My apologies to Der Kuenstler. I rather did jack his thread.
I did some investigating myself yesterday and have been reading up on Mr. Prante’s website. Your initial post here was essentially all his words anyway.
One thing I will say about him so far… if I may. He is a “truther”, a conspiracy theorist, whose associates harbor many of the same views. He is one of those who believes that September 11 was orchestrated by the US government. His views on Germany are just as… shall we say… distorted and founded upon the belief that Germany has been victimized for over 100 years by virtually all the other world powers. He believes that Germany today is still an occupied country and that its current government is illegitimate. (Not exaggerating or putting words in his mouth, this is actually what he believes.) This is the lens through which he interprets history. That is certainly his right, but I am not sure where it is going to get him or who he is trying to convince. As i said above, it was he who is the author of Der Kuenstler’s initial post: http://justice4germans.com/wwii-bombing/ This video/audio interview with Deanna Spingola (another conspiracy woman) is particularly … interesting to say the least. I am not all the way through it yet.
I do agree with him on some minor things, such as German censorship and self-hating based on doings of WWII and the Holocaust. That history was terrible, but Germans today are not the people who did such things and should not have perennial guilt over it. They should recognize it for the evil that it was and never forget it, but not take the blame for it today. German WWII veterans deserve just as much respect as any of those from the Allies. The vast majority were simple soldiers doing their duty for country and not committing war crimes. Germans should always be differentiated from Nazis, because not all Germans were Nazis, not even most, even though it is common to refer to WWII Germans as such.
Beyond that… the guy is a little far out. But that is all I will say here, unless this discussion progresses further.
I will defend my statements about B-29s and the Holocaust because they are relevant. You (Der Kuenstler) made the initial post, which baited a number of underlying, but related issues, including Allied intent and complicity to murder and design theory behind aircraft. I took that bait because I wanted to see exactly what your intentions were and I did find out. However, my points were completely related to your post. We can draw conclusions from other bomber designs that would impact the discussion at hand, which is why I brought up the B-29. Similarly, your rather pointed comments towards the Allies (who I am defending for the sake of argument) about their genocidal murdering of Germans lacked any historical balance and strongly implies a “woe-is-me” tone with a healthy dose of righteous indignation. As if the Germans were the decent “angels” you claim to not represent. The Holocaust, while incredibly obvious and bordering on over-exposure this day in age, is not nonsensical and will always be relevant to the calculus of German involvement in the Second World War. It cannot just be brushed aside or ignored as not pertinent.
Marc’s comments were also relevant. Your post insinuated many things, one of which being that the Germans never had intention to terror bomb while the Allies did. Marc disproved this with some very specific evidence and more than that, showed that regardless of who the tactics were perpetuated by, they have been in practice or in theory for some amount of time prior to 1945 Dresden, Stuttgart, Hamburg and the like. Calling other historical information irrelevant, simply because it does not fit into your very narrowly defined narrative is incredibly shortsighted and, again, smacks of some agenda. Not truth.
In any case, I have enjoyed the discussion and will continue to do so as long as it lasts. You have my respect.
He is one of those who believes that September 11 was orchestrated by the US government.
For an Amish person living among Amish, a trusting attitude might make sense. For a person heavily involved with a violent drug cartel, a little less trust might be in order. The point here being that there is no one right level of trust. It’s circumstance-dependent. Mr. Prante obviously has a lower level of trust in the American government than does the average citizen. That is not in itself evidence of a lack of credibility on his part–merely a difference in perspective. There are times when the U.S. government’s actions are decided by good people. And other times when they have been chosen by fundamentally evil people. Neither a trusting nor distrusting attitude toward the American government will be justified 100% of the time.
German WWII veterans deserve just as much respect as any of those from the Allies.
The Holocaust, while incredibly obvious and bordering on over-exposure this
day in age, is not nonsensical and will always be relevant to the calculus
of German involvement in the Second World War.
Prior to WWII, Hitler worked to export Germany’s Jewish population.
The large numbers of Jews entering Palestine led to the 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine.
The Nazis’ genocide against the Jews began only after Britain closed Palestine to additional large-scale Jewish immigration, and only after Britain and the other Allies used their food blockade to create famine conditions inside Germany. If I deliberately strand a group of people on an island with nothing to eat, and if I leave them there for months, I do not then get to pass judgment on them for engaging in cannibalism. Nor were the Allies in any position to pass judgement about the Holocaust.
your rather pointed comments towards the Allies . . . about their genocidal murdering of Germans lacked any historical balance
During WWII, the Nazis had drawn up plans to forcibly relocate 30 million Poles east after the war had ended. If Germany was still in the midst of famine conditions, the death of some of these Poles along the way would have been considered an acceptable way of reducing pressure on the food supply. But there were no plans to engage in widespread killings of Poles unless the Allied food blockade was still in place.
Compare that to the killings in which the Allies engaged during the postwar period.
Approximately six million German civilians were killed in Western democratic occupation zones as a result of the Morgenthau Plan.
Millions of civilian refugees from the Soviet Union, Baltic States, and Yugoslavia were forcibly returned to Soviet custody. “The Americans returned to Plattling visibly shamefaced. Before their departure from the rendezvous in the forest, many had seen rows of bodies already hanging from the branches of nearby trees.”[11]
The Western democracies handed over large numbers of German POWs to the Soviets, which was not much different than a death sentence.
German POWs in French or American custody often starved to death.
Soviet soldiers who’d surrendered to Germany were forcibly returned to Soviet custody after the war. Stalin regarded these men as traitors, and treated them accordingly.
The Nazis were unsentimental about shedding innocent blood; if deemed necessary for the war effort. They did not adhere to the laws of war. That does not change the fact that Stalin was pure evil, and FDR was the eager associate of evil. Churchill was a more squeamish associate, and sometimes felt bad about the postwar world the Allied victory had created. For example, he seems to have genuinely hoped for a democracy in postwar Poland. He stopped turning Soviet refugees over to Stalin, after it became clear that Stalin was murdering large numbers of refugees delivered to him. Churchill was no angel of light, as the people of Dresden might have noticed. But of the Big Three Allied leaders, he was probably the least evil.