If you’re speaking of 1942SE, yes, there’s enough units in 1942SE to play the game as-is out of the box… of course this will be in a combination of chips that come with the game as well (like stick an infantry on a green chit (3 units) to represent 4 infantry units [1 for the unit + 3 for the chit]). There’s nothing wrong with the unit count in 1942SE, there’s plenty of units if you play the game “as intended”…
Personally, I don’t play the game “as intended”, I custom ordered a larger map (to accommodate more units), I hate chits, and I want 4 infantry units not 1 infantry and a 3-chit to represent my armies… personal pet peeve of mine that would annoy many I suppose, so I ordered a ton of extra units to make sure I don’t run out and can play (at least mostly), chit-free.
For people not crazy like me, 1942SE is a good value game… you get a lot for your investment, including a good healthy number of units, and more than enough to play the standard game as-intended. Note, I also purchased 1941, which (while cheap), is not loaded with enough units to play comfortably… 1941 is as bare-bones as bare-bones gets, and there’s BARELY enough units to just place the starting armies on the board… this is NOT the case with 1942SE, which has plenty of units.
As for 1940SE Global, I don’t own or play the game, so I cant speak with 100% certainty of the unit count for the typical game… I’m going to guess based on its price and how it compares with 1942SE, I imagine 1940 comes with enough out of the box (I never heard people gripe about 1940)… I’m sure someone else will confirm this… as with others on this forum though, some people just like to stack the unit boxes “just to be sure” even though the base games come with enough. Out of the entire series, the only one I would say “no, you need more than what comes in the box” would be 1941. 1942SE has plenty out of the box, I’m just a crazy person who hates using chits.
I combined the unit bins of 1941/1942SE together and use the same units for either game… a German Infantry is a German Infantry is a German Infantry, etc, etc… and while some of the units may look different (say a black German Tiger tank from 1941 vs a black German Panther tank from 1942), its still clear you’re dealing with a German tank and I like the option of deploying either Panthers or Tigers to the front (even though there’s obviously no-difference in-gameplay). This allowed me to play 1941 without worrying about it’s low unit-count and (as previously mentioned) helped with my insane desire to play chit-free in 1942 (plus further bolstering from HBG)… once again, don’t confuse my medical condition of chitaphobia to meaning there’s anything short in 1942… 1942 ships with plenty of units for normal play.