• '17 '16

    For Allies I have no German subs and no Japanese Capital ships to receive 1 point. But still undecided on this one. I think the allies would not get this one until late in game compared to Axis.

    What if you do it “either… or”?

    If there is either no Axis warship in Atlantic SZs or no Japanese Capital ships.

    Doing both, could meant 2 victory points or still only 1 victory point.

  • Yes I thought of either for 1 point but not 2. If I make it either or Or then the point is not deducted from the victory city points total from axis. It would just be a bonus point or points for both sides.

  • '17 '16

    I always believe this point was only a bonus Vic point, not a penalty.

  • I’m going with 2 NO victory points for each side in game starting Saturday.


    1 point - Axis total ICP income is 178 or higher.
    1 point - Axis control the Mid East Oil countries of Trans Jordan, Syria, Tehran, Irag,
    Iran, S. Iran, Georgia and Caucasus.


    1 point - No German subs in Atlantic ocean.
    1 point - No Japanese Capital ships in the Pacific.

    I will have Oil Derricks on map in these Mid East Oil countries showing what you need to capture and/or recapture to get 1 point bonus or remove 1 point bonus from victory points chart.

  • '17 '16


    I’m going with 2 NO victory points for each side in game starting Saturday.


    1 point - Axis total ICP income is 178 or higher.
    1 point - Axis control the Mid East Oil countries of
    1- Trans Jordan,
    2- Syria,
    3- Tehran,
    4- Iraq,
    5- Iran,
    6- South Iran,
    7- Georgia and
    8- Caucasus.


    1 point - No German subs in Atlantic ocean.
    1 point - No Japanese Capital ships in the Pacific.

    I will have Oil Derricks on map in these Mid East Oil countries showing what you need to capture and/or recapture to get 1 point bonus or remove 1 point bonus from victory points chart.

    Seems pretty cool to me.

    Combined with the others VCs and points, this will provided more flexibility on goals for both sides.

    I wish I could play your game, I’m so far away…

    Have a nice week end.

    PTO Allies
    3 Sydney
    2 Hawaii
    2 Calcutta
    1 Manilla
    1 L. A.
    1 Hong Kong

    PTO Axis
    3 Tokyo
    2 Shanghai
    2 Peking
    1 Changkhun
    2 Saigon

    ATO Allies
    3 Moscow
    3 London
    2 Washington
    2 Lengingrad
    2 Stalingrad
    1 Cairo
    1 Johannsburg

    ATO Axis
    3 Berlin
    3 Rome
    3 Paris
    1 Oslo
    1 Milan
    1 Warsaw

    The Allies start with 24 points and Axis with 22 points. First one to 30 points and holds for a turn wins the game.




    W/o the math, what is the final unit attributes for transport?

    You mean

    Planes only attacking lone transports. All transports get a @2 at planes.  No escape.

    Ships only attacking lone transports. All surviving transports get a roll of @2 after all attackers roll after each round of combat.

    Ships and planes attacking transports with escorts. Transports only shoot at planes@2.

    Transport, always taken as last casualty, can only escape when alone and against warships only.

    Otherwise, each get an AA roll against aircraft once per combat round, if any available.

  • We got 3 more turns in game. 5 turns so far into game. As you can see in the Europe side of map allies starting to get some thing going off of coast of Normandy. UK just took Oslo and Germany has 14 planes in Europe and has to decide if its going to attack the allies fleet or just use planes for attacking with inf for any landings. Also need to take out troops in Oslo. First game now where Germany had to retreat in Leningrad but then was able to take back. Italy very strong in game and with Germany not getting the good Na’s and no tech so far in game will need all the help from Italy big time.


  • The Pacific looks pretty bare. Japan trying to push into Calcutta but US with some help trying to push Japan off the islands soon ?
    Japan will need to buy mostly navy now so may stall the Calcutta push.
    Japan also with no tech in game so far.


  • Here’s the charts so far in game. Its amazing that the axis don’t have any techs yet. You would think with having bought 2 tech tokens on first turn (10 rolls for tech for Ger,Japan and no break thru’s yet ) and with 2 free tech tokens, 1 free tech and Spy steals a tech in event cards, they have not gotten any of those cards yet by drawing 1 card per turn.
    The number 180 by ICP symbol on chart is the axis total income so far in a game and yes they are receiving the 1 point bonus for having 178 icp or higher in total income.

    The 2 numbers at top of Victory City Chart are the total points in game so far with Axis being on the left side. Axis 1 territory capture away from receiving another 1 point bonus for controlling all of the Mid east oil. Those territories are mark by Oil Derricks.

    If axis can take back Oslo (1) and get the 1 more oil territory (1 bonus) and hold for a turn the axis can win with 30 points but its going to be tough to do. For us this game play with allies having better NA’s and the techs has changed playing in game a lot different as far as the normal because Germany doesn’t have there good Na’s in this game… This is what I’m hoping would happen.

