With the current OOB rules, you are not allowed to land your aircrafts in a territory that you newly captured.
But your ally is free to land as many aircrafts there as he wish, in his next turn. This is a gamey rule that makes no sense.
I see your point, but I think the “sense” of the rule is that “boots on the ground” is what should take and hold land territories - not planes. The humble infantry soldier needs his rightful place. Planes already can attack land, air, and sea, and have the most range. To make them able to instantly hold land (while defending @ 4) would make them overpowered and land units less of a factor IMO. As it is now you have to bring enough land units to hold the land for a whole turn without planes, which I like.
It is always necessary to have ground units to capture a given territory.
This rule must be kept, for sure.
In fact, Axis players mostly need to keep a whole game round to put Fighter on territory.
Allies, due to their geographical situations and order of play, can put as many planes as they can muster before the conqueror can, on his new turn, put is own Fighters.
(Narvik showed it cleary in the opening post.)
To keep equity, the rule should be turned around and be something like :
No Power can put planes on a just conquered territory until a complete game round is done.
This would become another hindrance which slow things down. And crippled some of the interesting advantage of cooperating between Allies.
I don’t like this.
The OOB rule was maybe put at the beginning to forbid some kind of “a la RISK” maneuver:
Put a very large stacks of units near the frontier, then go forward.
3 or 4 planes going on attack everywhere needed but coming back to the newly conquered territority makes it almost virtually undefeatable defensive forces (if you can supply some tanks to at least replace some losses).
Just imagine a lot of German’s units put in a single territory to reach as fast as it can Moscow.
This would be absurd.
I like the example of CWO Marc.
The airfield on Guadalcanal wasn’t an Airbase but, as fast as they can, US put some planes on it.
Such airfield couldn’t receive and maintain too many planes either. They didn’t have all the facilities and logistical, IMO.
In G40, scrambled from operational Air Base can do a lot more to protect the adjacent SZ with 3 planes, than a single Carrier can do in the SZ.
The defending player can also choose to risk his precious planes or not, according to ennemy’s unit involved.
That’s why, as far as someone likes planes+ ground units against planes+ ground units battle, it wouldn’t be too much unbalancing to allow a single Fg or TcB unit to land on a just conquered ground. No more, no less. In addition, this plane is put at risk and can be lost while defending.
That is not the case for unscrambled planes adjacent to a SZ.
The attacker must wait to get enough units to have the better hand over the enemy’s naval and air units, but when he gets it, the defending planes can not be on rendez-vous.
Scramble is a far more powerful defensive umbrella than a single Fg put in a just conquered and probably contested territory.
So this could makes a more realist Air and Ground combat on both sides.
As it is usually on the opening scene of the Set-Up where it is possible to watch such battles.
Maybe there is some instance where a single Fighter or Tactical Bomber shouldn’t be allowed.
I’m all ears.