Hello all
I’m very interested in getting this map. However, the map is very grainy and hard to read on my computer screen ( all variations ). I’m worried that when I submit this to a printing service, it will return looking the same way. I see pics of the map successfully printed and it looks great. Any tips to ensure I get a quality map?
Hello and welcome to the forums… I hate to say “maybe its you”… but, well “maybe its you”… I say that with all due respect… as someone who did print this very same map, I had no problems and walked away with a very nice map.
My best advice, to rule out some issue on your end, try taking the map file to your local print shop and BEFORE plunking down the money to have it printed, have them pull up the file on THEIR system and show you and/or tell you how it would look coming out on their end.
Maybe your monitor is a tad fuzzy? Having said all that, like I said earlier… I printed these maps and had great results.