Global 1940 video after 11 rounds of play

  • Here’s a video of global 1940 after 11 rounds of play.  At the end we were exhausted and hope to continue the game in a few weeks.  Good times with pizza and beer and many laughs.  We have about 14 guys from our group in the Bay Area California. We try to get together once or twice a month. 👍

  • Germany not looking so good. Thanks to Japan and Italy the game is still not won.

  • we landed on Normandy around mid game but the Germans pushed us out.  By doing this, it allowed Russia to go on the offesnse and take back some of its territories closing in on east Europe.  The Germans though have begun transferring some of its equipment from France back to the eastern front.  As for Italy, they knocked me out of Africa and now are threatening from the south of Russia from the Middle East.  Japan has a huge homeland fleet of the coast of Japan.  We took the money islands and our huge allied fleet is parked off the Caroline islands.  A huge navy battle will take place soon most likely.  Still very close game though.

  • It’s really close for sure.  We have the southern islands in the pacific but I fear that massive Japanese fleet in Japan. We also though have a huge fleet in the Caroline’s.  Italy has been great. Knocked me out of Africa :(.  Germany has a lot off units left but they are being transferred from France to Russia. It could take at least two more rounds until they meet the Russians who are building a lot of men.  We hope to get together within the next few weeks to destermine the final results! 👍

  • That is most definitely an Allied win, it looks like the Russians have reclaimed all of their original territories. I’m very curious what happened in the Mediterranean, Italy exploding like that is… very rare in my experience.

  • I hope your right about a allied win lol.  Yes Italy is out of control right now.  I did the Taranto raid and was successful as the axis didn’t scramble any of its fighters.  It left me with a loaded aircraft carrier, destroyer, and a cruiser.  Germany attacked me with its airforce and I didn’t get one freaking hit on my opponent.  I did attack the Italian fleet in Malta and my cruiser sunk the destroyer but the destroyer took my cruiser down.  That left Italy with two total transports in the med.  Quickly it allowed my opponent to transfer units from the Italian mainland into Africa.  I pulled everyone back to Egypt.  I couldn’t send resources there because it was early in the game and I was trying to build up a defense in Britain pending a German sea lion.  Also the Italian ships were controlling the med.  America was neutral and was concentrating more on the pacific for build ups.  Egypt was going to have to hold out with what it had and Italy was constantly getting units into Africa with those damn two transports.  Egypt fell on round 2.  Then Italy built a IC and it was over for Uk in Africa.

  • I’m inclined to think Allied win too. What could change that though is if the IJN can sink the Allied fleet.

  • Thanks guys! I’m just worried about the Japanese fleet.  Its massive but we also have a huge fleet.  We shall see what happens in a few weeks.

  • Thanks my friend.  Yeah my ally who is playing USA has lots of subs and bombers to counter attack the Japanese fleet just in case it does win the naval battle.  Yes we have more $ than Japan so the rebuilding is quicker like you said.  USA has like 100 IPC’s and Anzac at 29.  Looking forward to play the game again in a few weeks.

  • To all: I was the Axis player in this game, and I am glad to say I won.  Germany took Moscow for the win.  Japan played keep away diverting the allies. The allies did not stop the german build up.  Italy basically defended the German homeland and pushed into southern Russia.

    That is it.  Axis win.

    Good night.

  • One thing that’s hard to see in the video was how strong Germany and Italy were.  Sure, Russia had all their original territories back, but Germany eventually got about 30 tanks to Moscow because Italy was strong enough to defend Europe on their own.

    I was the USA player, and I didn’t do enough to help the European theater.  I was so focused on Japan that I basically left the European allies out to dry.  Good win, Karl.

  • @Karl7:

    To all: I was the Axis player in this game, and I am glad to say I won.   Germany took Moscow for the win.  Japan played keep away diverting the allies. The allies did not stop the german build up.  Italy basically defended the German homeland and pushed into southern Russia.

    That is it.  Axis win.

    Good night.

    Outstanding Karl and Teamates.

    What round did you closed the game?

  • Here’s the video.  Axis win in the beginning of the 18 round. 
    I played UK, Anzac, China, and France. We used the balance mod.  Karl R just a tuff opponent for us. One day we will get him lol.

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