I haven’t used that map, but I’d recommend scaling your pieces up by about 10-20% to keep things proportional. Test fit as you go to make sure it works.
Making an Axis and Allies coffee table for xmas gift. Need your help with maps!
Hi friends!
I’m making an Axis and Allies coffee table for my best friend for Christmas. He loves the game but complains the board is too small. I want to use a woodburning tool to etch a BIG map on a tabletop and then stain it different colors.
After searching around, this seemed like the best place to ask. I’ve seen a lot of files posted for printing big maps, but they’re all detailed and colored and pretty. I was hoping to find a file with just the outlines, no color so I can print it backwards and transfer it onto the wood surface and then trace it with the woodburning tool.
Does anyone have a file like that? Your help is greatly appreciated as I attempt to make the greatest Christmas gift of all time!
edit: forgot to mention I am looking for the spring 1942 one.
I’m not aware of such a blank outline map existing. Your best option might be to cover the game map with several taped-together sheets of clear acetate (the kind used for purposes like overheard projection) and trace the borders with a felt pen to produce a blank outline. You’d then have various options for transfering this outline to the wood surface. A low-tech method would be to cover the wood surface with sheets of carbon paper (if you can still find any, since it’s gone out of style), place your acetate outline over the carbon paper, then trace over the borders with a hard pencil. Alternately, you could scan or digitally photograph your acetate outline and use that as the printing file you mentioned.