I would have to say that the visuals could be a bit more concentrated on the game itself.
Recommend A&A Type PC Game?
Hi folks.
I’d currently like to buy an A&A type PC game and Gary Grigsby’s World At War: A World Divided is jumping out at me. But is there any options I’m missing? I’m also worried about this game’s compatibility with W8 and widescreen resolutions.
Shopping list includes relatively minimal micro-management, global map, WWII.
Thanks for any input.
there is a game called triple A its free to play and download
Yes - you’ll find the download instructions here:
No explosive graphics, but raw A&A for those that like it.
Battle Forces is similar, but a stripped down version (i.e. same units but no technology development or strategic air raid, just combat). No download required and you can play up to 3 games at once with a basic membership for free.