@SuperbattleshipYamato NML emphasizes the Schlieffenn plan. G must smash Paris quickly, basically G5 or it won’t happen. A disciplined G player can mostly ignore every other theater of operation and get superiority if F and UK don’t also put everything into Paris defense.
Most G players don’t go all out for Paris, and so usually don’t attack because they don’t have the odds. Most F and UK players don’t go all out defense in first four rounds, giving G a chance.
So, game usually shifts to Turk breakout in Cairo and sometimes G breaking out against UK in Central Africa. UK and F have very large income from many tiny value colonies.
The quality of the players usually determines whether Entente wins or not. It’s hard for CP to make up the income gap. But good CP players can win taking Paris or even without taking Paris.
Favorite Nation
This was probably already done, but just wanted to see if Im one of the only Russian fans.
Has to be Britain, simply because you have so many more choices. Other Allied countries can often do little more than what is obviously needed just to survive.
Germany always, whatever the period. (Ok, maybe not Roman times.)
Austria has some tough decisions to make in the first Rounds. This will tell the story of the game.
British second
Germans third