Trying to develop a general Convoy Disruption Rule which emphasis Submarines economical warfare capacity.
Continuating from this thread:
Re: Reality wrecking destroyer rules need a revamp…
I favor the 1:1 unit pairing suggested here.
Also the suggestion to allow u boats to dive after the first round of combat. My friends and I always thought that the Destroyer really neutered subs when it was first introduced with that ability to hold the sub for the duration of combat. We used to really enjoy Classic and Revised rules that allowed submarines to wage some form of economic warfare. Usually in the form of a modified strat bombing or rocket mechanic (these always seemed the simplest and most effective way to make subs  useful outside of opening strike combat or fodder.) But we also used to use rules similar to how convoys are treated.  We’d do subs 2 spaces out from an IC and things of that sort. Then the new rules and price structure were introduced… I felt they were pretty successful in establishing DD as the fodder preference, but also made subs rather weaker despite the cost drop. Basically since aa50 retaining the sub as basically only valued in a combat role.
Convoy disruption was a good attempt, but again I wish this stuff would be introduced on a core board instead of just the advanced one like the 1940 maps.
Some kind of baseline economic role for the sub, paired off against destroyers 1:1.
Although the new cost at six is pretty damn cheap. Something to encourage wolf packing would be nice. But also a reason to fan out across the Atlantic.
To date I’ve never been truly satisfied with implementation of subs absent some HR to correct them. Going back to Classic they are always problematic. But also iconic, and thus necessary :)
It would be nice to get something functional and handle their interaction with destroyers, air, and production once and for all. I would definitely prefer a scheme that could work across multiple boards.
Here is my attempt to provide Submarine as a functional economic weapon without the need to actually put some “Convoy Disruption” sticker into specific SZs.
Let’s assume that we agree on a Destroyer and Submarine being both at 7 IPCs or 8 IPCs with the following values and capacities:
Submarine A3 D1 M2 C8, everything else as OOB.
Destroyer A2 D2 M2 C8, everything else as OOB.
Since the new Submarine’s unit attacking value is 3, it is easier to assume that any damage due to Submarines’ Convoy Disruption is based on a single roll of “3” or less, while all “4” or higher are considered a miss.
According to my perspective of simplified interactions, I prefer these units as follow:
Surprise Strike, (blocked when at least 1 Destroyer or Anti-Sub Vessel is present),
Submerge, instead of rolling for a Surprise Strike attack (blocked by ASV on a 1:1 basis for the first combat round only),
Stealth Movement: No Hostile Sea-Zone (except ASV can block Submarine Stealth movement on 1:1 basis),
Cannot hit airplanes,
Can be hit by planes, doesn’t require an Anti-Sub Vessel.
Re: Reality wrecking destroyer rules need a revamp…
Anti-Sub Vessel: each ASV blocks Surprise Strike capacity of all enemy’s Submarine units present.
Cancel Sub’s Submerge on 1 DD:1 Sub basis_for the first combat round only_
(When it occurs, defending Subs rolls a Defense @1 in the first round, and any surviving Subs can submerge at the beginning of the second combat round.)
Cancel Sub’s Stealth Movement on 1 DD: 1 Sub basis for Combat or Non Combat Move, all additional Sub units can perform a Stealth Movement as usual.
To be eligible to Convoy Disruption by Submarine unit against the other side, a given SZ must have adjacent territories value hold by the enemy of at least 3 IPCs or more.
Merchants Convoy can be damaged in a whole game round for up to the maximum TTs values of the SZ, if it worths 5 IPCs, then it is up to 5 IPCs, etc.
The maximum damage is also determined by the number of territory owned by the owning Power being Convoy Disrupted.
If only 3 IPCs out of 5 IPCs value are still held by the enemy, then damaged can not be more than 3 IPCs for the entire round of play.
However, if a given group of adjacent territories hold by the enemy is less than 3 IPCs, then Convoy Disruption is no more possible.
For example, if Germany held Egypt (2 IPCs) and Trans-Jordan (1 IPC), it will not be possible to Convoy raid UK in SZ SZ 34 (which is bordering Saudi Arabia). Because East Africa (1 IPC) and Persia (1 IPC) make only 2 IPCs left.
So, each Submarine can do as much as 3 IPCs damage in any SZ which is adjacent to enemy’s start up territories adding up at least 3 IPCs worth.
For a whole round of play, each disrupted convoy can’t lose more IPCs than the total IPC value of controlled territories or islands adjacent to the sea zones.
Said otherwise, maximum Convoy Disruption damage is per each game round and up to each controlled territories worth adjacent to the sea zones.
To determine this value, simply makes the sum of all IPCs values of Territories bordering the SZ and of Islands groups within the given SZ.
For examples, on 1942.2 Map:
Northern Sea SZ 3 worths 3 IPCs for Germany:
Norway (2 IPCs)
Finland (1 IPC)
Artic Sea SZ 4 worths 3 IPCs for Russia:
Karelia SSR (2 IPCs)
Archangel (1 IPC)
Baltic Sea SZ 5 worths 17 IPCs for Germany, and even 19 IPCs if Karelia is captured.
Norway (2 IPCs)
Finland (1 IPC)
Baltic States (2 IPCs)
Germany (10 IPCs)
Northwestern Europe (2 IPCs)
Karelia SSR (2 IPCs) Russian TT
SZ 6 worths 4 IPCs for Germany or 8 IPCs for UK:
Northwestern Europe (2 IPCs)
Norway (2 IPCs)
UK (8 IPCs)
If Norway is conquered by Allies, then Allied Submarines won’t be able to Convoy Disrupt Germany because there will be only 1 single TT at 2 IPCs.
