 1 for .75 cents…pretty much like the 3 stooges. You couldn’t use it to prop open a door.
I was referring to the OP concerning $72… even at six copies, it’s a lot more than I would spend on a silly national setup for a game.
OMG $72 for six copies? He must think its AA50 first edition. Overpriced by $71.00