How could Germany have won the war?

  • @CrazyHomer87:

    Plus, they had a stealth jet bomber that was successfully flown and was being modified for strikes against the U.S.

    Why is the only image I had on reading this the dreadful sequel of the Philadelphia Experiment?

  • Somebody has been at the  site again. That sub orbital jet bomber was only a drawing. no prototype was ever made or flown. I wish it was different but it wasnt.

  • No, it was the history channel, luftwaffe airplanes. They have film of a succesful test flight and they realized that it was hard to see on radar, and they discovered it had stealth abilities. also the plane is in a museum. It looks just like the b-2 stealth bomber. Its called the Horton.

  • @CrazyHomer87:

    No, it was the history channel, luftwaffe airplanes. They have film of a succesful test flight and they realized that it was hard to see on radar, and they discovered it had stealth abilities. also the plane is in a museum. It looks just like the b-2 stealth bomber. Its called the Horton.

    Horten was the manufacturer (named after the brothers who founded it).  They had many flying wing types with varying degrees of completion.  Some didn’t make it much farther than a drawing board and raw materials.

  • It doesnt matter anyway. Those inventions would not have turned the tide. They needed them in 1941 when Germany still had a chance. 44-45 was too late for victory. Even a settlement by some method of “attrition” would not be possible. The resolve of the allies was too great… especially the Soviets.

  • Actually, early flying wings had somethign that you could more accurately call variable accidental stealth.

    The shape made the more difficult to see from the side with radar since they lacked the large fuselage and rudder to reflect radar directly back to the receiver.  However, due to the nature of a flying wing, they actually had a larger radar cross-setion from the front, and since teh early jet intakes had no masking whatsoever, those jet intakes were basically radar beacons that screamed “HERE!”

  • If the Germans had more tme, like a year or two, they wold have had a better chance with their technological weapon.

    We can all admit that Hitler was an awful commander though.i

  • Hitler was not a poor commander. In late 1939 most of Hitlers generals wanted to replay 1914’s Scliefen plan, but Hitler saw the genius behind Mansteins plan for a feint in the North, followed by the real blow in the center thru the Ardennes. This was a very innovative and audacious plan. In fact in Nov 1939 their was one of many attempts on Hitlers life following his direction of the war after Poland. But he saw and selected the correct plan even after most of his military leadership saw it different. Hitler was correct and he was rewarded. in April 1940 he knew that Churchill wanted to capture Norway and be beat them to it. In the winter of 1941 his generals wanted to retreat much farther back after the first Soviet counter offensive and Hitler gave his famous “no retreat” order which essentially saved the German army from a complete rout.
    Yes he made mistakes, but his uncanny outlook and ability to select the right people and the right plan are allmost too scary to contemplate for if he just used a more mixed solution in his decision making and allowed his appointed military leaders to make some decisions. The Whermacht would have been much more effective.

  • This question is impossible to answer objectively. There is no right or wrong answer to it. I could say “Germany would have won if Stalin slipped in his bathtub and broke his neck” or “If Hitler and the US were Allies” or “If Stalingrad had fallen” or “If Zhukov turned traitor” or this or that forever!!. Thats the problems with “What-ifs”–they are infinite in range. I dont believe there is one terminal event that,if it could be magically reversed,would cause Germany to win other than not invading Russia. Now theres a “What-if”…

  • Hitler can be blamed for so much.

    1. Refusing to allow woman to work in factories
    2. Tank divisions at D-Day.
    3. Not allowing a retreat from stalingrad, a major failure.
    4. Me-262 being a jet bomber, not a fighter delaying it for years.

    What about that whole assasination plot in 1944. Was that not a result of his blunders?

  • William Shirer feels that there is no way Germany could have won the war. He argues that on a simply economic and industrial scale the Germans could never have competed in the long run with the Russians and the Western Allies. Yes, they could have marched into Moscow in 1941 but Napoleon DID in 1812. The Russians would most likely just have turned the Eastern Front into a giant guerilla war and sapped away at German strength. Probably a better idea would have been getting the oil in the Caucuses because in the long run the Germans ran into serious fuel shortages.

