Tokyo express does not need a marine. 1 infantry on Japanese destroyers.
Delta Deck: cards for playing G40 Delta house rules
I will say that most people will think of nighttime when they hear “around-the-clock”, which is why I suggested that one.
This raises an interesting point. Should the cards be designed on the assumption that A&A enthusiasts are a typical cross-section of the general population when it comes to their familiarity with WWII, or on the assumption that they probably know more about the war than the average person?
A little of both, but leaning more toward the general knowledge populus without completely pissing off the historians.
Let’s be glad that the cards aren’t being designed for the 1914 game.� In WWI, the German word for tank was, if I remember correctly, Schutzengrabenvernichtungsautomobil.
So the abbreviation would be something like: SzGrVA
That is do-able. :lol:
A little of both, but leaning more toward the general knowledge populus without completely pissing off the historians.
Haha… not possible I suppose. It is a delicate balance.
I do have a Bachelor of Arts in History, so I guess I qualify as one.
Signing off for the weekend! Don’t discuss too much without me.
So the abbreviation would be something like: SzGrVA
That is do-able.I quite like that abbreviation. Well done.
I once amused myself by developing the crackpot theory that Germany lost WWI because “Schutzengrabenvernichtungsautomobil” was such an unwieldy term, and that its initial success in WWII can be attributed to its adoption of the much more practical two-syllable term “Panzer”, but that it still ultimately lost WWII because all three of its main antagonists – the US, the UK and the USSR – use the even shorter one-syllable word “tank” for such weapons. I still need to work out, however, how Germany managed to beat France in 1940 because the French word for tank, “char”, has only one syllable, something which ought to have given France an advantage if my theory were valid.
I shared CWO Marc’s wish for a better “around the clock bombing” image, so I searched today and eventualy found this one… PERFECT.
I shared CWO Marc’s wish for a better “around the clock bombing” image, so I searched today and eventualy found this one… PERFECT.
Woo-hoo, very nice find! A Lancaster if I’m not mistaken – and one that’s flying in daylight, which is something I’ve not seen often because the RAF’s bombers typically flew at night. Good choice. And unlike my Liberator picture, it’s not in flames, so that makes the advantage a more attractive pick. :-)
I disagree, I think it depicts late dusk based on the purple hue sky, and the fires burning below. I agree that it’s a great find 8-)
Still looking for a better “Commonwealth Aid” image.
Still looking for a better “Commonwealth Aid” image.
Here are two possibilities, with a third to be posted right afterwards.
This one is anachronistic in origin, but not obviously so in terms of its appearance.
these are great options, the first being the front runner, the second feels very American but the art work might win me over, the third has no WW2 vibe to it.
Here’s a suggestion for Kamizaze Honor and one for Modernized Shipyards.
The text of your shipyard card, by the way, says “Subsmarines”.
Also, here’s a link to some nice aircraft paintings: War II Gallery.htm
these are great options, the first being the front runner, the second feels very American but the art work might win me over
If you end up liking both, you could use the second one for War Time Production.
Yep perfect!!!
I hope this is the start of something good. I would begin to create AA50 cards and Milton Bradley ( random event deck)
Two Russian Winter suggestions.
Tankograd and Airborne Assault.
I’m absolutly in love with the other images as is, the only ones I’m looking to improve on are…
Commonwealth Aid
Blitzkreig Tactics
Trans-Siberian Railwayhere are a couple possibilities for commonwealth aid going in the direction of merchant shipping escorts from Canada…
Vive la France.
here are a couple possibilities for commonwealth aid going in the direction of merchant shipping escorts from Canada…
I prefer the first one. The one showing an escort ship ramming a U-boat doesn’t really convey the concept of cheaper industrial production.
here are a couple possibilities for commonwealth aid going in the direction of merchant shipping escorts from Canada…
I prefer the first one. The one showing an escort ship ramming a U-boat doesn’t really convey the concept of cheaper industrial production.
Agreed, it’s just that it’s so dark and gray… I think I’m gonna use one of the pics you found, maybe the tanks.
Yep perfect!!!
I hope this is the start of something good. I would begin to create AA50 cards and Milton Bradley ( random event deck)
Gotta say, I’m having lots of fun with this.