It is the same for German’s Subs, they won’t be able to Convoy Raid the Allied owner’s since Norway is only a 2 IPCs TT.
SZ 7 worths 8 IPCs for UK.
UK (8 IPCs)
SZ 8 worth 8 IPCs from a German POV or 8 IPCs from UK POV.
Northwestern Europe (2 IPCs)
France (6 IPCs)
UK (8 IPCs)
SZ 10 worths 3 IPCs for UK.
Eastern Canada (3 IPCs)
Eastern USA Atlantic SZ 11 worths 20 IPCs.
Eastern USA (12 IPCs)
Central USA (6 IPCs)
Mexico USA (2 IPCs)
SZ 14 worths 8 IPCs for Germany, as long as it holds North African TTs.
France (6 IPCs)
Morocco (1 IPC)
Algeria (1 IPC)
SZ 15 worths 6 IPCs from a German POV, as long as it holds North African TTs.
Italy (3 IPCs)
Southern Europe (2 IPCs)
Libya (1 IPC)
Black Sea SZ 16 worths 4 IPCs for Germany or 4 IPCs from Russia POV:
Ukraine SSR (2 IPCs)
Bulgaria Romania (2 IPCs)
Caucasus (4 IPCs)
SZ 17 (which is bordering Egypt) worths 3 IPCs:
Egypt (2 IPCs)
Trans-Jordan (1 IPC)
Caribbean Atlantic SZ 18 worths 4 IPCs:
Mexico USA (2 IPCs)
Panama (1 IPC)
West Indies (1 IPC)
South Atlantic SZ 22 worths 3 IPCs for USA:
Brazil (3 IPCs)
SZ 23, SZ 24, SZ 27 South Atlantic on African Coast
Cannot be Convoy Raid since there is never more than 2 IPCs values as bordering Territories.
SZ 28 (South of Africa) worths 3 IPCs:
Union of South Africa (2 IPCs)
French Madagascar (1 IPC)
SZ 33 (South to SZ 34) worths 3 IPCs:
East Africa (1 IPC)
Rhodesia (1 IPC)
French Madagascar (1 IPC)
SZ 34 (which is bordering Saudi Arabia) worths 5 IPCs:
East Africa (1 IPC)
Egypt (2 IPCs)
trans-Jordan (1 IPC)
Persia (1 IPC)
SZ 35 (which is bordering India) worths 3 IPCs:
India (3 IPCs).
SZ 36 (which is east of SZ bordering India) worths 4 IPCs 3 IPCs for Japan:
Malaya (1 IPC)
French Indo-China Thailand (2 IPCs)
Burma (1 IPC) UK TT
In this specific SZ, Axis Submarine can not Convoy Raid UK because it is a single 1 IPC but Allies can do it against Japan for 3 IPCs.
If UK gets hold of FIC to reach 3 IPCs, then Japan can do Convoy Disruption on UK.
Western Japan Sea SZ 62 worths 12 IPCs, 11 for Japan.
Japan (8 IPCs)
Manchuria (3 IPCs)
Buryatia (1 IPC) Russia TT.
In this specific SZ, Japanese’s Submarine can not Convoy Raid Russia because it is a single 1 IPC but if Russia conquer Manchuria (3 IPCs), Japan could do it since Russia would get 4 IPCs in this SZ.
In a given round of play, there is two occasions to roll for Convoy Disruption:
1- When a Submarine is On Convoy Raiding and forfeit any attack against Naval units.
2- When a Submarine is On Station.
1- When a Submarine is On Convoy Raiding
Instead of attacking enemy’s naval units, a Submarine which doesn’t submerge during the combat phase can make a Convoy Raid instead at the end of Combat phase of the attacking player’s turn.
Submarine unit is allowed to attack Merchants Convoy, if didn’t make any other attack nor submerge in the SZ, and this imply there was no naval combat in the SZ raided during Combat Phase.
2- When a Submarine is On Station
As long as there is still at least 1 enemy’s Submarine unit of the owner’s of adjacent TTs into a given SZ, this Submarine is considered On Station.
At the end of the territories owner’s turn (on his Collect Income phase), an enemy’s Submarine Disrupts Convoy.
Such Convoy Disruption is mandatory and all players must enforce the rule and watch for every submarine unit illegible to roll for damage.
Each Submarine roll 1D6, considering only 3 or less for damage, up to the maximum number of IPCs from all territories owned adjacent to the SZ for a given round of play.
The Disrupted player must pay immediately to the bank the given IPCs damage.
So, if 2 UK’s Submarines roll 5 IPCs damage into SZ6 at the end of Germany’s Income Phase, then when UK’s Combat phase will occur in the same round of play, Germany will suffer no more damage due to Convoy Disruption in this SZ, whether from UK or from USA, until the end of the actual round of play.
This means that Russia can still do a Convoy Raid against Norway and Northwestern Europe, because Russia begins a new game round.
With so much adjacent TTs to Baltic SZ and Mediterranean SZ, do you think this kind of Sub HR will be mostly detrimental toward Axis powers?
One reason: Germany is not a Sea-Power, to get ride of any Allied Subs (along France, for instance), Destroyer units must be built.
But this defensive naval investment was never a required purchase for Germany. This makes an additional cost pressure to protect Germans’ incomes.
Do you think this way of designating Convoy SZ is balanced?
Or is it an issue, especially France TT adjacent to SZ 8 or SZ 14, as Convoy Disruption was an issue against Italy in Global 40 (sometimes Italy can lost even up to 12 IPCs to such Convoy Disruption in SZ 97 of 1940 Europe Map)?
Due to this increase in Submarine economic warfare capacity, do you think each Destroyer should blocks Sub on a 1:1 basis in every combat round, so only outnumbering Submarines can submerge at the beginning of any combat round?