I’m not sure if this is a real answer to your question, but I think the map (and the primary conflict zones) should reflect where “the big 4” actually clashed with the Axis.
The British Empire (and it’s various dominions), the United States, the Soviet Union, and China vs the European Axis and Japan…
Wherever fighting actually occurred should be highlighted for gameplay relevance, with things like higher ipcs, more victory cities, factories, more divisions of territory.
Areas that formed the core of the economies but where fighting was less intense historically should be more secondary. In other words, they don’t open up as conflict zones until the historical conflict zones have seen some action.
That sounds vague, but what I mean is that the map should strongly encourage historical play patterns, without being a complete straight jacket. Players should want to do certain things before doing others, for obvious gameplay rewards.
Just as an example, in the actual war, Japan did not invade India. The USA did not invade Indonesia (Borneo, Java etc.) They might have considered it, or had plans in the works, but other conflict zones were prioritized instead. The game should reflect those priorities, with commensurate gameplay rewards, so that players are less likely to ignore the actual historical conflict zones in favor of imagined alternate history conflict zones. You know like the imagined history that has Japan throwing everything into Opperation U Go to take India, or the Invasion of the Soviet Union. Or the one were the US made a b line to Borneo, and started building shipyards there, or worse… just ignored the Pacific entirely to set up shop in Northern Russia and Eastern Europe. Not that you have to take those secondary options entirely off the table, just that they should take a back seat to the historical stuff. Put the actual historical conflict zones behind the steering wheel, and make them the clear drivers of the game.
I think there are 3 pretty straight forward ways to do this.
1. more IPCs in the primary conflict zones.
2. more starting factories in the primary conflict zones.
3. more Victory Cities in the primary conflict zones.
And when I say more, I mean enough that they truly become primary to the gameplay.
The Pacific war is the best example I can think of. In the game certain things about the map conspire to make the islands that were historically contested, unattractive conflict zones for both sides. They are low value, offer no production potential, and (with the exception of Hawaii) have no real relationship to the stated victory conditions. They are poor stepping stones, because they don’t make proper use of the 3 main drivers that determine where conflict zones in the game actually materialize.
So instead of island hopping, you have these huge jumps. Japan is trying to crush India while ignoring the eastern Pacific. And the US is trying to crush the money islands, while ignoring the eastern pacific. They go where they go because that’s where the money is.
By constrast consider the Eastern Front between Germany and Russia. Here you have high value territories, more factories and more VCs. Everyone wants to get in on the action, and the conflict zone here becomes a magnet for all belligerents. It demonstrates basically the inverse situation, of the East Pacific.
I think if ever we want the East Pacific to have the same kind of weight as the Eastern Front, we need to use the internal drivers that the game offers us. Basically IPCs, factories and VCs.
Global and AA50 used an indirect method to infuse certain areas with more cash via objectives. This can work, but the money amounts need to be enough to actually pull the gameplay into the desired conflict zones. Personally I favor direct adjustment to the IPC values (a break with the idea that we need a strict relationship between actual industry/resources in an area, and the amount of gameplay funny money it offers up.) Some people don’t like that approach, but it’s a lot simpler in my view that more rules.
Put the bulk of the money in areas you want contested, and less in the areas you don’t. Sometimes this means a real departure from any notion that the IPC = industry ONLY.
I think CWOMarc offered a great alternative for the IPC Acronym…
I think there are a number of ways we could approach the Russian backdoor problem, but my gripe with the IPC system at large, is more foundational. I would like to see a situation where we can use them as generic “carrots” to encourage historical play patterns, without having to worry about how that connects (or fails to connect) to things like natural resources or population or whatever.
I wonder if this concept could be expressed by the simple expedient of having “IPC” stand for “Income and Progress Credit” rather than “Industrial Production Certificate” or “Industrial Production Credit.” “Income and Progress Credit” would convey the idea that IPCs represent a combination of two things: actual income (meaning the economic value of the territories which a player owns), plus credits awarded for the more abstract notion of “progress made by the player in the accomplishment of strategically valuable tasks” (a notion already built into the rules that give a player IPCs for achieving certain national objectives).
Once you make the conceptual leap, to a more abstract/flexible IPC, I think it is possible to accomplish what is needed to “activate” the innactive theaters, and scale the rewards in the historical conflict zones so that players actually fight each other there.
In fact, I’m going to stick that quote in the HR master thread. Even if it’s not a rule per se, I think it would help in providing a justification for any HR that adjusts the in game economy beyond OOB conditions.