Hey John Brown!
It has been a while for me since I been on here or have had any time for AA stuff. Noticed your thread and that you have picked up a brush! wow great job on your aircraft! love the different varieties in squadron colors and your overall vision! looking forward too seeing you snow camo Luftwaffe! its a big task too take on isn’t it? but once you get all those squadrons together it will look soo damn cool! ill keep my eye on your thread…when you get back too having the time to paint some more! great job on them so far!
Hey buddy! I was wandering what happened to you.
I decided to join, with you all, in painting my pieces. :-D
Everyone has been inspirational in helping me learn how to do this.
You said your looking forward to my winter camo Luftwaffe?
It should be the last planes I’ve done on this thread.
All I have left is the gray camo scheme, and I’m redoing some of my first two groups I did with the night camo and the green camo with yellow.
I also adding a few more planes, about five to the winter camo, another transport plane in the desert scheme, as well as transport planes for all five camo schemes and last but not least sea planes in the gray camo scheme.
**Just to update everyone, I’ve been dealing with life interfering with my painting and migraines. It has not been a good month for me. Sorry, I haven’t been able to finish painting my air force, but will eventually finish it when I can. I have jury duty next week, so I don’t know what is going to happen next. Will see!
Thanks Jwo1984 for your comments! I hope I will get to paint soon. :-) **
Thanks again!