@redrum Sounds about right. I’ve never played the original though.
Attack by Eagle Games
I am going to be playing my first game of Attack tomorrow. Has anyone else played this. It looks interesting, I will give a full report Monday.
I am clueless. What is this game you speak of?
This is Attack! below the link.
I’m thinking of buying this game, does anyone know if its like risk (I hope not)?Have fun with your game dezrtfish :wink:
I didn’t get the chance to play, bu tI know more about it now. It seems to me to be like taking Axis and allies, starting with a small country, adding a bunch of neutrals and starting with no alliances.
I am looking forward to trying it out.
It has similarities to both risk and A/A. You have specific military pieces (land/air, and naval in the expansion) that you can build each turn and then attack with, but it has a diplomacy aspect too, to take over countries and influence minor nations.
The die rolling system isn’t number based, but is based on icons of the units on each die. If you roll for the fighters and get a fighter icon up on the die, they score a hit.
It is an interesting concept. Haven’t played it much, can’t get the group to move off of A/A, but we’ve thought of taking the map (which when you put the regular and expansions together is about 1/4 bigger than A/A) and using it for A/A, and using the extra pieces as extras. Alas, no transports or bombers. arrrgh… so we just bought more A/A pieces… -
The combat rolling system is designed to favor combined arms attacks.
This is in contrast to the basic numberic based rolling system for A&A. The A&A combat system favors low cost inf because you want to preserve higher value (high dice rolling for battle) units. You can thus preserve combat effectiveness in battle by taking off your cheap low rolling infantry as casualties.
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “1d12” is not correct syntax.
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “1D12” is not correct syntax.
I don’t know why your throwing dice but it would be for one 12 sided dice. ;dice 1d12:
Rolling 1d12: