@Krieghund where would one finds these?
Question on the Second Edition Rule Book
On page 24 under the second illustration it says “On Italy’s turn, the UK submarine in sea zone 97 can cost italy up to 2 IPCs. If it is still there on Germany’s turn, the sub can also cost Germany up to 2 IPCs of its income from Yugoslavia.”
Why is it limited to 2 IPCs if there is a total of 8IPCs from the Italian countries bordering that sea zone?
It’s a typo in the rulebook.
The FAQ says:@FAQ:
Page 24, Convoy Disruption Example 2: The first sentence should read “On Italy’s turn, the UK
submarine in sea zone 97 can cost Italy up to 6 IPCs.”Download the FAQ from
http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/faqsRemember: In the given example convoy disruption takes place on Italy’s turn. UK then rolls two dice for a sub for a maximum of 2x3=6 IPC.
Germany’s convoy disruption takes place on Germany’s turn. The Italian territories don’t count then. -
Thank you for the help