Why are we giving him credit for beating the French?
Because in spite of all the advice to attack the French in the conventional manner , he sought the wisdom of an even greater plan from lowly Manstein and saw its brilliance. Nobody was a better judge of character than Hitler. He expertly knew talent and how to organize it for his own purposes. All leaders made many tragic mistakes in the war. Due to Germany’s allready increasingly precarious position on the world stage… its margins of what could be pursued based on resources were never balanced. He overreached for Hegemony too soon and lost his chance to make a new world. A more studied approach in stages should have netted much better results. example:
stage one–summer 1940: go after afrika and the middle east.
stage two: after taking the oil, the Balkans, and India, furish the Italian fleet with oil to get out of the medd.
stage three: continued build up, make Spain and Turkey axis partners, link up with Japan in the orient
Stage four: after sufficient tech is developed send at least 250 divisions attacking from Turkey, Afganistan, eastern Europe etc with jet fighter and bombers
and never declare war on USA… throw that con tract in the trash can > japan did nothing to make the alliance profitable for Germany. Its like having a second Italy to kick around or trying to win a gold metal in the olympics… with the gold metal winner of the special olympics :|