@Midnight_Reaper Thanks. These are cool but not exactly what I am looking for. I will keep looking as I don’t know if it is ok to post a picture of the map here to show you exactly what I mean. The Canadian mapleleaf is good but I am looking for the fascist Italian roundel, the Russians have a star instead of the traditional OOB, the German iron cross is similar except that the background is grey instead of red and then ANZAC has been modified with a blue circle emblem. I am also new to all of this so if it sounds like I don’t know what I am really talking about…that is because I dont really know what I am talking about.:grinning:
Custom Infantry
I use these for my Italian Colonial Units, Militia.
more pics of Colonial
These are awesome. Great job. :-)
I just ordered the last batch of Airfix Australian WWII soldiers off of Amazon…. how does the 1:72 scale soldiers match up to OOB Infantry units… same size, smaller/bigger? I’ve never been happy with the OOB Aussies, they’re either clones of British infantry or 12 feet tall compared to the others.
They are the same size as the regular OOB infantry. Those ANZAC OOB infantry are so big because they are actually Amazon chicks. You have to look closely to tell but under a microscope it is unmistakable.
Haha made you look :-P
[slowly puts away microscope]
I ended up with both sets of OOB Aussies… the British look-alikes at 6ft tall and the 2nd Ed OOB Aussies standing in at 12ft tall… i’ll paint the (1st edition) all Nutmeg (my 2nd Ed Aussies are in my bin of shame)… but I went ahead and ordered those Aussies from Airfix and paint them to match. I won’t be using any that look too freaky for A&A (prone position, running at full speed)… I think they would look odd.
I want to get the British Infantry units… especially the ones that are surrendering (I think Private Panic would appreciate them).
Anyways GHG, thanks for the heads-up… if this project goes good with the Aussies, I might consider other nations as well. Oh… how do the Airfix Aussies stand (on their stand)… are they pretty stable like OOB units, or do they fall-over if you look at them funny?
They are not too bad. The best ones that I’ve bought so far is the Pegasus brand Russians. Really quality and great detail. Those and Caesar are definately a cut above the Airfix. Unfortunately you can’t get Aussies in anything but Airfix. I did get some WWI Aussies but ironically they were the same size as the Amazon chicks from the OOB ANZAC. My guess is that an Aussie is the one designing these sculpts and is purposefully making them 12 feet tall and bulletproof. Oy! Oy! Oy!
Unfortunately you can’t get Aussies in anything but Airfix.
Not true… what do you call this then? I’ve seen it online…
This is the first time I’ve seen that set. I bet they are better than the Airfix.
I always use this because you get to see all the sculpts in every set
I always use this because you get to see all the sculpts in every set
Nice link Imperious Leader!
…in regards to the Aussies, here’s the two reviews:
Airfix: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=48
Revell: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=342I’m going to vote a win for Airfix on this one… Revell has 7 units that are a no-go right off the bat… 4 firing at paratroopers in the air and 3 surrendering… not exactly what I want for A&A bravado!
Those Aussie hats look pretty stupid too. Looks like something an old lady would wear to the beach.
This is the last Russian set i bought;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1409I have this one too;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1410You actually have to glue them together first but they are head and shoulders above any other sets I’ve gotten so far.
I have these ones from Caesar too. I really like them;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1827This set of Japanese are much better than the Airfix;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1229 -
I do like the Revell Japanese infantry… there’s nothing super special, but what I like is that they all seem to have natural poses good as standard A&A infantry, and almost all of them wear the hat instead of the helmet, which I really like.
Yes those ones look awesome. That one dude isn’t surrendering, his team just scored a touchdown and he’s totally jacked about it.
These Revell are the ones that I got. The plastic is a little harder, close in color to the OOB Japanese and size is a little larger.
I like that one. Did it come with a leader that isn’t shown there?
Well that’s a very different Revell Japanese set… I guess one has to be careful as to which set one orders if you’re looking for a certain look (I prefer the one with more tropical hats then the set with more helmets).
Yeah, Revell has several 1/76 scale sets that plasticreview.com does not cover.
Fantastic find, Imperious Leader!
I really like adding third party minis to my Axis & Allies games, both to represent new unit types and add additional flavor.
Note that 1:72 does not always mean compatible with OOB units in terms of scale. I have the HAT WW1 Serbians, for instance, and they are about two or three times the bulk of OOB pieces despite being roughly similar in size.