    I do agree with Imperious about Hitler; he was not a great commander but he knew war and understood all the basics he needed to know, and if you’re going to fault him for some of his poor choices (i.e. consigning the 6th Army and Paulus to their death in Stalingrad by not letting them retreat and relying on Goering’s rediculous claims that he could supply them by air) you have to give him credit for calling Manstein out of retirement and using his plan to beat France (Schliffen’s plan would have failed) and the way his refusal to allow the German army to retreat in the Winter of 1941-1942 staved off what would have been a complete catastrophe which could have brought the war to an end much more quickly.

    At the end of the day, Hitler just ended up with too many enemies and he didn’t understand them. He didn’t understand why England didn’t want to split the world with him… after backstabbing so many other countries. He didn’t understand why the English wouldn’t surrender… even though they knew his navy was badly shaken by the losses in Norway (which, btw, was a brilliant move by Hitler in denying it to England). He didn’t understand why the Russians didn’t rise up against the Soviet government when he invaded… even though Goering was making plans for the mass importation of grains that would have probably starved 20-25 million Russians to death by 1944 and the SS was butchering Russian peasants at the slightest provocation. And finally he didn’t understand why the Western Allies didn’t help him against the Soviet Union to the end, even as they were crossing the Rhine.

  • Why are we giving him credit for beating the French? The Maginot-line was such a blunder.
    Hitler’s biggest problem, which Kyrail was talking about

    “At the end of the day, Hitler just ended up with too many enemies and he didn’t understand them.”

    Hitler was extremely fanatic and radical. Every great leader should know how to compromise.

  • Why are we giving him credit for beating the French?

    Because in spite of all the advice to attack the French in the conventional manner , he sought the wisdom of an even greater plan from lowly Manstein and saw its brilliance. Nobody was a better judge of character than Hitler. He expertly knew talent and how to organize it for his own purposes. All leaders made many tragic mistakes in the war. Due to Germany’s  allready increasingly precarious position on the world stage… its  margins of what could be pursued based on resources were never balanced. He overreached for Hegemony too soon and lost his chance to make a new world. A more studied approach in stages should have netted much better results. example:

    stage one–summer 1940: go after afrika and the middle east.

    stage two: after taking the oil, the Balkans, and India, furish the Italian fleet with oil to get out of the medd.

    stage three: continued build up, make Spain and Turkey axis partners, link up with Japan in the orient

    Stage four: after sufficient tech is developed send at least 250 divisions attacking from Turkey, Afganistan, eastern Europe etc with jet fighter and bombers

    and never declare war on USA… throw that con tract in the trash can > japan did nothing to make the alliance profitable for Germany. Its like having a second Italy to kick around or trying to win a gold metal in the olympics… with the gold metal winner of the special olympics  :|

  • Germany could never have taken over the whole world alone. Germany and Japan together have better odds, but still not really possible. Japan did force the US to divert resources to china and the pacific, but yeah, Jap didn’t really do much. We can both agree that Jap was better than Italy though right?

  • Freaky!!!
    I went to post and was told anther post had been added.  I went back and refreshed…

    Cra87 was already there with “Germany could never…”

    I reread page one and jumped to page four to do a quick update.

    I recall an old, long lost post by “The Ol’ Gang”. Many have moved on to other things, but I read…

    one suggestion to help Germany was an attack on Japan’s part.

    1) Japan should have hit the OIL REFINERIES ON HAWAII!!

    This would have set the US Defense/offense perimiter back 2000 miles.  Leaving San D., Los A. and San F. open to attack…Needing more defense!!

    2) Larger German U-boat #s would have helped cut the convoy lifeline.

    1. Kicking Allied 4ss @ Dunkirk woulda hurt.

    2. Finishing off the BEF airfields woulda been smarter than getting angry at one lost bomber.(Attack on Brit airfields was redirected to bomb London.)

