• @Cornwallis

    Not necessarily. Turn 1, I buy 2 aircraft carriers and a battleship. I’ll obviously have enough to fill both carriers up with the fighters I already start with. I place 1 AC in the Atlantic and 1 in the Pacific and the Battleship in the Atlantic.

  • @Cornwallis

    By Turn 2 I’ll build 2 transports and some more ships for the Atlantic and maybe 2 subs for the Pacific. And then turn 3 I buy 1 transport for the Atlantic and by turn 4 I’m ready to take 8 guys into Morocco and/or Gibraltar.

  • @Luftwaffles41 said in UK Strategy -"Middle Earth":


    By Turn 2 I’ll build 2 transports and some more ships for the Atlantic and maybe 2 subs for the Pacific. And then turn 3 I buy 1 transport for the Atlantic and by turn 4 I’m ready to take 8 guys into Morocco and/or Gibraltar.

    You upgrade that to a 5 transport chuck?

  • @Cornwallis

    I usually start with 4 lanes. 5 if I’m experiencing heavy resistance from the Germans and Italians.

  • @Luftwaffles41 said in UK Strategy -"Middle Earth":


    I usually start with 4 lanes. 5 if I’m experiencing heavy resistance from the Germans and Italians.

    do the games you win then end in a stalemate or do you capture berlin?

  • @Cornwallis

    Either 1 of 2 things will happen. America captures Berlin or the Soviets capture it.

  • @Luftwaffles41 said in UK Strategy -"Middle Earth":


    Either 1 of 2 things will happen. America captures Berlin or the Soviets capture it.

    turn 15 ?:p

  • @Cornwallis

    Maybe, as I said it generally depends on how much German resistance there is in France, and if Germany is put in a 2 front war well, we’ve already seen how that ends so can we really take a big guess about what’ll happen in-game?

  • Well for the least I can say I really am enjoying this but I think we’ve reached bedrock at this point so there’s no reason to dig further. If you wanna start another thread I’ll join you

  • @Luftwaffles41 Yes or by email? Where are you from btw?

  • @Cornwallis

    The United States. Just toss me the link to the thread and I’ll cover any of your questions or strategies you have.

  • @Argothair

    Hey, just wanted to update you on a game I just did with a buddy of mine where I tested Afrika Korps and the J1 attack.

    I didn’t get to calcutta before the game ended unfortunately but I did conquer the money islands and China and he didn’t fall for the trap so that kinda hurt me in the long run.

    But Afrika Korps, that went smoothly. Got troops down into Africa and protected the Italian fleet until it finally built up and together Germany and Italy conquered Egypt right in time for the U.S to show up so that they could turn their navies around to protect Gibraltar.

    Germany captured the oilfields of the middle east and got all 3 of their 2 IPC national objectives for it and placed a minor complex on Persia.

    The part that I was astounded by was how well Barborossa went. As GHG states, Afrika Korps doesn’t work because it takes too much away from your Barborossa attack which I thought was true but that wasn’t the case. (btw for clarification my buddy did the Russian Counter-Attack strategy against me, and it didn’t go well)

    By turn 2 after he counter attacked my army in Bessarabia and advanced his forced from Leningrad into Baltic States I destroyed 10 of his tanks on G2. By the end of the game I had over 20 infantry, 17 tanks, and 14 mech infantry standing in the Kremlin and Stalingrad.

    What shocked me the most was just by 1 battle in Bessarabia that happened after he counter-attacked and it sent him fleeing the ENTIRE southern portion of the Soviet Union, which need I remind has twice the amount of money the Northern portion has. I had little resistance moving into the south because he had to retreat his forces all the way to Stalingrad and he’s going to have to pull them back to Moscow as well.

    I’m making 90+ IPC’s every turn as Germany, and have 2 more victory cities to go, and am just deciding to do Sealion since it’s turn 6 because what the hell I have 90 IPC’s in the banks.

    So that’s the basis of what happened, an incredibly successful Afrika Korps especially with the J1 attack in play, though I didn’t conquer Sub Saharan Africa, I didn’t really need to. I got Italy to fullfill it’s purpose to conquer the Med and Germany had a beautiful Barborossa attack.

    Let me know what your thoughts are so I can make this better and possibly find a counter to it.

  • '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Hey Luftwaffles, glad you’re having fun with these strategies. It’s hard for me to comment in depth because I’m not sure I follow the details of what you’re calling the “Afrika Korps” strategy or the “Russian Counter-Attack” strategy. I don’t have every single opening memorized; I’m mostly just here to preach the joy and power of the Persia factory and the South African shuck-shuck. If you want me to see exactly what happened, you’ll have to either attach a save game file or go into much more detail.

    That said, you wrote that you destroyed 10 Soviet tanks on G2, which sounds impossible – Russia only starts with 2 tanks and 2 mechs. Even if they build 3 more tanks in Leningrad (which is foolish), that’s still only 5 tanks you could possibly destroy, and realistically, you wouldn’t be able to reach all of them. Even destroying 10 tanks on G3 sounds like it would require both players to actively cooperate to achieve that goal! The Soviet Union shouldn’t have 10 tanks at the end of R2 in Global; if they do, then the Soviet player has screwed up badly. So I think that’s probably a large part of why your game went the way it did – if the Soviet player is that incompetent (or if you’re using some kind of alternate setup rules), then it doesn’t matter too much what happens in Egypt or Wake Island; the game will be decided, as yours was, in eastern Europe.

  • @Argothair

    I apologize it was not G2 my bad I actually meant the second turn to which Barborossa began… I commensed with operation Barborossa on G3 and on G4 I destroyed 10 of the Soviet Tanks that’s my bad sorry shoulda clarrified.

  • '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    OK – that makes a lot more sense, but it’s still piss-poor Russian tactics, in my opinion. If you’re leaving 10 Russian tanks sitting around in range of the main German stack on G4, then you’re handing the Axis the game on a silver platter. It’s fine to build some tanks as Russia; I think we discussed this either a few pages back or on another thread. But the tanks are there as a deterrent, to stop Germany from advancing too quickly or from leaving important stacks too weakly defended. You can’t just throw your tanks at Germany for the hell of it like some kind of berserker and expect it to go well.

  • @Argothair

    Exactly, hence why the Russian-Counter Attack strategy really doesn’t work. All I have to do as Germany is let the Soviet’s tire themselves out. I can replace my losses. They can’t. Some of his tanks he couldn’t move back since they moved 2 and others he didn’t move back for some reason idk why but regardless the counter attack strategy doesn’t work.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq17jkmkuHc this right here is General Hand Grenade’s strategy for Russia, it doesn’t work. Russia doesn’t have the resources to step away from it’s supply line to go on the offensive against the 3rd Reich.

  • @Argothair

    For the most part it was kind of just a playtest since he did the Taranto Raid as well with both strategies being put into the ditch after Afrika Korps. (btw to simplify things, all Afrika Korps is is Germany taking 3 transports, a BB, CV, Cruiser and Sub to the Med to protect the Italian fleet until it can protect itself, then conquer the ME and Egypt and win the game and sit on the throne on the doorstep to Moscow

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    how did an allied thread turn into a triumphalist axis thread?

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    @crockett36 a dissembling digression of inferences based on speculative anecdotes from a variety of players of different skill levels with wildly varying opponents on different platforms.

    as we do

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    you forgot the unspoken preference of most axis and allies players to play Germany and Japan. Hmm? woonder why?

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