• '17 '16

    Maps are great… I will be printing one soon… aside from the size difference and the double/triple border between territories, I see the “5th” file differs by having the Mobilization box in the South Pacific (bottom right of map), while the other four have the Mobilization box in the South Atlantic.

    1941 OOB map defaults to a Mobilization box in the South Atlantic while 1942SE OOB map defaults with the Mobilization box in the South Pacific… after reading this thread, its clear the first four files were made with it in the South Atlantic, and the 5th map, with it in the South Pacific was made per request to put it back in the OOB position.

    Aside from personal preference I guess… is there any rime or reason one is better than the other?  Or is it really just a personal preference thing.  Even OOB maps have it in both places (1941 vs 1942).

  • '17 '16

    Just as a public service, I am having the 1942 SE Supreme map (1625x863mm, shrunk down a slight bit to 57x30" so it can fit on my intended playing surface) printed at my local Fed-Ex Office print shop on outdoor banner vinyl.  It’s costing me about $90 (US dollars) to have this done (might be a few bucks more than it otherwise would have been because I had it resized).  I know not everyone will get the same prices or print the same size, but that’s just to give a ball park figure in 2016 dollars of what a typical big box print shop will charge for such a project.  Kudos to Dedo for making this available to the A&A community! Here’s my results:


  • Looks awsome !!

    When i played a few more games, i might get myself also a bigger printed map :-)

  • '17 '16

    Wow, this got moved out of the 1942 SE forum?!?!

  • '18 '17 '16

    Aside from personal preference I guess… is there any rime or reason one is better than the other?  Or is it really just a personal preference thing.  Even OOB maps have it in both places (1941 vs 1942).

    In this case it was just a special, personal wish of one of the users to deploy the mob zone at another place on the map. Was no problem to me to shift the mob zone (it is only “one” object to be shifted apart). If you are going to work with a graphical software like Corel Draw/Paint, it is easy to convert the actual pdf file into a vector graphics file, where you can change all these things. The maps were originally developed with Corel.

    Sorry for the late answer, was on travel for some days. Thank you for your kudos! And, of cause have fun playing the map!

  • '17 '16

    Great map… oddly enough, the 1941 has the zone in the South Atlantic and the 1942 map has it in the South Pacific.  I see no clear benefit for it to be in either location over the other, so out of confusion, I just used your map of it in the South Pacific cuz it matched the OOB map of 1942 the closest… no other reason.

  • A professionally printed map is the way to go - we’ll never go back!

  • '18 '17 '16

    I would prefer to put this map thread back into the 1942-2e board. A map thread is more important in the related board, as people looking for maps firstly search in the corresponding board.

    If the person in charge for the map thread movement can’t agree on this (for whatever reasons), I would suggest, the map thread from the 1941 board should be moved to the customization board too to avoid confusions.

  • Sponsor


    I would prefer to put this map thread back into the 1942-2e board. A map thread is more important in the related board, as people looking for maps firstly search in the corresponding board.

    If the person in charge for the map thread movement can’t agree on this (for whatever reasons), I would suggest, the map thread from the 1941 board should be moved to the customization board too to avoid confusions.

    I will try to move this topic for you when I get home this weekend, it’s not letting me do it from my phone for some reason.

  • '18 '17 '16

    No problem, YG, take your time and thank you very much!

  • Hello all

    I’m very interested in getting this map. However, the map is very grainy and hard to read on my computer screen ( all variations ). I’m worried that when I submit this to a printing service, it will return looking the same way. I see pics of the map successfully printed and it looks great. Any tips to ensure I get a quality map?


  • '17 '16


    Hello all

    I’m very interested in getting this map. However, the map is very grainy and hard to read on my computer screen ( all variations ). I’m worried that when I submit this to a printing service, it will return looking the same way. I see pics of the map successfully printed and it looks great. Any tips to ensure I get a quality map?


    Hello and welcome to the forums… I hate to say “maybe its you”… but, well “maybe its you”… I say that with all due respect… as someone who did print this very same map, I had no problems and walked away with a very nice map.

    My best advice, to rule out some issue on your end, try taking the map file to your local print shop and BEFORE plunking down the money to have it printed, have them pull up the file on THEIR system and show you and/or tell you how it would look coming out on their end.

    Maybe your monitor is a tad fuzzy?  Having said all that, like I said earlier… I printed these maps and had great results.

  • Hello and welcome to the forums… I hate to say “maybe its you”… but, well “maybe its you”… I say that with all due respect… as someone who did print this very same map, I had no problems and walked away with a very nice map.