    5)Having winter uniforms available for german troops who would be in the rodina from June, 1941 through December, 1941 woulda been a good ideer.  A flawless Barbie Plan on a front that long woulda been a miracle.  As it was the Reds almost lost it.  #s was about their only advantage. And Zhukov.

  • Japan should have invaded Hawaii and sunk large ship in the Panama canal

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hitlers own battle plan was implemented for the attack on belguim, and the low countries.  Belgians boasted many great fortresses to stop an invasion and germany cut through them, impressively and with alot of artillery.  Holland was quick work, france then to norway. 
    It was a good initial plan.

    Japan was a huge power.  In some naval battles i argue that luck was just on our side.  Japan had a huge fleet.  Somehow we outmanueverd it.  The fighting for the islands was intense and way harder than the germans for us.  The logistics of getting supplies all the way across the ocean was a hamper which the japanese knew.  If Japan didnt screw with china, they could have been able to take Austrailia, but such a landmass would be tough to garrison.  Hell even with them in china they had a chance to take Austrailia, albeit a small one.  Without a nuke or bio or chem weapons there was no way in hell of taking japan– only with a ton of casualties.

  • After reading most of the post it seems that Germany should have picked off one enemy at a time Hitler made to many fronts and thus did what most great nations before their demise(Rome) was the unability to keep what he had and  both defend and to be able to gain ground. Japan maybe could have done more but When your on an Island and your getting your ships blown up there is really little you can do.

  • 2007 AAR League

    just little things that the axis didn’t do ended up being bigger problems as the war went on…

    from what I understand, Japan actually had some of the best submarines around that time… where they using them effectively to sink supply ships etc?? not really…
    Like Swtich pointed out earlier… Japan while it had the initiative after the pear Harbour attack could of did a lot more damage to the ship-building yards, some oil supply etc… (which would of bought them the time to finish the air-fields at full strenght on there bottom laying islands etc…) Japan knew well they would have to be on the defensive pretty much after they hit the united states. and that was there plan actually just to make a defensive perimeter that included Midway island…

    If Japan could of produced many more subs and used them effectively… it would have had a more huge effect…that means the states would have to transfer ships from there atlantic fleets that were busy as it was with the german u-boats… (especially in 1942 when U-boats were being replaced faster then they were being destroyed and they were enjoying huge success at this time in the atlantic.

    also i’m under the understanding… most of the factories for the allies were being run by the ladies… the axis never caught on to this effect to closer to the end of the war…( I’m just saying they didn’t capitalize on there production when they could of, definetly hurt as the war progressed.)

    The Germans should of used the prisoners more effectively instead of killing them all. Also the attack on Russia wasn’t totally there doom, the “DOOM” of the germans was they wern’t treating anybody nicely…
    for instance when they invaded russia early on…Ukraine and them western states of russia were at first actually “Happy” they were being liberated from the Russians/Stalin. my point is if the germans had treated them nicely here and went along with the yes we are liberating you from the evil stalin propaganda. they would of helped the germans by lots of means also joining there armies and huge ranks. but this was not the case. the SS came in right away and started exterminating tons of people right away…

    this is my short take on it. long post i know.

  • @NoMercy:

    The Germans should of used the prisoners more effectively instead of killing them all. Also the attack on Russia wasn’t totally there doom, the “DOOM” of the germans was they wern’t treating anybody nicely….
    for instance when they invaded russia early on…Ukraine and them western states of russia were at first actually “Happy” they were being liberated from the Russians/Stalin. my point is if the germans had treated them nicely here and went along with the yes we are liberating you from the evil stalin propaganda. they would of helped the germans by lots of means also joining there armies and huge ranks. but this was not the case. the SS came in right away and started exterminating tons of people right away…

    this is my short take on it. long post i know.

    Thats a very good point.  Imagine if the Germans had treated Jews good.  You never know, maybe they could have recruited several thousand Jewish men to fight for them.  But of course Hitler hated everyone, so that possibility was ruled out.

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