    We had 1 transport only battle. 4 Ger subs against 2 transports. 4 subs MISSED First strike @5 and 1 transport was able to escape. This new transport rule we all like very much. No SBR’s results (but soon) in game yet to see if the St B d8 and H St B d10 rolls for damage have any effect as far as not using d6’s.

    Also with Russia receiving Jet fighters tech in game there figs now @7. That has helped them quite a bit on small attacks.

    So far I am pleased with the ever small changing things as game goes on. Who knows maybe the Axis will get some tech and get that boost later in game. The weather in game has had a very small impact in game so far.


  • '17 '16

    Thanks for this colourful and detailed report.

    I liked to see these derricks in Middle-East.

    These three pictures gave me an interesting overall view of what is happening.

    The Vic points and goal seems correct, it is still undecided on board.
    Allies in PTO may do something to take back some points.
    Europe side can pressure West Coast to relieve Russia.

    There is so many SZs on this map!
    It seems easier to delay naval combat.
    I’m glad you like TPs rule.
    Hope there will be more occasions to test all the new rules.
    Keep us posted.

  • Thanks Baron. Hope to finish test game soon before the whole group plays the game at end of month.

  • Germans were able to hold and take back Oslo. The US should of landed there 10 ground there in Oslo on turn 6 but didn’t. Instead the US tried to land in Western France which they did but Germans took it back.


  • The allies lost all there transports and fleet off coast of Java in earlier rounds that cost them dearly later in game where Japan ground and air could focus on Calcutta and get and hold.


  • '17 '16

    From a game designer POV, defenseless TP is Kiss. And you seemed to get the same outcome with Allies as if TPs were defenseless, even with TP rule for escape.

    But probably still a more pleasant experience as all TPs rolls somehow to either hit planes or escape, right?

  • '17 '16


    Germans were able to hold and take back Oslo. The US should of landed there 10 ground there in Oslo on turn 6 but didn’t. Instead the US tried to land in Western France which they did but Germans took it back.

    When did you reach the critical number of VCs points?
    Was it clear that it is an Axis victory at that point?

  • The axis won. They got to 32 VC points on turn 7 and were able to hold for 1 turn. With Oslo being taken by allies,  Germany had to run forces down from Leningrad to take back. If the US would of landed there ground in Oslo instead of losing most in Western France landing it would of cost Germany a lot of ground to take back Oslo. That may have given Russia also the chance to take Leningrad. Thats why as axis I had to get Calcutta for the 2 extra points in case Germany lost 2 points on turn 8.

    The Tac bomber in game as a A6 and on a roll of 2 or less gets to pick the target with a no return fire was a nice feature to have. It helped with Naval attacks too. if you use the Tacs in pairs it can be deadly on small battles with taking out those blocking destroyers. Next game the Tacs are going to A7 with the 2 or less roll and destroyers costing 6 icp’s. Cruisers getting AA too and still costing 9 icp’s. This way the obsolete 2 pieces get bought more in this game.

    Still no SBR bombings in game to try the Stg Bom d8  H Stg Bom d10 rolls.

    I’ll make a few minor tweaks to game and the group gets to play this game on the main table Nov 4th. Will have a new report then.
    Looking forward to having 6 players instead of the norm 2 to 3 test players.


  • '17 '16


    The allies lost all there transports and fleet off coast of Java in earlier rounds that cost them dearly later in game where Japan ground and air could focus on Calcutta and get and hold.

    Why there was so much going on in Philippines?
    I see many IJA Infantry.

  • I just stacked it for no reason. US had only 1 transport in fleet. Didn’t matter where I moved Japan Inf. I did this on turn 8. Game was over by then anyway. This game has a lot of small changes at start of game the your normal 40 game oob and with some tech later in game that changes a few things too. Every game is different. japan got jet fighters tech on turn 7. So now when they went into Calcutta it gave there Figs A7 instead of 6.

  • '17 '16

    On TcB, why made you 2 or less a preemptive hit instead of a regular one?

    Is it because of Pearl Harbor raid? Or Battle of Midway?

  • '17 '16


    I just stacked it for no reason. US had only 1 transport in fleet. Didn’t matter where I moved Japan Inf. I did this on turn 8. Game was over by then anyway. This game has a lot of small changes at start of game the your normal 40 game oob and with some tech later in game that changes a few things too. Every game is different. japan got jet fighters tech on turn 7. So now when they went into Calcutta it gave there Figs A7 instead of 6.

    Jet fighter on D12 should be bonus to defense as in Classic Tech instead of offense.
    In AA50 and Global, I believe they put it into offense because of D@4 being already high, @5 appeared too high.
    But D12 have a lot of room for it.
    Historically speaking, Jet Fighter were interceptors and were thirsty on fuel, not suitable for attack mission.

  • @Baron:

    On TcB, why made you 2 or less a preemptive hit instead of a regular one?

    Is it because of Pearl Harbor raid? Or Battle of Midway?


    I wanted to give the Tac Bomber that extra punch so it gets bought more in games. It doesn’t support any other piece in game. Besides I am using it to represent a Tac for ground attacks and like a Dive Bomber for naval without adding another plane to game as far as the Dive Bomber. KISS

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