    My best advice, to rule out some issue on your end, try taking the map file to your local print shop and BEFORE plunking down the money to have it printed, have them pull up the file on THEIR system and show you and/or tell you how it would look coming out on their end.

    Maybe your monitor is a tad fuzzy?  Having said all that, like I said earlier… I printed these maps and had great results.

    I’ll give it a shot.

  • I’m in a bit of a jam. I submitted this to FedEx and was supposed to pick it up today. Unfortunately when I arrived I was informed that they could not print it due to copy right issues. Anyone else have this problem? Or better yet a solution? I assume all I need is for it not to say Axis & Allies anywhere. I’m on the phone with them now trying to sweet talk and BS them into printing it…I’m not getting anywhere, however.

  • '18 '17 '16

    I don’t know of any copyright issues. The map itself is an adapted selfmade jpeg, as are the borders and elements of the map (insignia etc.).
    As long as you do not try to sell the map it should be no problem.

  • '17 '16


    I’m in a bit of a jam. I submitted this to FedEx and was supposed to pick it up today. Unfortunately when I arrived I was informed that they could not print it due to copy right issues. Anyone else have this problem? Or better yet a solution? I assume all I need is for it not to say Axis & Allies anywhere. I’m on the phone with them now trying to sweet talk and BS them into printing it…I’m not getting anywhere, however.

    They think its an official Axis and Allies (copyright) map… you need to clarify this is a custom artwork map and not owned by anybody… they’re being stupid about it… I had mine done at FedEx and all you have to do is clarify that it is custom artwork and not a reproduction of Axis and Allies (you can bring in your own board to show them YES, its actually different).

    Another thought, did you submit the map on-line and never actually talked to someone at the Fed-Ex office first?  Maybe (and i’m guessing here) there is some sort of filter or something by going on-line to flag copyrights… I put my file on a Flash Drive and hand carried it to the Fed-Ex office and asked the guy behind the counter to do it mucho-pronto… had it back in like an hour or so (I went across the street for lunch it was done when I was done). Face to face never hurts with projects like this… if for whatever reason Fed Ex refuses service, try a face-to-face approach at a different print shop instead of going on-line. That might produce better results.

  • I got it all figured out and they printed it for me. I appreciate all the help and support. I’m very impressed by the members of this forum.

    Here is a timeline of events…

    Dec. 19th I submit the map to FedEx online. Also make payment.

    Dec. 21st I’m notified there was an issue printing my order to please contact the store location. I do so and I’m informed of the copyright issue. I explain that it is not the actual A&A copyrighted game board its custom created etc. etc. FedEx then explains that I need 1 of the 2 and they will print it… the authors permission, or the A&A copyright holder permission, (Wizards of the Coast) I get home and look on the forums and post about my issue.

    Dec. 22nd I google a support phone number for Wizards of the Coast, call and explain my issue. I’m sent an e-mail in which I can submit my “question” as they called it.

    Shortly after that I send Imperious an e-mail explaining things and request permission. I get a reply in about an hour granting me permission. I forward that e-mail to the store manager at FedEx. He says “it will be ready by noon tomorrow.”

    Dec. 23rd around 2pm I pick up the map!

    It looks great I’m very pleased.

    Should be noted that I also received permission from wizards of the coast around noon on the 23rd. That’s some pretty outstanding customer support in my opinion as I though that was going to take weeks!

    Problem solved. Again, thanks to the forums and a special thanks to Imperious.

  • '17 '16

    Maybe Imperious can post a “permission” letter in this thread or attach it to the download file to avoid possible confusions such as this with overzealous print shops?

  • Id rather answer people individually on that topic.

  • Love the work here!  Used version 5 of the map - printed at staples on the outdoor sign vinyl for about $65.  Thanks for putting so much time in to this.  The improvements are huge in so many ways - size and scale being at the top of the list.  Also I love the larger fonts, and that the printed country symbols are the exact size of the roundels.  A nice touch that you can put the roundel right on top of it.

    Not sure if you are still looking to make any improvements, but if I may make 2 suggestions:

    1. The A, B, and C indicating which sea zone you come out in when you go to one side of the board to the other are a nice touch.  Version 5 o the Map is missing the C in the south Pacific.  Pretty clear where it should be, but would be neat if it were added.  Not sure if it is missing from all the maps or just 5.

    2. Any way to lighten Germany and Russia just a little - particularly the darker parts?  There have been a few times when a lone fighter or maybe artillery blended in and we didn’t see them at first.  Nothing went totally invisible , but from across the map easy to miss.  This was not an issue on other parts of the board.

    Again, thanks for the work!

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