Kamikaze are a defensive weapon, which are resolved at the beginning of the combat phase, so the attacking air units have already launched from their carriers are not in danger (unless they are “guest” air units). As such, they will participate in combat even if their carrier is hit, and will have the remainder of their movement to land as normal afterwards.
Newbie Question
How exactly do I play Axis and Allies online, I love the game but often don’t have many people to play with, and an online version would be perfect. I have heard about it but haven’t actually found it.
We use a software called ‘TripleA’ to play online. Just check out these links:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=27127.0and browse through the “Play Boardgames”-subforum with it’s child boards
to get an idea about it.
There is either “play by email/play by forum” or live games in the so-called “Lobby”.
Don’t hesitate to ask your TripleA related questions in the Software-Subforum.
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?board=53.0HTH :-)