R1 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France
Airborne Assault Troops
Up to 2 infantry units from a friendly operational airbase may attack an enemy territory up to 3 spaces away provided that the territory is also being attacked by land units coming from an adjacent territory, or sea zone via an amphibious assault. Does this require bombers?
War Time Production
Major factories may now produce a maximum of 12 units, and minor factories may now produce a maximum of 4 units. The maximum damage that can be applied to these factories has not changed.
R2 - Germany
German submarines now attack at 3 or less, and now receive 3 dice each when conducting convoy disruptions.
Each German mechanized infantry can now blitz alone, and transport an artillery unit up to 2 spaces. Also, each artillery unit now supports up to 2 infantry and/or mechanized infantry.
I would have tanks boosting infantry like artillery +1, plus Mech can blitz, but blitzkrieg has nothing to do with “each artillery unit now supports up to 2 infantry and/or mechanized infantry”
Look up what Blitzkrieg is and you will find 3 elements: planes, tanks, infantry. The solution should only involve mobile units.
R3 - United States
War Bonds Campaign
America now rolls 2 dice every round during their collect income phase, and may collect the amount shown in additional IPCs
Uncle Sam Campaign
America now receives 4 free infantry units every round during their place new units phase (2 in Eastern United States, and 2 in Western United States).
This will totally upset the balance. Thats FORTY INFANTRY IN TEN TURNS, who gets this makes the game imbalanced.
Arsenal of Democracy- US can loan up to X to UK and or USSR…
R4 - United Kingdom
All AA fire from both AA artillery units, and built in AA guns now defend at 2 or less. Also, all operational airbases under British control may now scramble up to 4 fighters in defense of an adjacent sea zone.
Commonwealth Aid
All units produced by British minor factories are now $1 cheaper.
How bout the ability to place an extra built unit in UK areas w/o need for factory? This is a free infantry per turn thing again and will imbalance
R5 - Japan
Long Lance Torpedos
Japan may now choose the enemy casualties (including transports, but not air units) from all hits inflicted by their destroyers, in all combat situations.
Tokyo Express
Japanese destroyers may now transport up to 2 infantry units each. Destroyers carrying infantry may still attack during the sea combat step of an amphibious assault before unloading their cargo.
Should be 1 infantry, too strong. Japan will never build transports EVER. THEY ESSENTIALLY NOW GET 2-2 TRANSPORTS
R6 - United States
Boeing Fortresses
When American strategic bombers attack weather in a battle or SBR, they now receive 2 dice each and the attacker may select the best result. Also, American strategic bombers now hit at 2 or less when defending against interceptors, and are now immune to built in AA guns during SBRs.
Essex Class Carriers
All American aircraft carriers now attack at 2, and may now carry up to 3 American and/or allied fighters / tactical bombers.
R7 - Germany
Jet Fighters
Both the attack value and movement of all German fighters has now increased by 1 (including escort and interceptor missions).
During the SBR step of each combat movement phase, a single rocket attack may be launched from each operational airbase under German control at an enemy factory, air base, or naval base up to 4 spaces away. Each rocket attack will cause an automatic 6 damage points on the targeted facility, however, Germany may not launch more than 1 rocket attack per target during the same round.
R8 - Japan
Banzai Attack
If Japan attacks an enemy territory with only infantry, those infantry will attack at 2 or less.
BUT IT MUST BE TO THE DEATH… this is basically giving 1/2 of the total Japanese units +1 in attack. Banzai was a desperate combat and too the death.
Code of Bushido
All Japanese infantry on islands now defend at 3 or less.
R9 - Soviet Union
During their place new units phase, Russia will now receive 3 free tanks on the territory of Samara (if under Russian control).
This is each turn? WTH?
Trans-Siberian Railway
Any number of Russian infantry, artillery, and/or AA artillery units may now move from Russia to Novosibirsk, Timguska, Yenisey, or Yakut S.S.R (if under Russian control) within a single non-combat movement. There may only be one destination per turn, and all such movements must originate from Russia.
R10 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France
Long Range Aircraft
The movement value of all air units has now increased by 1 (“Jet Fighters” can now reach 6, or 7 from an airbase).
Modernized Shipyards
Sea units are now cheaper to build:
Battleship = $17
Aircraft Carrier = $13
Cruiser = $9
Destroyer = $7
Transport = $6
Submarine = $5