I dont sure whit the -1 combat move…In the Ardenne german and Us infantry is not stuck in place… in the soviet counterattack at Moscow soviet infantry is not stuck in place. For me only mechcanized unit and air unit have a possibility of stuck in place.
Are yous suggesting that only Tank and Mechanized Infantry should be reduced to 1 move during winter?
As I said, winter did not effect the fighting, but winter made it harder to supply the troops. An A&A territory is huge as a country, and an A&A turn is 3 or 4 months. So in this operational scale, winter don’t effect combat much. Also both infantry and tanks used train to travel long distances, and winter don’t effect the railway too much. Actually both inf and tanks should move 2 in non-combat since they are supposed to be on train.
About infantry, this are men walking on feet, nothing can stop them, not mountains, not forest, not snow. French infantry walked from Poland to Moscow and back to Poland again during winter in the 1812 Napoleon campaign. I say that nothing can stop infantry.
Tanks is different, they got stuck in mud and snow. I figure that winter and some types of terrain may deny the tanks abilities, such as blitzing.
Thinking out loud, A&A is supposed to be a simple game, not complex like World in Flames or Gary Grigsbys war. A&A is grand strategy and it would be wrong to introduce too much of tactics at divisional level. To keep it simple I suggest that in winter all land units defend at 3, since winter slightly favors the defender, but most important, it is only one round of land combat in the winter turn, since winter have a bad impact on the supply line.
So end of line, naval and air goes as usual.
Land combat is restricted to one round only, and all land units defend on 3 or less.
No blitzing